Datepicker inline not working with beforeShowDay

Datepicker inline not working with beforeShowDay

I have the following code
    maxDate: '+2Y',
    dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'
    beforeShowDay: disableDays
var disDays = ["20/9/2009"];
function disableDays(date) {
    var sDate = date.getDate().toString() + "/" + (date.getMonth()
+1).toString() + "/" + date.getFullYear().toString();
    if ($.inArray(sDate, disDays) != -1) return
[false,"daybooked","Already Booked"];
    else return [true, ""];
My problem is when I have the datepicker working from an input box it
works fine, as soon as I change it to be displayed inline it breaks
and I just get a small green bar where the date picker should be.
If i remove the beforeShowDay from the options it works fine, but
obviously now no days are disabled.
Is this a bug or something I'm doing incorrectly?