jquery ui tab 1.8.2 multiple slider problem

jquery ui tab 1.8.2 multiple slider problem

i have 2 sliders in 2 tabs. Only the slider which is loaded with the first tab is shown. when i press the second tab slider isn't shown. but code turns display:hidden to block.

There was a solution for that...

...my slider, Google Map, sIFR etc. not work when placed in a hidden (inactive) tab?

Any component that requires some dimensional computation for its initialization won't work in a hidden tab, because the tab panel itself is hidden via display: none so that any elements inside won't report their actual width and height (0 in most browsers).

There's an easy workaround. Use the off-left technique for hiding inactive tab panels. E.g. in your style sheet replace the rule for the class selector ".ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide" with

 .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-hide { position: absolute; left: -10000px; } 

but .ui-tabs-hide class removed with jquery 1.8.2. So i cannot find a solution for this problem.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?