Reducing the size of elements before sorting them using Sortable?

Reducing the size of elements before sorting them using Sortable?

I have some quite large elements on a page that I would like to sort
using the Sortable plugin. It's pretty cumbersome dragging them up and
down since each one takes up most of the height of the browser window.
I've tried hiding most of each element when the drag starts, but this
seems to throw off the sortable co-ordinate system and causes things
to break.
The behaviour I'm trying to achieve is this:
Pre-sort (apologies for ascii-art)
| Handle |
| |
| Rest of large box |
| |
| Handle |
| |
| Rest of large box |
| |
| Handle |
| |
| Rest of large box |
| |
Then the moment the sort drag has started:
| Handle |
| Handle |
| Handle |
With the boxes expanding again once the sort has completed.
Is there a relatively straight forward way of achieving this with
Sortable or am I going to have to roll my own sorting implementation
from scratch using the draggable / droppable primitives? If it's not
possible with Sortable, is there any chance this kind of thing might
be considered as a future feature enhancement?