QUnit and Automated Testing

QUnit and Automated Testing

Just wondering...
Has anyone setup or have any ideas on an ideal usage of QUnit with automated testing tools?
Currently at my company we are using Hudson as our build server. We would like to: 

1. Automatically startup a browser and run QUnit tests
2. Save the QUnit tests to an easily parsable file format (JUnit xml seems to be the standard)

Once that is done, it should be trivial to report the results in the CI server.

Currently we're doing this by firing up Selenium and then loading the page with all of our QUnit tests. The selenium test just inspects the DOM and ensures that the text "0 failed" is present. We get pass/fail notification in Hudson, but it would be ideal to have all of the actual test results so we can see exactly what tests failed, and do trending etc. Plus using selenium for this kinda ghetto and is overkill in my opinion.

Any thoughts?

Seems like the only option is to write a server-side component that the QUnit page can post back to, and then save a results file in server-side code. Anyone know of any tools that do this? Have any brave souls written their own?

Thanks in advance,