In jquery-1.11.0 , what is the purpose of jQuery.cache[elem[jQuery.expando]]?

In jquery-1.11.0 , what is the purpose of jQuery.cache[elem[jQuery.expando]]?

The document mode for my application has been recently upgraded  from IE8 to Edge.

This is a simple change of content attribute for meta tag in _Head.cshtml.

< meta http-equiv ="X-UA-Compatible" content ="IE=edge" />

The application is working as expected for most of the pages, but breaks where many dropdowns are rendered. The dropdown lists the record, however, does not let the user to select a value.

In the console, you can find the error as: SCRIPT28: Out of stack space. This issue can be replicated for IE > 10.

It was solved by updating jquery-1.11.0 at line 3857:

Replace :

e lem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[elem[jQuery.expando]] : elem[jQuery.expando];

with               elem = elem[jQuery.expando];

Need help in understanding the same.