jQuery - Create table from JSON data

jQuery - Create table from JSON data

I'm trying to update a table based on the results of a database query returned via JSON. My goal is to show the progress of a queue, removing entries that have completed. Firstly I need to populate a table with the results of the JSON. I have:
  1. <HTML>
    <TITLE>Table Update Test</TITLE>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    setTimeout("updateTable();", 10000);
    function updateTable()
         $.post("test.pl", {}, function(result) {
         setTimeout("updateTable();", 10000);

    <table id='#jobtable'>
    <input type='text' id='txtJSON'>

My JSON date looks like:

  1. {"myData":[ {"REC_NO":"107045","JOB_ID":"1","JOB_TEXT":"Task 1"}, {"REC_NO":"107046","JOB_ID":"1","JOB_TEXT":"Task 2"} ]}
But the table doesn't get populated. Do I need to write some sort of routine to populate the table manually or is there some sort of "built in" way do to it?
