if a ui dialog with a form is opened again (no page refresh), the .live() elements do not respond

if a ui dialog with a form is opened again (no page refresh), the .live() elements do not respond

The first time a dialog is opened with a form, a button that changes a dropdown to a text field when "Other" is selected works fine. If the dialog is closed and then opened again, the .live('change',function()) script doesn't work properly. 

The script is activated, when I insert an alert() into the script at the right point (insert alert after line 9 below), the alert appears, but the script does not complete. The elements are there and correct. Very strange.

  1. $('#poOrderMethod').livequery('mouseup',
  2.  function(event){
  3.   showOtherField('poOrderMethod', 'orderMethodView');
  4.  }// end function(event)
  5. );// end live('change',kVendor);

  6. function showOtherField(sourceId, targetSpan, fieldSize) {
  7.  var myValue = $("#" + sourceId).val();
  8.  if(myValue == "other") {
  9.   $('#' + targetSpan).html("<input type='text' name='" + sourceId + "' id='" + sourceId + "'/>");
  10.   $("#" + sourceId).focus();
  11.  }
  12. }
Thanks for any assistance.