ui tabs broke(completely) after hiding the div they are in with an animation

ui tabs broke(completely) after hiding the div they are in with an animation

the discussion of the problem started at


the plugin author has put up a page on which you can see the problem:


Kevin Dalman:
This *is* a bug in the Effects, but it does NOT affect slideToggle()
or toggle('slow'), which is why your test page did not reproduce it.
However Layout uses the .hide('slide') syntax so that it can easily
specify different effects and add 'direction' options for each pane.
It is THIS syntax that causes the issue, eg:

$("#tabs-wrapper").hide( 'slide' );
$("#tabs-wrapper").show( 'slide' );

i am using (but did not check the sample page):

jQuery 1.4, jQuery UI 1.7.2

i hope you find a solution soon since the 1.4 speed benefit is huge and jquery UI 1.8 wont arrive in time i guess =/

best regards cobexer


btw the text on the top is poorly translated:

Ist was gebrochen und Reparierung brauchen ? Berichten es hier. Bekommen Unterstützung von Experte und Unterstützungs Teams.

in general the german translation is "broken"...

and one needs a masters degree in rocket science to use this text editor oO
not even start to talk about inserting text with middle click =(