Drop onto multiple droppable elements at once ?

Drop onto multiple droppable elements at once ?

Is this possible ? I'm writing a weekly appointment calendar and am
trying to figure out the best way to provide dragging of appointments
around the calendar grid with detection of what timeslot(s) it's
dropped onto. I'm using the grid option for the draggable so that it
snaps to timeslots as I drag but I can't seem to be able to detect the
drop itself.
I also tried using a container div that contains all timeslots as a
droppable container (i'd then figure out the actual drop area another
way) but this seems to have a different set of problems that I think
relates back to the fact that this div is scrollable (fixed height
with overflow:auto). It only seems to detect the drop zone in part of
the div - in the top region. I haven't been able to determine exactly
what it might be doing yet so as to create a test case for potentially
logging as a bug.
any ideas or clarification of what the capabilities are around this
would be great.