When using a dialog box, how do I target it for content swaping?

When using a dialog box, how do I target it for content swaping?

I'm starting with:
  1. function run_modal(catagory, item) {
    // alert(catagory +'*'+ item);

    //modal code for output
    $( "#modal" ).dialog({
    //modal content in here
    title:"this is only a test",//title of modal box
    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    modal: false,



I intend to be able to use the ajax (think success innerhtml) feature to do a page request on the back end  to hot-swap the forms, as it could take forever to load the data.  What do I need to do in order to target the lower part of the dialogue box for hot swapping capability with jquery?

Is this even possible yet with the dialogue box?