document.ready error in IE 7

document.ready error in IE 7

I am trying to use the Multi Drop Down Menu plugin available at However the problem is occuring even without calling the functions in the plugin. (It occurs when I call the functions in the plugin as well but that doesn't matter)
I am experiencing some very strange behaviour. I have some standard nested unordered lists where the top list is given the id multi-ddm. Now when I run the code below I get 1 alert (which is correct as I only have 1 child li element) saying hello.
  $('#multi-ddm > li').each(function(){

However, if I change this code to
  $('#multi-ddm > li').each(function(){

I get an error in IE saying 'Object does not support this property or method'. Strange but it gets weirder.
If I remove the > li from the statement so it reads:

no error appears and the alert appears once, which is correct.
So is it the $(document).ready that is causing the problem or the '> li'. I cannot work it out and have been at it chopping and changing for ages.
Please help!!
If you would like some source code please let me know.