Strange slide effect when using relative width
Tested with jquery nighly and ui 1.8r3. When having an div which has width in percent, the slide jump that many steps both on show and hide, for example on 50% it skips half of the object. see for example
Pb with theme switcher widget
Hi! Have you notice that the theme switcher widget don't work even in the demos page ? There is no solution to have a stable version of the theme switcher working even when new versions of jquery (including ui) are released ?
URGENT!! Themeswitcher tool not working!
The Themeswitcher tool is not working in my website. It is not working in the jQuery Themeswitcher API page as well: Please do the necessary as quickly as possible.
jQuery UI 1.8rc1 Bug/Fixing
HTML Code: $(".selector").draggable({stack: { group: ".selector " , min: 10 }}); Bug/Error: group[0].style is undefined Fix (line number 1342, release: jQuery UI 1.8rc1): var min = parseInt(group[0].style.zIndex) || 0; // original line of jquery-ui var min = parseInt($(group[0].group).css("zIndex")) || 0; // my replaced line = min + i; // original line of jquery-ui $(group[i].group).css({"zIndex": min + i }); // my replaced lineI am new to jQuery - still learning many things.
Widget factory: options vs. defaults
Ive wasted hours to recognize that the defaults array is now the options array. There's no explanation, so it should be added soon. Is there a easy way to make a plugin useable for ui 1.7.1 AND 1.8rc1? Can i merge the new options array to defaults if the old version of UI is used? Or is it necessary to maintain 2 versions of my widgets? Thanks, Felix
Localize the datepicker calendar language and format for Tamil (ta)
/* Tamil (UTF-8) initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin. */ /* Written by S A Sureshkumar ( */ jQuery(function($){ $.datepicker.regional['ta'] = { clearText: 'அழி', clearStatus: '', closeText: 'மூடு', closeStatus: '', prevText: 'முன்னையது', prevStatus: '', prevBigText: '<<', prevBigStatus: '', nextText: 'அடுத்தது', nextStatus: '', nextBigText: '>>', nextBigStatus: '', currentText: 'இன்று', currentStatus: '', monthNames: ['தை','மாசி','பங்குனி','சித்திரை','வைகாசி','ஆனி',
Autocomplete & Slider z-index issues
I filed a ticket on this, but thought I'd post here as well for good measure. On the latest push of Themeroller with 1.8rc2 support, the slider widget stacks on top of the autocomplete results in at least FF 3.6. Type the letter "a" to ensure the list is long enough to reach down that far. Changing the z-index of ul.ui-autocomplete to "2" stacks the slider bar behind the autocomplete, but not the slider handles. Changing the z-index to "3" seems to fix this completely. HTH
default array matching behaviour of autocomplete can lead to unexpected results
When providing an array to the autocomplete control the default matcher tries to match on the item's value before trying the item's label. This can lead to unexpected behaviour when the value and label have little in common. For example: $('#some-control').autocomplete({source:[{value:1, label:"one"}, {value:2, label:"two"}]}); The user will try to get to "one" by typing "o...n..." but will never get there as the widget is testing against [1, 2] not ["one", "two"]. Line 155 in in trunk (SVN-3841)
Autocomplete Inside a Dialog 1.8rc2
Im working with the autocomplete inside of a dialog. the autocomplete positioned in the middle\bottom of the dialog. When i get the select menu results, the dialog gets a scroll because of the select menu height (to see the result i need to scroll the dialog), in a result i had to limit my result, and change the height property of the dialog. I think that: The select menu should go over the dialog tough its inside the dialog body div. or Add a scroll to the menu by calculating the extra space
IE 7 and dialog tab/focus handling
I believe there is a bug in how ui dialog keeps focus in the dialog. This version 1.7.2. I have not checked if it is fixed in newer versions. I need the most stable release at this point. It uses keypress to handle the tab key but IE7 doesn't give tab to keypress. I changed it to use keydown as so: // prevent tabbing out of modal dialogs (options.modal && uiDialog.bind('keypress.ui-dialog', function(event) { and a corresponding change in the close method. I made two other minor changes. When
Accordion bugfix - ui.newContent pointing to the right element
I don't know if there's a process for getting commit access (my google code username is or askbjoernhansen). Anyway, I added a patch for the ui.newContent not working right to the ticket about it: - ask
resize demos in IE8
Hi, I've been playing with resize demos in IE8. They work smoothly perfect. But when I copy the example source code and I test it locally, I found there's a strange performance. When I try to resize the box, once I've pressed down the mouse button and start dragging the mouse, so the box gets bigger, the box shrinks a little and then gets bigger smoothly while I drag the mouse. If I try with the default resize and remove the padding from the CSS, it works perfectly. But if I try with the 'snap to
[Datepicker] Region: fo
I find this forum software quite unintuitive to use, so I hope I am in the right place! If not then I am sorry. Using the datepicker demo I noticed it did not have a Faroese (FO) region. I know, Faroese is not exactly a major language, but since I am fluent in it and because I use jQuery almost every day I thought I should contribute what I can, if you will have it. So, here it is: /* Faroese initialisation for the jQuery UI date picker plugin */ /* Written by Sverri Mohr Olsen,
merging json
What function does jquery ui use to override the default options passed to a plugin on init? My plugin has an option that defaults to "false" and if you specify "true" it does something else. And if you specify an object (a json with more jsons nested) you open a whole bunch of possibilities. i want to set defaults for these options i know that ui is doing the same thing for standard "defaults" set, so where can i find that function?
Datepicker gotoCurrent
The datepicker widget has a problem. gotoCurrent = true seems to work only if currentDay is set, which means that we could not use it if the format set is yy-mm for example. So when I choose 1980-03, and then click on the input field again, I'm back at todays date. A solution would be to automatically assume 1 for the currentDay when a day is not set. It would also be very convienient if the datepicker could be used in a simpler manner (chooseDay: false) so that it could be used as a year/month-selector.
Ajax Tabs bug (#4451) patch is good
In regards to : On 1.7.2, I was observing the behavior mentioned in the bug's comment: Similarly, if the ajax request takes a long time, the user may click on a different tab. This causes the same behavior described for the error case -- the slow-loading tab becomes selected when the user clicks the next tab, the content is not loaded (so you end up with a blank panel), and the tab clicks become off-by-one in the stack of clicks. This made the tabs effectively
jquery 1.4.2 selectables ui-1.8rc2 error *too much recursion*
Hello all, I have updated my code from jquery 1.3.2 and ui 1.7.2 to jquery 1.4.2 and ui 1.8rc2. I am using the ui selectables, and when using the newer libraries, I am now getting an error in 1.4.2 saying "too much recursion" on line 1599. The selectable css works correctly upon selecting a new element, but actually checking the radio button does nothing. Everything was working fine with the older libraries. A description of functionality: a user should be able to click on an entire <li> element
Bugs That Need Closing
I've fixed a couple of bugs and tested some others that seem to be fixed already. Can someone close the issues in Trac? Thanks. #4922 #4350 #4855 #4865
Locale information should be separated from plugins
I feel that the current way that jQuery UI plugins handle internationalization is rather messy and not maintainable in the longer term. The current mechanism, afaict, is to fork your plugin code with a version for each locale you want to support, as datepicker does. I recommend instead that locale information be separated from plugins and loaded separately. Since code size is important to web devs, you would only load those locales that your application needs on-demand. I have written a simple jQuery
1.8rc2 autocomplete inside dialog
While rendering autocomplete inside a dialog, the menu gets the wrong position info (left:0,top:0), displaying on the top left corner of the dialog box.
autocomplete 1.8rc2 positioning
We used 1.8rc1, and the positioning was fine. With 1.8rc2, the autocomplete menu isn't always aligned correctly to its associated input field. For example, in a page with 4 input fields, the first one is padded a bit to the right, the second one is padded a bit to the bottom, and the others are aligned correctly. Using Firefox 3.5. In IE7, the menu is aligned correctly in all fields, but its content is always padded to the right. If needed I'll attach screen shots.
Remove Accordion focus/blur()
There is a comment in the source on line 411 that asks the questions: // TODO assert that the blur and focus triggers are really necessary, remove otherwise I for one would say remove that stuff, or move it to the click handler at least. It causes issues with auto-rotating the accordion. If the next topic is below the viewport it will automatically scroll down, which is expected. Also a weird bug in FF that if you are on another tab and the next topic is focused it FF will switch back to that tab.
autocomplete should expose "ui.items" on "open" event
It would be great if the "open" event would pass information about the menu as a parameter.
Jquery UI Ribbon Toolbar request
I need Menus, Toolbars and Ripponbars in all my web projects. But this widgets are not included in the jquery ui lib. Is there any plan to provide more jquery witgets? RibbonToolbar will be fine!!! thx GamBit
Ticketing system problems
I was trying to search or browse through trac to look for a ticket. But I got errors when trying to page past the first page when browsing and when trying to click on bug searches by plugin. This link illustrates the problem. Screenshot attached.
Sortable Plugin: Get the handle in event callbacks
Finally getting around to asking about the issue that was brought in this question on stack overflow. This answer is mine and illustrates my issue. Basically in the sortable event handlers you get the ui object that surfaces some useful items such as placeholder, sender, etc. But in some cases it's also useful to be able to get the handle. My question is would
UI droppable could work much better? It often doesn't work
There is a problem with having the draggables different sizes with droppable. I couldn't get working with droppable. But with 4 lines of code.. I can drag and drop correctly using hover and mouseup. Why doesn't droppable use hover and mouseup on the target? I can't begin to guess what it's doing that makes it mess up so badly with different sized draggables. Seems there might be an issue with
jQuery UI interactions don't work in iframes
I initially thought this was a regression for 1.8 but it seems not. I thought for sure I had depended on this behavior before. Given an iframe with a containing div. var doc = $('iframe').get(0).contentDocument; $('div#dragme', doc).draggable(); The mousemove and mouseup events are bound to the wrong document. Drags won't actually start till the mouse moves outside the iframe, and drags stop only on mouseup outside the iframe. I'm not an expert with jQuery/jQueryUI source, but the following changes
[Autocomplete] Can't clear field after selecting item from list
In 1.8rc2, I can't clear an input after selecting an item from the list. The previously-selected item repopulates the field on blur. This doesn't happen with rc1. To reproduce: - Type in field until the list appears - Arrow down to an item in the list and hit enter - Tab out of the field - Shift-tab back into the field (all text is selected) - Hit delete - Tab out of the field; at this point the value selected before will re-appear
Nested draggables in IE still don't work in 1.8rc2
Bug #4333 ( has been around for a while, and there are several fixes mentioned in the comments. I was hoping that this would make it into 1.8, but seeing as we're already at rc2 now, it seems like this issue is being ignored. Any news on this and whether or not it will actually be fixed in 1.8, as the milestone for the ticket states?
Tabs Issue
I just downloaded 1.8rc2 and noticed that when a tab is clicked it retains focus. This leaves the tab looking somewhat ugly with the box around it. Strangely, this only happens in Firefox (3.5.7) but not in IE (8). I know there's a simple work-around - calling this.blur() within a click event handler but it would be nicer if it was done by jQuery UI. But the show-stopper for me is the fact that the tab widget is still missing a most-needed feature - the ability to scroll to the left or right when
1.8rc2 - Autocomplete missing ui-autocomplete class
Hey, between rc1 and rc2 the ui-autocomplete class was moved from the input element which triggers the suggestions to the menu showing them. While i don't care if the menu has the class .ui-autocomplete-menu or .ui-autocomplete i think there should still be a class given to the input element identifying it as a autocomplete widget. If you think the .ui-autocomplete is unsuitable for the input, you could still add the class .hasAutocomplete (like .hasDatepicker) or something like that. I ran into
Problem with datepicker date
I have timezone related problem. Here is described situation: * My browser is set to use GMT+2 time zone. * when I select a date with datepicker I get one day less than I have selected, this happenes just because datepicker makes adjustments based on the time zone. I guess if user makes date selection, he does expect to have result as he have chosen. On the other side server have to do timezone adjustments if it needs to. So here are some data. * user choses 2010-02-24 date; * var sDate = goalDueDate.datepicker(
1.8rc2: bug #4838 still not fixed, here's a potential patch
Bug #4838 <> ("containment: 'document' is incorrect for top and left in draggable") is still present in jQuery UI 1.8rc2. Three months ago joern.zaefferer marked it as "priority: major" and "milestone: 1.8", so is it still going to be fixed before 1.8? A two-liner patch that fixes the problem for me is: --- jquery.ui.draggable.js.orig 2010-02-18 22:59:18.000000000 +0100 +++ jquery.ui.draggable.js 2010-02-18 23:00:57.000000000 +0100 @@ -333,8 +333,8 @@
Themeroller shouldn't generate images if user chooses flat background
When choosing a flat background css should be like: background-color: #c0c0c0; and not: background: #c0c0c0 url(images/ui-bg_flat_100_c0c0c0_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x;
Several breaking changes in jQuery UI 1.8rc1
I tried out my current project with jQuery UI 1.8 rc1 and found several breaking changes (that worked fine using 1.7.2). Some of these are probably acceptable and are just documentation issues (#1 and #3) as the api docs apparently haven't been updated to 1.8 yet, others seem to be bugs that should be fixed (#2 and #4). I figured I'd list them all to perhaps save someone else the pain of discovering these on his own. As mentioned in the change logs draggable stack option is now a selector instead
jQueryUI 1.8rc2 Button Events
I encountered some problems with the Button widget in jQueryUI 1.8rc2: The change event of checkboxes setup with button() is always triggered twice: once with the old state, and once with the new one. The change event for radiobuttons that are setup with buttonset() is never triggered.
UI 1.8RC1: Datepicker yearRange & changeYear bug
Hey folks. according to this bugreport: i got another small issue with the new jqui version: old code (UI 1.7) $("#datepicker").datepicker({ changeYear: true, yearRange: '-10:0' });This is not longer working. I tested a bit, and got the issue: $("#datepicker").datepicker({ changeYear: true, yearRange: '-10:+0' });i'm not the best at maths, but +0 doesn't make sense for me ;) should be simply 0 :) If
jQueryUI 1.8rc1 themes not working
I’m not sure what’s going on here, but I’m using 1.4.1 jQuery and 1.8rc1 jQueryUI and the base theme works, but when I switch to any other theme everything is broken. I just downloaded the themes from the link in this post: Here’s some links so you can diagnose: Base Theme: Just change the link at the end to insert a theme:
Why is 1.8 a minor release if it breaks 1.7 widgets?
Unless , I'm missing something, the jQuery ui 1.8.x release seems to break the 1.7 widgets built with the widget factory which have specified their default options per the $.extend($.ui.mywidget, { defaults: { ... mechanism --> The widget factory doesn't generate options on the widget instance from the defaults. This seems like a major change which is not properly represented by the minor release number change.. I assume it's coming, but at the moment there's also no documentation of these
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