How to append HTML in an iFrame's Parent !?

How to append HTML in an iFrame's Parent !?

Dear community, dear developers,

my question concerns about how it is possible to append HTML in an textarea of an iframe's parent window.

First of all, i would like to give you an short overview about the related files:

* insert_media.php (a PHP file, which represents a self-made filebrowser)
* article.php (a PHP file, which inherits logic to edit and create articles)
** <textarea id="content"> (the textarea which should accept HTML from "insert_media.php")

I'm using CKEditor for my project and wanted to add a selfmade filebrowser for including media into my articles. Therefore i created a "insert_media.php", which inherits all necessary logic to retrieve media items from a database.

The "insert_media.php" is opened inside "article.php" via TopUp (JS library) in form of a lightbox iframe - for sure "article.php" has jQuery loaded in its header.

Now, when I'm clicking on a media item (inside "insert_media,php"), i want to have the content of my textarea "#content" (inside "article.php") being appended by the necessary HTML code.

I'm able to retrieve the val of #content ("article.php") inside my iFrame ("insert_media.php") via
  1. $("#form_content_content", window.parent.document).val();
but i can't manage to have access to it into the other direction.

I hope you can help me with my problem, I'm very new to jQuery :)

Many thanks in advance,