Dump large array into dropdown list

Dump large array into dropdown list

Hello all,

I'm very new to jQuery and trying to seek a solution for my problem..

I've a large array of nearly 5000 entries and trying to populate those entries into a dropdown list of my webpage. By doing that so, it is taking so much time ( nearly 30 seconds ) and is freezing the page.

Is there any way to load such a big array into dropdown in efficient manner...

  1. var handles = [ ... around 5000 entries .... ];

    function populateHandles(){
    objSub = document.getElementById('listBox');

    for(x=0; x < handles.length; x++){
    listOpt = document.createElement("option") ;
    listOpt.value = handles[x] ;
    listOpt.text = handles[x] ;
    objSub.add(listOpt) ;


 Any help is appreciated.
