IE won't remove dropped draggables

IE won't remove dropped draggables

I've set up a sortable list and a space where you can drag items to where they'll be deleted. The relevant code is as follows:

function initUI()
    // Set up people list
        containment: "document",
        tolerance:   "pointer",
        connectWith: "#del_space",
        update:      function(event, ui) { updateList(); }
    // Set up delete space
        accept: "#people > li",
        drop: function(event, ui) { deletePerson(ui.draggable); },
        activeClass: "ui-state-highlight",
        hoverClass: "del_space_hover"

function deletePerson($draggable)

initUI() is called on page load. In Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera, this works just fine. In IE 8 however, the draggable object doesn't get removed when it's dropped onto the deletion space. I tried using remove() on other objects, and it seems to be OK, it's just here where there's a problem.

I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.1

Any ideas? Please tell me if you need more details, and thanks in advance!