Why is this anythingSlider is not displaying correctly on some browsers

Why is this anythingSlider is not displaying correctly on some browsers

Hi, I am new to jQuery but I have managed to get the awesome anythingSlider to work on other sites but I can't work out why this isn't working here:

On FF, Chrome and Safari on Mac some of the images appear with incorrect text:

The slider is set up like so:

  1. <div class="anythingSlider"> 
  2. <div class="wrapper"> 
  3. <ul> 

  4. <li>
  5. image a
  6. text a
  7. </li>

  8. <li>
  9. image b
  10. text b
  11. </li>

  12. etc...

  13. </ul>
  14. </div>
  15. </div>

However, in FF, Chrome and Safari on Mac the image a appears with text b, image b appears with text c, etc.

I have gone through the code and I can't see what's wrong.