Multiple Javascript files Issue

Multiple Javascript files Issue

Hi, I'm having an issue with my website. I was on looking for some cool effects for my site, and when I tried to put two of them in a page together it would not work properly. I can get only one to work at a time. It seems that they somehow interfere with each other, but I don't know how. Now have a little experience with JavaScript and jquery, but nothing I tried would work. Here is what I have in my page header right now:

  1. <!--Accordion Nav script-->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/accordian.pack.js"></script>

    <!--Slide Show Script-->
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="js/desSlideshow.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
    autoplay: 'enable', //option:enable,disable
    slideshow_width: '600', //slideshow window width
    slideshow_height: '249', //slideshow window height
    thumbnail_width: '120', //thumbnail width
    time_Interval: '4000', //Milliseconds
    directory: 'images/'// flash-on.gif and flashtext-bg.jpg directory

The first one is an accordion navigation panel and it comes with a JavaScript file to link to in the header. Other than that there is no more JavaScript involved with it. Here is the link to it:

Accordion Navigation

The other one is a image slide show that uses jquery. it has the jquery script, a script file of it own, and some JavaScript right in the page header. Here is the link to this one:

Slide Show

Thanks in advance for the help.