Jquery.noConflict + mootools - load() does not work with specified div

Jquery.noConflict + mootools - load() does not work with specified div

I am working inside Joomla so I need to keep mootools up, I am not sure where the conflict or error is coming from, since it doesn't seem to be calling mootools at all when I do the onClick, but it fails

  1. jQuery("#with").click(function(){jQuery("#descriptionContainer").load("/import.html #hello");});
  2. jQuery("#without").click(function(){jQuery("#descriptionContainer").load("import.html");});
The code on line 1 will clear out the div, line 2 works, but imports the whole file - i just want the div #hello

This works when I do it in isolation, so something on the page must be making it go nuts- any help or ideas would be appreciated.

I am testing here: http://bit.ly/4vALG8

Any suggestions or explanations would be good - I am also open to doing this a more complicated way, but I just can't figure out the code. I feel like I should be able to load the content into some variable and then parse it from there, all suggestions welcome.