Chrome Uncaught SyntaxError

Chrome Uncaught SyntaxError

I've been breaking my head on this problem for a while, but I can't
find the cause of this error in Google Chrome. So now I turn to the
jQuery dev list in the hope that someone here has encountered this
problem too (and perhaps knows a solution).
The full error I get from Chrome is: 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected
token native'.
The error was in some jQuery plugin, but it seems to be on the line
with a fixed amount of bytes/words from the start of the file. The
code at the error is valid, and when code is added or removed the
error moves to another line so there appears to be no relation to the
actual code there.
The file is a concatenation of a series of JS files (including jQuery
and UI with a lot of plugins). The file is about 100K gzipped, and 400-
something uncompressed so it's fairly large and I suspect Chrome
doesn't handle this very well...
Things i've tried so far:
- Load the part of code with the error on separate page in Chrome
(there is no error)
- Look for UTF BOM in one of the JS files (none found)
- Look for special characters or possible reserved words (token
native?) in the code (none found)
- Test browsers IE6/7/8/Firefox Win/Firefox Linux/Safari/Opera (no
- Test in Chrome (current) - ERROR
- Test in Chrome (beta) - ERROR
- Syntax checking the file with JSlint is no option since it borks on
the first jQuery line. ;)
Does anyone know what this problem with Chrome might be?
When it is just the filesize there should be at least another person
here with a jQuery + UI + plugins file who encountered this...
When other people can recreate this problem with Chrome we might also
have to file a bug report.

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    • thijs