Ticket #4869
I looked into both #4869 and #4404 and found both are caused by essentially the same problem. In both tickets, options set after a widget is initialized result in the option being set for that instance, but the necessary UI changes aren't made because they are buried in the _init() methods, and not handled outside of the init routine. For example, in #4869, using the appendText option as shown in the 'setter' example on the demos page would set the option (i.e. after calling the setter, the getter
IE8 & sortable placeholder
If you give a class to the placeholder on IE 8 and you drag something at even a moderate speed it loses track and stops your drag. The more complex your placeholder is the lower the speed is that you can successfully drag before it just decides to stop. so something as simple as: $("#sortlist").sortable({ placeholder: "ui-state-highlight" });Will stop the sort on any sharp mouse moves, FF and IE < 8 don't have this problem. It seems to also be tied to the height of the placeholder. If you give it
UI Button - Drag within checkbox button then release
If you click a checkbox button then drag (like selecting text) and then release within the button, the button changes state to selected however the hidden input is not "checked" nor is the aria-pressed state set to true. This can be recreated with the Button Checkbox Example if you unhide the checkbox via Firebug
clone(true)'d widget's events effect the original object
When you apply any widget from the jQuery UI 1.8 widget factory (button, dialog, etc), and then clone(true) the object which you've widgetized, some of the actions/events that occur on the clone will effect the original. The instance that I discovered the bug with was calling .remove() on the parent of the cloned object, which then reverted the original back to an un-widgetized state. see: http://jsfiddle.net/J7fKG/ for an example of this.
jQuery UI 1.8 -- Tabs not correctly displayed in IE 7
The problem can be easily verified on the themeroller page in the "Tabs" demo section: http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ If the first tab is selected, there is a solid line under the tabs (above the tab content). If another one but the first tab is selected, this line disappears.
Interesting JS (jQuery-UI) problem
Hi all, Now I write one widgets library and I use jQuery-UI for base. But yesterday I get one interesting problem. :). Watch this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /> <title> ===== Interesting JS Bug ==== </title> <script type="text/javascript">
Autocomplete to allow for multiple words
I am new to this forum, so please forgive me if this has already been posted. It would be great if one could specify a delimenator so that a fresh autocomplete list appears when one starts a new word followed by the delimenator, in the same string. This would work great for things like email addresses. How could I go about contributing development to these controls? Thanks for a great library!
Should autocomplete() ignore more keys (CMD, CAPSLOCK)?
I realized that only SHIFT, ALT, CTRL are ignored in the autocompleted input field, others like CMD or CAPSLOCK trigger the search event. As this hits the server when using uncached remote data, I would consider it useful to include more keys. Is there a reason for not ignoring these two (and other) keys?
Patch for Trac bug #3945, DatePicker does not respond to any click events in AIR
Hi, I have recently submitted a patch for bug #3945. As per the Bug Fixing Guide, I’m posting here to get a review & (hopefully) a commit. It is a pretty straightforward; it just removes the inline event handlers, which makes AIR happy again. I think that I’ve successfully tested all the functionality that would be affected by this patch—inline and pop-open, date range limitations, drop-down month and year selectors, the “today” and “close” buttons, and they all continue to work properly. Regards,
HOWTO Submit a patch to jQuery UI using the GitHub web interface
Example: you want to submit a patch to the Datepicker file, jquery.ui.datepicker.js, but you heard svn is out and git is in. Step 1: Sign up for GitHub (jump on it) https://github.com/signup/free Enter Username, Email Address, Password, (ignore the SSH Public Key field) Click "I agree, sign me up!" Step 2: Fork the jQuery UI repository (become a committer of your very own copy of jQuery UI) http://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui Click "Fork" Step 3: Modify your fork through the GitHub web interface (commit
Best Practices For Communication Between Widgets
I have just started developing custom UI widgets and am noodling with the best method for handling interaction between them. Right now I am thinking about using bind & trigger with custom events. Each widget would be set up to "listen" and/or "speak" custom events. I like this approach because the widgets are loosely coupled but I am not sure if this is the best way. I published a quick blog post detailing the above with a code example: http://www.devpatch.com/2010/03/communication-between-jquery-ui-widgets/
.button( 'disable' ) not actually disabling the button.
Hi. I was wondering if this is the correct behavior. im using ff 3.6 and if i inspect the disabled button with firebug, ith has no disabled property, it only has the following. <button id="btnEliminar" type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only ui-button-disabled ui-state-disabled ui-state-focus" role="button" aria-disabled="true"><span class="ui-button-text">Eliminar</span></button> However, Im able to click it and it responds to click event. I can
Github confusion / clarification
I sense that I may be missing something very basic, and I hope someone has some GitHub insight to share. I'm working on a widget that may be similar, in many ways, to jquery.ui.panel.js which Jörn is currently working on for a subsequent release. I can see that Jörn posted an update to panel ( http://is.gd/aTs32 ) but, Lord be my witness, I can't find ui/jquery.ui.panel.js either in the jQuery-ui repository or in Jörn's fork. I can see the file here: ( http://is.gd/aTscN ) but I can't find it when
Bugfix for JQuery UI 1.7.2 sortable helper
Hi, I have spotted a bug in IE6 & IE7 (the bug doesn't shows up on Firefox 3 & IE8) when using sortable with the revert option enabled. When I drag a portlet the sortable helper seems to jump to an odd position. By experimenting a bit, it is apparent that the bug is related to the scroll position of the page. I've fixed the problem by modifying the _mouseStop event of the jquery.ui.sortable.js file (line 304-309) from this : $(this.helper).animate({ left: cur.left - this.offset.parent.left - self.margins.left
Sychronized animations and where eventual implementation should be added
At the moment in jQuery (and UI as well, see explode effect for prime example); there is no possibility to execute multiple animations in parallel and guarantee that they will execute in sync. At http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/6281 I proposed an implementation to effectively enable synchronization; but question arises if this should be in Core or in UI. Thus I need to ask you what you think, and also if my implementation is the right™ way to accomplish this. An example of this issue can be found at
I think it would be wise to change VCS from svn to git for jquery-ui.
getColor reports inaccurate color for transparent elements in Webkit
I realize that getColor (from jquery.effects.core.js) is not an exposed function, but I did notice something odd about the logic which leads to it reporting incorrectly for transparent elements on Webkit. I copied getColor, getRGB and the 'colors' variable out into a simple example file with the latest jQuery and following contents: <div id="red" style="background-color:red;"> <div id="trans"> Some text. </div> </div> And with the following call: alert(getColor($('#trans').get(0),'backgroundColor'));
Dialog explicit height doesn't match given value from set option
While trying to figure out some of the failing unit tests I came across a failed test that needs to be looked at. When setting dialogs height explicitly the actual height is 18 pixels higher then specified. Test case http://jsbin.com/equce/edit Ticket: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/5392
Allow cancelling of all autocomplete events
Hi, I would like to be able to cancel the close event, for weird client-requirement reasons. It seems reasonable to make all the events cancelable. In this case of close, the code change is simple: From: this._trigger( "close", event ); this.menu.element.remove(); this.menu = null; To: if ( false !== self._trigger( "close", event ) ) { this.menu.element.remove(); this.menu = null; }
Why should left and right keys trigger autocomplete search?
Can we ignore the left and right keys or make it an option to have these keys trigger the search action? It seems strange that moving the cursor left or right would trigger it. Add: case keyCode.LEFT: case keyCode.RIGHT: just before case 16: case 17: case 18: // ignore metakeys (shift, ctrl, alt) in the _create function.
Alternating style on Autocomplete
I'd like to propose adding a CSS class to alternating items in the autocomplete menu. Makes it easier to see when you have many items or items with long text. Add the following line to the autocomplete "refresh" function: this.element.children("li.ui-menu-item:odd a").addClass("ui-menu-item-alternate");And the following CSS definitions: .ui-autocomplete li.ui-menu-item { padding: 1px; // needed to prevent the item sizes from changing on hover } .ui-autocomplete a.ui-menu-item-alternate
Autocomplete - loading gif modifies default border style of input box
When used with a remote source a "ajax loading spinner" is set on the background of the input box. When this occurs on a default input box with no styling, the border style of the input box changes when the gif is present via the background rule. To duplicate: http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote-jsonp If you have full control of the app you're adding autocomplete toyou can just set the border of the input box beforehand. However I'm trying to build an autocomplete widget that can be dynamically
TODO comment in autocomplete demo
[1.7.2] Extending UI widgets - Inheritance Approach
Hi I know it is possible to extend jQuery UI widget to include new methods or overwrite methods. Here is an example of re-writing the "_refreshValue" method of the progressbar widget to display the value as text on the widget: (function($) { $.extend($.ui.progressbar.prototype, { _refreshValue: function() { var value = this.value(); this.valueDiv[value == this._valueMax() ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']("ui-corner-right");
UI 1.8 RC3 - bug in position() with Webkit?
I wanted to make a fancier scale plugin, that basically scales an element from the center of a clicked element to the center of the browser window. My code is this: (function($){ $.fn.fancyScale = function(options) { settings = $.extend({}, options); var w = Math.round($(window).width()/2)-$(settings.target).width()/2; var h = Math.round($(window).height()/2)-$(settings.target).height()/2; return this.each(function() {
tabs get stretched when next to floated div
Is the stretch of the tabs when you have a floated div to left of tab div a bug ? I have modified the default.html demo for tabs to illustrate this - see link below:- http://devel.netfm.org/devel_test/jquery-ui-1.8rc3/demos/tabs/default2.html Here is the default demo without the floated div added http://devel.netfm.org/devel_test/jquery-ui-1.8rc3/demos/tabs/default.html Thanks for any feedback, Dave
1.8rc3 and googleMapApi conflict!
Hi - i found bug with new 1.8rc3 - conflict with google maps api. includes: '/js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js', '/js/jquery-ui-1.8rc3.custom.min.js' and 'http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=3&sensor=true&key={mykey}' then i create simple map and put marker... GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() { //blabla }); and here is problem. When i start drag my marker on google maps - it's work, when i try drop it - it doesn't ! when i back to 1.7 of jquery UI everything is fine.
Failing Tests in Trunk and Contributing a Patch
I'm working on patching the slider control so that the range can be made draggable. I assumed I should just check out trunk and work off of that, but a lot of the unit tests are broken. Should I be working off of the latest stable release instead? Also, once I have my patch, what's the preferred way to contribute it? Create a ticket and attach it to that? Thanks!
fix for ticket 5358
Hello all, I found the fix for ticket 5358 (http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/5358), "position demo is borked" It's just that the "<div class="demo"> is not closed in the demo/default.html. And this messes up when you include this file in the demo pages. Hope this helps.
.button( 'disable' ) not actually disabling the button.
Hello, I don't know if this is the expected behavior. Also, I'm re-posting because I can't find my last post. I apologize if it's wrong. Well, in ui 1.8rc3, i call the disable method for a button element but despite it shows the proper styling for a disabled element, it still responds to click event. If I inspect the element with firebug on ff3.6 i get: <button id="btnEliminar" type="button" class="ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only ui-button-disabled ui-state-disabled
1.8rc2 cssPosition in sortable
I had a problem with sortable, in that, when there was a scrollbar and I had scrolled down the page the box that I was trying to drag around would popup to the top of the page, sometime the css property top of the moving box was a minus number. I finally managed to get it fixed, I moved line 145 above 144 in this file http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui/source/browse/tags/1.8rc2/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.js Before the change I was getting this.offset.parent.top as a very hight number(about the same pageY
Sortable behaviour not correct
I have a problem in my code which also is reproducible in the demo code of the sortable, "connect lists" link. I do the following: 1) Drag item 5 of the right column (yellow colored item) vertically down for approx. 1 inch (not so far as to touch the border of the demo) 2) Move it to the left, so that it is aligned with the left column 3) Release Expected behaviour: Item joins the left column. Observed behaviour: Item joins the right column. Any workaround ?
onAfterChangeMonthYear addition to datepicker
Hello, I made a change to datepicker that may be useful to others, so I'm forwarding the idea for inclusion in the widget. The datepicker widget currently supports onChangeMonthYear callback, but... this gets fired before the calendar view is updated. If the calendar is sitting inside some flexible container that needs programatic resizing (eg. a div inside a Coda slider panel) I can't use this callback to refresh the view. What I needed was a callback to fire after the calendar has been changed,
trigger syntax in UI does not appear to work
I am trying to programmatically call the dragstop event of a draggable but it does not appear to work with the syntax I'd expect. When I use a different syntax it does not pass through any event or ui details so I don't seem to be able to access these parameters. I have posted a similar question here - http://forum.jquery.com/topic/calling-draggable-droppables-events-using-triggers - but I felt this is a more fundamental issue and so decided to post it separately. I trust this is okay. Other post
Dialog Destroy Method
Each time i close my dialog i use the destroy method: $(this).dialog("destroy")The problem is that every time i close the dialog and try to initiate it again i get this error, but on the second click it gets open b("<div></div>").addClass("ui-widget-overlay") is undefined
Getting dialog elements stacked in Firebug HTML tab on destroy... why?
Building some custom widgets on top of jQuery UI, now when I try to destroy jQuery UI Dialog on top on which I have my widget, I see in FireBug that corresponding elements get stacked on top of html element. I've attached a screenshot. Is it how it is meant to be? Why? I noticed similar behavior in the past with jQuery effects. Could not find a reason to it though, so I thought it was just my fault, of some kind.
ui 1.8rc3 "ui-helper-hidden" Vs button()
Hi there, To report the non consideration of dom element state regarding the css framework "ui-helper-hidden" class : <html> <a class="button ui-helper-hidden" href="#">Sample hidden button</a> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { // makes my initially hidden element appear $('a.button').button(); }); </script> </body> </html>Should it be reported
Default value for input (加载完成之后,给 input 添加一个默认的选中状态)
(function($) { $.widget("ui.combobox", { _create: function() { var self = this; var select = this.element.hide(); var input = $("<input>") .insertAfter(select) .autocomplete({ source: function(request, response) { var matcher = new RegExp(request.term, "i"); response(select.children("option").map(function() { var text = $(this).text(); if (!request.term || matcher.test(text)) return { id: $(this).val(), label:
Button is missing .ui-state-disabled
Button is missing .ui-state-disabled class when i disable it, and so, if a button is disabled, the apparence is like the "on hover" ones. You can simply fix this by add or remove the class "ui-state-disabled" when catching "disabled" attribute being set. Thanks!
New Bug Ticket, Please Review.
Hi All, I spotted a bug with the CSS Framework -- It's a problem with ui-icon positioning in the hover state. Please check out the ticket: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/5327 It links to a minimal example on JSBin: http://jsbin.com/usawa3/ (My first jQuery bug duly reported! :-) Regards, Carlton
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