$('#tab1 tr:gt(0)>td').filter(':nth-child(6n+1)') arrgghh

$('#tab1 tr:gt(0)>td').filter(':nth-child(6n+1)') arrgghh

Hi guys - this drives me crazy :shock: :lol:

I want to select td 7, 13, 19 and td 10 16 22 of each row of a table, except the 1st row:

$('#tab1 tr:gt(0)>td').filter(':nth-child(6n+1),:nth-child(6n+4)')

The problem I have is, that - beside the desired cols - the 1st td of each tr is selected as well :cry:

This would be working:

$('#tab1 tr:gt(0)').find('td:gt(1):nth-child(6n+1),td:gt(4):nth-child(6n+4)')

But I think its a bit strange that you have to use td:gt(Y) where Y is the Y in :nth-child(Xn+Y).

any better way? also tried with .each, but no success there as well..
