(How) can I use window.opener with jQuery?

(How) can I use window.opener with jQuery?

For years I have been using the JavaScript "window.opener.location.reload()" to refresh a parent window when a popup window has made changes to a database. I hoped I could refresh selectively using jQuery. So I created a function in the popup window, in which (some of) the code is:
$.get( 'show-total.php', function ( info ) {
   window.opener.$( '#stop-press' ).html( info );

But it doesn't work, when called. I know that 'show-total.php' is called, because I had an error in it, and the error showed up in error_log. (It's not called anywhere else on the Web site.) But the div with an id of "stop-press" is not updated. It stays as it was before the popup closed and focus returned to the main window.
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?—or if I shouldn't be trying, and should go back to a wholesale refresh?