Jquery UI Sortable disableSelection Firefox issue with inputs

Jquery UI Sortable disableSelection Firefox issue with inputs

Hello all,

I'm having some major issues using sortable on a table that has inputs in each row. Here is a quick example.

JavaScript excerpt:

  1. $("#sort").sortable().disableSelection();

HTML excerpt:

  1. <table>
  2.       <tbody ="sort">
  3.             <tr>
  4.                   <td><input type="text" /></td>
  5.             </tr>
  6.             <tr>
  7.                   <td><input type="text" /></td>
  8.             </tr>
  9.       </tbody>
  10. </table>

The sorting of the <tr> rows works perfectly fine but the inputs cannot be edited in Firefox because of the use of "disableSelection()". If your remove "disableSelection()", sorting works and the input fields can be edited in Firefox but when sorting in IE, the input fields are selected.

How can I make "disableSelection()" ignore the children elements?

Are there any work arounds for this issue?
