Auto scroll while dragging on jQuery Sortable Vertical - Kan Ban

Auto scroll while dragging on jQuery Sortable Vertical - Kan Ban

I'm trying to fix this 2 days but with no success. I'm creating a kan-ban with jQuery sortable the X scroll is good. But when there is overflow on the Y column cant scroll inside this column while dragging the selected element for drag.

Here is preview Go to Leads from the aside menu and try dragging vertical where the overflow is for this column.

Here is the current config for the sortable.

 $(".status").sortable({ connectWith: ".leads-status", helper:'clone', appendTo: '#kan-ban', placeholder: "ui-state-highlight-leads-kan-ban", revert: 'invalid', scroll : true, scrollSensitivity: 50, scrollSpeed: 70 }).disableSelection();

Any help will be appreacited. Thanks