ThemeRoller Website Down (502 CloudFlare error)
I am trying to make a custom theme with the ThemeRoller. The preview does not update, and when I go to download after selecting modules, I get a 502 cloudflare error.
Themeroller page not working, downloading give 502 Bad Gateway
The themeroller page isn't working. I used the link given in the CSS I downloaded from a previous download and it doesn't render the elements correctly. Changing the attributes, such as color, font, etc. has no effect on the rendering either. Starting from a new blank themeroller also doesn't work. Clicking on "Download Theme" take you to the page to select the specifics about the theme, but clicking "Download" at the bottom give a 502 Bad Gateway error reported from Cloudflare (Seattle). This has
Custom download does not work? ...
Custom download does not work? ... tells me that it is down
ThemeRoller does not work
for several days ThemeRoller does not work because urls such as https: // ffDefault = Luci .... returns a 502 error. Is this normal?
Download Builder on JqueryUI website returns "Error 502" after clicking on Download button.
Hi! Download Builder on JqueryUI website returns "Error 502" after clicking on Download button.
JQMIGRATE ALERT: jQuery.expr.filters is now jQuery.expr.pseudos
JQMIGRATE ALERT: jQuery.expr.filters is now jQuery.expr.pseudos jquery-ui.js:2223 if ( $.expr && $.expr.filters && $.expr.filters.animated ) {
Scale effect direction not working
Hello! The 'direction' option for the 'scale' effect doesn't seem to work for me, so I tried it on the jQuery UI demo website and got the same results: It just produces the regular scale effect as if no direction were applied. My Chrome is Version 74.0.3729.169 (Official Build) (64-bit). jQuery etc. is the one from the currently live demo website. Can anybody else reproduce this?
download for jquery UI 1.12 minified
To upgrade my web form 2010 .net application that currently uses the oldest version of jquery ui, I would like to obtain the latest code for jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom.min.js. I basically would like to obtain the jquery UI version 1.12.1 custom that obtains the minified version. The best I can find on the internet is the following download url: . This is fine but the download contains more files that I do not need. Do I need the jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js file
Increase Accessibility of Datepicker Widget
Is it possible to add a role and aria-label to the div created on the popup calendar on the datepicker widget? I believe this is the correct division <div id="ui-datepicker-div" .... Something like this will work <div id="ui-datepicker-div" role="complementary" aria-label="JQuery Datepicker" ... When aria or HTML5 landmarks are used on the page, but not all content is included, an accessibility issue occurs. When using HTML5 or WAI-ARIA landmarks it is best practice to include all content
When is the next release of jQuery UI due please?
I'm using 1.12.1 and bug #15078 is due for release in the next version. I can't see anywhere on the blog indicating the next planned release date. Thanks,
jQuery UI via npm doesn't contain built js files
Hi, I tried to switch to npm from Bower for installing jQuery UI, but the npm package doesn't contain the built files. Now that Bower is being deprecated, it would be much appreciated if the npm package could include the built files. Many thanks :)
Sortable distance deprecated NO NO NO NO
This is NOT a brilliant idea. The reason given is user interaction should be instant and / or handles should be used. This is absolutely not true. For instance, you may have items that can be clicked OR sorted... clumsy clicking will move the object a pixel or two instigating sort when the user needed a click. I know of several cases like this where a single click evokes help, a double click evokes and edit or dragging evokes a new position... as in navigation editors, etc.
Adjusting the jQuery UI Month Picker Plugin for jQuery UI 1.12
Hi, I am the Lead developer on the jQuery UI Month Picker project. The jQuery UI Month Picker Plugin is designed to be a version of jQuery UI Date Picker which allows user input for only a month and year when only that input is required. Our goal is to be as visually consistent as possible with the jQuery UI Date Picker. In order to make the plugin look consistent with Date Picker I created a .ui-widget-header that has next/prev buttons with a transparent
Disapointed with new Button icons option
Been really busy and was just tasked with looking into upgrading to the latest jquery ui, however I am very disappointed with the button icons as functionality has been removed. We have developed a few web apps, and many of them have buttons with an icon on the left and a drop down icon on the right. With 1.12 it seems that a button can now only have 1 icon, thus removing functionality. Why not leave the icons option, instead it should consist of objects of icon objects ( {icon:"ui-icon-plus", "icon-position":"top"}
Contribution to jquery-ui slider widget [version 1.12.1 mod]
Hello guys, I would like to contribute to slider widget/control (currently working on it, forked jquery-ui in GitHub). Planning the following changes: - dynamic handle size (fixed axis relative to orientation)(not css-based). - strict option, when handles doesnt move beyong the scale. - internal handle type, when handles positioned inside the slider scale. how do you find these features? are they acceptable? sorry for language, im not native to English. I will create codepen demonstration if it's
dialogClass option deprecated -- please don't!
The Dialog API for "dialogClass" says: dialogClass The specified class name(s) will be added to the dialog, for additional theming. The dialogClass option has been deprecated in favor of the classes option, using the ui-dialog property. (version deprecated: 1.12) I want to be able identify elements of a particular dialog, so I can modify their -- and only their -- styles. I don't see how the "classes" option allows me to do this, while assigning a custom class to a particular dialog works as I
Is there a way to programmatically change the range slider's value without triggering the change event?
I know that there are other posts on this subject that seemed to indicate that this functionality wasn't necessary, but I have a "use-case" which demonstrates the need to be able to programmatically change a slider's value property and control whether or not the change event is triggered. My form has a single value range slider that has two buttons before slider and two buttons after the slider, that control the position of the slider's handle, specifically: A 'jump slider's handle to the left
The explode effect needs some serious performance improvement
It works really slowly, especially when requestAnimationFrame isn't supported, or when on a mobile device, or when you set the pieces parameter to 25 or more. Here's a live demo: jQuery Explode VS pure JS Explode (performance comparison). Try it! Try setting the pieces option to 10 (10x10 = 100 pieces). Depending on the device and browser, either the animation will be very jumpy, or there will be no animation at all. There are two problems with the jQuery effect: 1) As far as I know, most jQuery
sortable - need more examples
page: Sortable need more examples, better examples. Typical, you need move items and send all ids to server. I not found good example. Not full example. Not for methods. Good example i found on Code: HTML <ul id="image-list1" class="sortable-list"> <li id="a">A</li> <li id="b">B</li> <li id="c">C</li> </ul> <ul id="image-list2" class="sortable-list"> <li id="1">1</li> <li id="2">2</li> <li id="3">3</li> </ul> JS:
jQueryUI selectmenu refresh bug
Hi all , Found a bug in the selectmenu button event handler management. It is almost unnoiticeable, but causes unneded memory/cpu consumption , i.e slow downs etc .. Basically , if I initialize a selectmenu , an appropriate button is created automatically with some event handlers attached to it . That is fine , but if I call selectmenu("refresh") multiple times then - I see the number of remove() event handlers attached to the button increases. Each time I call refresh the button
How can I attach two different callbacks to one jQuery UI widget?
With custom jQuery Ui widget, you can attach your own callback functions to it by passing options to the plugin. However, if I want to attach one callback to "generate_img" event and later on another different but not mutually exclusive behaviour to the same widget event "generate_img", the later one will replace, instead of adding to the existing behaviour. Is there a way to solve this problem? Thanks.
Bug in QJueryUI TAB widget
Hi all, I just found out a bug in JQuery TAB widget. The bug occurs when you invoke the page which contains the widget with a different URL. For Example: OK: http://localhost/page_with_tab_widget.html NOK: http://myseleniumuser:password@localhost/page_with_tab_widget.html Both URL are actually the same, the first URL is normally used by human beings, because the browser knows automatically when basic-auth is required, shows a dialog, and then continues with the basic-auth header. But when you want
datePicker changeMonth and changeYear selectors need title text (Accessibility)
A compliance checking tool such as Wave reports an error on the month and year selectors, because they have neither label nor title text. The easiest solution would be to add title text, which should of course accommodate localization.
Re-positioning of dialog after resize event
Hi guys, would be nice if the dialog corrects its position after the browser window was resized. Perhaps you coud provide an option for that.
jQuery Autocomplete Duplicate Remove event listener
While trying to determine what was slowing down my autocomplete text box, I noticed that every time the user types in the target text box the number of event listeners would go up. It looks like autocomplete is adding duplicate "remove" events to the target. This can be reproduced by adding the following line to the default autocomplete example at . response: function (e, ui) { console.log( jQuery._data( $("#tags")[0], "events" ) ); } When looking
checkboxradio widget: checkbox click doesn't work with UI lightness theme
It seems that checkboxradio widget doesn't work correctly for checkbox inputs when using UI lightness theme. Nothing happens when checkbox is clicked. I prepared a fiddle here: The same happens with Le Frog theme for example. I'm using UI lightness without any modification. I also notice some changes in icon placement and button width after upgrade to version 1.12. Here's the comparisson: v1.12.1 v1.11.4
Draggable sets real height and width on container
A similar bug was originally reported in 2014 and appears to have been addressed, but it's still there. Fiddle is self-explanatory (shows height issue only, but there's a width issue as well). A decent workaround is to save the container width/height in the start: handler, and restore it in stop: handler. But that shouldn't be necessary...
JQUERY UI Themeroller
Hi, I have problem to set me own UI style. When i try to set something i always go back to empty style and console give me error about bad gateaway :)
Two ideas: Close on Escape and something between Close and Destroy
Hi All. First of all - thanks for the UI. It helps a lot.... ...and now: some ideas from usage site as application programmer. ...during programming a more complex web site (with some modal dialogs overlayed - version 1.11) insighte the website the handling with close, destroy, close on escape, cancel and relaod seems not quite optimal for me. With some tricks, I have no need for an close on escape event but it would be nice not just switch close on escape on or off. It would help, if it was possible
Datepicker request
i am hoping to open this title to correct place. Is it possible to have functionality like functionality this calendar has. when you click april you see all months in a box. And when you click year you will see years in a box. Same principle is valid in windows calendar too. Thanks.
1.12.0-rc.2 - controlgroup inside dialog boxes
Hi - I'm new here so please forgive me if I've missed something. I'm upgrading our app to cope with the breaking changes in the forthcoming release of jQUI 1.12.0. Currently testing under rc2. I've noticed a possible problem with checkbox controlgroups inside dialog boxes - it seems that the 'checks' are misaligned. You can see a fiddle for it here: If you remove the .dialog section from the bottom of the JS and run again, the ticks show properly. It seems to be just
Sortable: helper position bugged if sortable is in position:relative which is in overflow: scroll
Hi, I found 2 issues with sortable if it is in relative container which is in overflow: scroll. Look at this jsfiddle demo. Scroll down and drag one of the items there. You will see that after you click on the item, the helper jumps to the bottom by value of scroll position. It happens only at first drag. After some code inspection I've found place where it happens and possible solution. _mouseStart method in sortable module calcaulates parent offset at the beginning (calling _getParrentOffset
JQuery UI Select Box BREAKS Inside Absolutely Positioned Divs?
Anyone know why JQuery UI's Select Box Breaks when put inside a div that's had it's positioning changed from the default static value?
Why doesn't jquery ui care about html fed in by ajax?
With more, and more stuff being pushed through $.ajax why doesn't jquery ui offer demonstration solutions for if you're working with $.ajax? I am doing a 2 hour speech ("PJAX driven architecture") that even includes the solutions for the bugs I found and solutions I've discovered for the problems on top of the other stuff (frontend to backend) you should know about when developing for PJAX that I can cover in 2 hours, so if necessary I can do some minor consulting on the improvements to the UI site.
Publishing jQuery-UI version 1.11.2 to npm
We recently moved to npm from bower. Unfortunately version 1.11.2 is not supported in npm as its nor published. jQuery-UI version 1.11.2 was recently approved for eclipse smarthome project by eclipse CQ team(which took almost 3 months). But as npm does not have 1.11.2 the development of some features is halted. I know it a lot to ask but it would be really great if we could get version 1.11.2 published to npm. Approved CQ for jQuery-UI:
I've Developed TreeView Control
I've developed TreeView Control based on JSON model, how can I submit it to jQuery UI project to be tested and get implemented?
Creating a custom native Select Button [GSoC '16]
Hi, I'm Srimukh, a senior undergrad from BITS Pilani Goa Campus, Goa, India. I would like to work on the following project listed under GSoC '16 page: From my understanding of the description of the idea, the task is to create a custom native Select Menu Button. It is similar to what is already implemented in jquery-mobile( The Select Menu widget that jquery-ui
When will the NPM package be updated to 1.11?
The blog post for 1.12 Beta mentions that the npm package is now maintained by the jQuery UI team, which is cool, in this wasn't the case. Unfortunately, the npm still serves 1.10.5 as the latest release. Is there any reason that 1.11 hasn't been published on npm? And if not, when will the latest version be published?
GSoC 2016 - JQuery UI Native select button
Dear Sir, I am Dilini Mampitiya Arachchi - a 3rd year undergraduate at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I went through the ideas list of JQuery Foundation and am interested in the above project to do as my GSoC project 2016. I have hands on experience in JQuery UI, JS, CSS and HTML. Also, I have worked in some open source projects as well [1]. I went through the API documentation of JQuery Selectmenu [2] and started getting familiar with it. I am eager to know the next steps to follow. Will you
Can I talk about my apply to GSOC2016 here?
I am interested in the jquery-ui project, but there is no mailing list on the gsoc idea page. I have asked the same question on irc channel, but no reply. Sorry to bother.
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