jQuery Countdown update end time and resync with server

jQuery Countdown update end time and resync with server

Hi all,

I use the jQuery Countdown plugin from Keith Wood. I have to update the end time on the fly and it works fine (see code below). However, I would like to resync the counter with the server at the same time ... Does anyone have an idea how to do that ??

Thx for your help !


Here is my code for updating the counter :

  1. var t = $("#Countdown"+data.lot).countdown('getTimes');
  2. t[6] += 30;
  3. $("#Countdown"+data.lot).countdown('option', 'until', t[0] + 'y ' + t[1] + 'o ' + t[2] + 'w ' + t[3] + 'd ' + t[4] + 'h ' + t[5] + 'm ' + t[6] + 's');