

I have struggled with forms inside a modal dialog for weeks now. I've posted questions to many different sites and users and still no one has come forward with a full working example of what I am looking for. So I will try here and just maybe the ui team will read it and give a full working demo. Nothing against the the dialog demos online but they are seriously weak in explaining anything useful. I've seen here and many other sites (stackoverflow) that people are looking for real world example when using modal form dialogs. So here is what I think would be great....
<ol><li>Create a modal dialog that displays a form to the user.
</li><li>Upon submitting the form validate the data.</li><ol><li>If data good, return the user back to the parent page of the dialog and update the fields (like a table).</li>
<li>If data bad, report error to user in the open modal dialog. Allow them to correct the data and resubmit.</li></ol></ol><div>I know, sounds simple and everyone will say hey that is easy to do. Great, then just give the jquery users a real working example that shows how easy it was.</div>