how can the first level menu overlap the second level menu?
Hello, i have
uploaded a
ppt file and i have described what animation i would like my menu to have.
I have two levels menu.
Each level of my menus consists of two columns.
When the user first loads the site, she always sees the first level menu.
The first level
a.has a list of links which point to the second level menu and
b.consists of two columns always combined together(never separate)
When the user clicks in one of the links the second level menu shall overlap the first level from right to left.
The second level
a.has a list of links which open a content in the other part of the window
b.consists of two columns always combined together(never separate) and
c. has a back button which returns to the previous level(1st level) and shall remember previous state of 1st level menu.
Well i would like to know how i can do that specific animation using the jquery library. I have seen some examples with accordion but in my case accordion is not for me(for the animation i would like to have).
I would be glad if sm could post an example of such an animation or tell me what exactly i must study in order to make that movement(1st level menu overlapped by second level on click and have a back button too)
thanks, in advance!