Ajax Tabs bug (#4451) patch is good

Ajax Tabs bug (#4451) patch is good

On 1.7.2, I was observing the behavior mentioned in the bug's comment:

Similarly, if the ajax request takes a long time, the user may click on a different tab. This causes the same behavior described for the error case -- the slow-loading tab becomes selected when the user clicks the next tab, the content is not loaded (so you end up with a blank panel), and the tab clicks become off-by-one in the stack of clicks. 

This made the tabs effectively useless for a production app, as it is almost inevitable for the user to click on a tab while another is loading, and this puts the whole tabs control into a bizarre and confusing state.

The patch (  http://dev.jqueryui.com/attachment/ticket/4451/jquery.ui.tabs.js-4451.patch ) appears to work correctly and has solved this problem.  I am hoping this gets rolled into the next release as soon as possible, as ajax tabs are currently pretty broken.