[jQuery] Superfish 1.4.2 released - plus new optional 'Supersubs' add-on plugin

[jQuery] Superfish 1.4.2 released - plus new optional 'Supersubs' add-on plugin

Hi everyone,
I've just updated the Superfish plugin to version 1.4.2. There are
substantial changes to the example CSS files - the main example file
in particular. The CSS in that file is greatly simplified which should
make creating new menus based upon it quite a lot easier. I have
brought the docs up to date too.
I've also been egged-on to create a new plugin which can be optionally
added to a Superfish menu. If used, it will dynamically alter the
submenu widths to the size of the largest list item within each one. I
discussed this plugin on the list over the last week under the name of
'autoSubWidths', but I have since completely recoded it after some
great advice from Dan Switzer. The JS file is thoroughly commented but
there is no documentation yet. However, a cheap and nasty test page is
Thanks go to everyone who have used Superfish and motivated me to
continue with their feedback and kind words.
Joel Birch.