Multiple File Upload Plugin - Getting extra "dummy" file in Files collection

Multiple File Upload Plugin - Getting extra "dummy" file in Files collection

Hi all. I'm using ASPX on an MVC page in VS 2013. I am submitting a form using jquery and the form has the option to allow the user to choose multiple files for upload using the jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin 1.48. On their website, the developer notes that you need to disable / re-enable an empty element if you are submitting the form programmatically and / or using ajax, so I do this, but obviously I'm doing it wrong. Here is the code that submits the form:
    $('#accessRequestSubmit').click(function () {
        if ($('input').hasClass('error')) {
            $('input.error').each(function () {
        $.fn.MultiFile.disableEmpty(); // Disables "dummy" empty file entry prior to programmatic submission
            url: "../AccessRequest/ValidateForm",
            method: "POST",
            data: $('#accessRequestForm').serialize(),
            success: function (data) {
        $.fn.MultiFile.reEnableEmpty(); // Re-enables "dummy" empty file entry after programmatic form submission

Those two calls to $.fn.MultiFile are what is supposed to fix this, but it's not working. When I get the data back from the form, there is always an extra file in the collection with no content:
        public void ProcessAttachments(HttpRequestBase request)
            if (request.Files[0].ContentLength > 0)
                var postedFiles = new List<HttpPostedFileBase>();

                for (int i = 0; i < request.Files.Count; i++)
                    postedFiles.Add(request.Files[i] as HttpPostedFileBase);

                Attachments = AttachmentModel.CreateAttachments(postedFiles);

Here, request.Files.Count is always 1 greater than it should be for the number of files I have selected. The instructions I used to addressing this were found here:
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!