sending jquery form, but don't know how to retrieve details

sending jquery form, but don't know how to retrieve details


I am using jquery to send a form:
  1. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
        var pages = $('div#paging_menu a');
        var loading = $("div#loading");
        var content = $("#print_full_list");
        //show loading bar
        function showLoading(){
        //hide loading bar
        function hideLoading(){
            loading.fadeTo(1000, 0);

        //Manage click events {   
            //show the loading bar
            //Highlight current page number
            pages.css({'background-color' : ''});
            $(this).css({'background-color' : 'yellow'});

            //Load content
            var pageNum =;   
            var targetUrl = "/login/php_conf/full_order_list.php?page=" + pageNum + "&" + $("#myForm").serialize() + " #print_full_list_php";
            content.load(targetUrl, function(response, status, xhr) {
                switch (xhr.status) {
                    case 200: break;
                    case 404:
                     $('#error').html('<p>404: Looks like the results have not been uploaded to the server yet. Please check back later.</p>');
                     $('#error').html('<p>' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText + '. Please contact the club and let them know.</p>');
        //default - 1st page
        $("#1").css({'background-color' : 'yellow'});
        var targetUrl = "/login/php_conf/full_order_list.php?page=1&" + $("#myForm").serialize() + " #print_full_list_php";
        content.load(targetUrl, function(response, status, xhr) {
            switch (xhr.status) {
                case 200: break;
                case 404:
                 $('#error').html('<p>404: Looks like the results have not been uploaded to the server yet. Please check back later.</p>');
                 $('#error').html('<p>' + xhr.status + ': ' + xhr.statusText + '. Please contact the club and let them know.</p>');


The PHP page "full_order_list.php" is the page where i have my paging. But it is also the same place I want to retrieve the variable "page" and do something there.
Here is my "full_order_list.php" page:
  1. <?php
    include ('header.php');
    include ('header_params.php');
    if(!isLogged()){ echo 'You are not logged in'; } else {
        include ('left_side.php');
        $per_page = 10; //rows per page
        $order_by = "tdate DESC, ttime DESC"; //sorting column - as in the table   
        $page = ($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : $_GET['page'];
        echo 'page-->'.$page;
        $start = ($page-1)*10;   
          <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
          jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
              $("#mainTitle").html("Work List");
              $('#accordion_tbl > UL').attr('style', 'clear:left;float: left;width:740px;');
              $('#accordion_tbl > DIV').attr('style', 'clear:left;float: left;width:740px;');
              $('#paging_menu > A').attr('style', 'padding:5px; text-transform: uppercase;cursor: pointer;color: #c2c2c2;');
              /*$('#paging_menu > A:hover').attr('style', 'color: #6fa5fd; cursor: pointer;');*/         
          <div class="full-col" id="mid-col">
             <div class="box">
                  <h4 class="white rounded_by_jQuery_corners" style="-moz-border-radius-topleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 5px;">Work List</h4>
                  <div class="box-container rounded_by_jQuery_corners" style="-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 5px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 5px;">                                              
                    #loading { width: 100%; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-family:Trebuchet MS; font-size:12px; color:#008000; font-weight:bold }
                        if(isset($_GET['getstatus']) && $_GET['getstatus'] > 0){$getstat = $_GET['getstatus'];} else {$getstat = NULL;}
                        $wherec1 ='';
                        if($_SESSION['custadmin'] == 1){    //is admin           
                            if($getstat != NULL){
                                $wherec1 .= " WHERE status='".$getstat."'";
                            } else {
                                $wherec1 .= " WHERE status!='4Completed'";
                        } else {    //is not admin
                            $wherec1 = "WHERE cust_id=".$_SESSION['custid']."";
                            if($getstat != NULL){
                                $wherec1 .= " AND status='".$getstat."'";
                            } else {
                                $wherec1 .= " AND status!='4Completed'";
                        $selectQ1 = mysql_query("SELECT job_id, cust_id, status, CONCAT_WS('<br/>', prop_name, address) AS prop_details ,  DATE_FORMAT(tdate, '%b. %d, %y') AS newdate, DATE_FORMAT(ttime, '%l:%i %p') AS newtime, DATE_FORMAT(edate, '%b/%d/%y') AS enddate, DATE_FORMAT(etime, '%l:%i %p') AS endtime FROM job_item ".$wherec1."") or trigger_error("Query: $selectQ1 <br />MySQL Error: " .mysql_error());           
                        if(mysql_affected_rows() > 0){    //if not empty, show table
                            $count = mysql_num_rows($selectQ1);
                            $pages = ceil($count/$per_page);
                            $numJobs = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT job_id FROM job_item ".$wherec1.""));                                                     
                              echo '<div id="paging_menu">';
                                //Show page links
                                for($i=1; $i<=$pages; $i++){echo '<a href="#" id="'.$i.'"> '.$i.' </a>';}
                              echo '</div>';
                              echo '                  
                              <div id="loading" style="position: absolute;">LOADING...</div>      
                              <form id="myForm">
                                <input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value="'.$page.'" />
                              <div id="print_full_list" style="clear:both;width:100%;float:left;height:500px;border:1px solid red;">';
                                    $selectQ = mysql_query("SELECT job_id, cust_id, status, CONCAT_WS('<br/>', prop_name, address) AS prop_details ,  DATE_FORMAT(tdate, '%b. %d, %y') AS newdate, DATE_FORMAT(ttime, '%l:%i %p') AS newtime, DATE_FORMAT(edate, '%b/%d/%y') AS enddate, DATE_FORMAT(etime, '%l:%i %p') AS endtime  
                                                            FROM job_item ".$wherec1." ORDER BY ".$order_by." limit ".$start.",".$per_page." ") or trigger_error("Query: $selectQ <br />MySQL Error: " .mysql_error());                                   
                                    echo '<div id="print_full_list_php">';
                                        if(mysql_num_rows($selectQ) > 0){    //if not empty, show table
                                            echo '
                                            <ul id="accordion_head">
                                            <li id="title_id">ID</li>
                                            <li id="title_status">Status</li>';
                                            if(isset($_SESSION['custadmin']) && $_SESSION['custadmin'] == 1){echo '<li id="title_sub">Submitter</li>';}
                                            echo '<li id="title_prop">Property</li>
                                            <li id="title_date">Date</li>
                                            <li id="title_action">Actions</li></ul>
                                            <div id="accordion_tbl">';
                                            while ($selectRow = mysql_fetch_array($selectQ, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {   
                                                  echo '
                                                      <li id="data_id">'.$selectRow['job_id'].'</li>
                                                      <li id="data_status">'.substr($selectRow['status'],1).'</li>';
                                                      if(isset($_SESSION['custadmin']) && $_SESSION['custadmin'] == 1){echo '<li id="data_sub">'.getCustName($selectRow['cust_id']).'</li>';}
                                                      echo '<li id="data_prop">'.$selectRow['prop_details'].'</li>
                                                      <li id="data_date">'.$selectRow['newdate'].'<br/>'.$selectRow['newtime'].'</li>
                                                      <li id="data_action"><a href="#" class="table-edit-link">Edit</a></li>
                                                  <div>my content here</div>';                                      
                                            echo '</div>';
                                        } else {
                                            echo '<br/>You current do not have any orders on file.';
                                    echo '</div>';
                              echo '</div>
                              <div id="error"></div>

                        } else {
                            echo '<br/>You current do not have any orders on file.';
              <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery_paging.js"></script>
              </div><!-- end of -->
              </div> <!-- end of -->
          </div>    <!-- end of mid-col -->
    } //close if(isLogged()){
    include ('footer.php');

$page is empty.
Where am i going wrong?
