jQuery - manipulation of option after create - Plugin
Hey jQuery Friend, i've read a lot of books and webpages, but i didn't found anything.. The problem: i'm creating a diagramm in a canvas. After this creating i want to change some options of my plugin with a button, like bg color of the canvas etc. HTML Code: [HTML] <script type="text/javascript"> var daten = new Array(100,33); var legende = new Array('Januar','Februar'); var daten2 = new Array(1,1); $(document).ready(function(){
CLA form is leaking email addresses to spammers
I signed the CLA to be able to contribute to jQuery UI a month or so ago. I used an email address allocated exclusively for it. Today, I started to receive French language junk mail to that address. Your CLA repo seems to be leaking email addresses to spammers.
1.10.3 sortable works very erratically with flexbox content
Please try it out in Chrome or Firefox beta, soon to be in stable: http://jsfiddle.net/fnTVj/ Dragging a layer up or down works about half of the time for me. I have no idea what the problem is. Being able to use flexbox and sortable together for reversed, start-at-the-bottom layout patterns is crucial for UI widgets like a layers panel. (This is not an edge case.)
Why editing is not working in AJAX interaction into a PHP site using jQuery and the jQueryUI framework.
Hello Everybody, Can anyone tell me, why editing is not working with this code ? This is the link : http://jeremydorn.blogspot.com/2011/...i-and-php.html When i incorporate this code. Than it displays ok. But when i want to edit the information it's not working. In addition to this it will be really very helpful if deletion can also be added with this code. Thanking You Megha
Do not always set the focus to the original element after closing the dialog
The documentation of the dialog widget states: "Upon closing a dialog, focus is automatically returned to the element that had focus when the dialog was opened". This makes sense for modal dialogs, but for non-modal dialogs this results in unwanted behavior for users. The "Upon closing a dialog, focus is automatically returned to the element that had focus when the dialog was opened" behavior should only be applied after closing from a modal dialog and not modeless ones. Regards, Hugo.
jQuery UI Tabs 1.10 - Off-Left hiding of charts and maps
Hi all, I tried posting in the Using jQuery UI section but got no response, so 'll try posting here as well. I have used the off-left approach on the ui-tabs-hide class to get all my chart and maps which are placed in hidden tabs to display correctly. This seems to have been a widely used work-around for a particularily annoying problem. Since jQuery UI 1.9 the ui-tabs-hide class has been removed and replaced by the hide() method. Not surprisingly all my charts and maps are now being displayed incorrectly.
autoCollapse option for Accordion
This is also kind of a discussion and I fully expect that there will need to be some corrections to this idea, and also I started trying to tinker with accordion to create this feature but I figured it would be best to get input from those who know UI best as far as what kinds of changes would need to take place. The main idea with autoCollapse is a flag for whether or not already active panels are collapsed upon the activation of a new one. In the old docs for 1.8 it was reported that implementing
Please create the ability to have stationary DIV's that look like Dialog boxes with title bar and minimize button.
Please create the ability to have stationary DIV's that look like Dialog boxes with title bar and minimize button. That way everything will look the same theme wise without a lot of code. I of course am able to simulate the look of my DIV's with the rounded corners and the title bar with a minimize button. But thats a lot of DIV's and CSS and code. Thanks. Instead of "dialog' you could call it 'divbox' or something like that. Thanks.
jQuery UI Tabs Pause on Hover extension
Hi! since jQuery 1.9 version there are a lot of changes, for examle Tabs removed rotate method but linked an extension for rotate. I've made also an extension for pause on hover on UI Tabs Rotate. If you have issues or ideas to improve the small extension, i will be glad to receive it!
Suggest this script for the specific date picker container
Hello, I suggest this script for the specific date picker container. Thanks for all,
PrimeUI 0.9 - jQuery UI Extensions Released
Dear all, PrimeUI is a an open source set of Rich UI Widgets based on jQuery UI. 0.9 release introduces 6 new widgets making 27 widgets in total. Demos are available at; http://www.primefaces.org/prime-ui/ Please read official announcement for detailed information. http://blog.primefaces.org/?p=2628 P.S. I hope this is not the wrong forum, I couldn't find a forum like jQuery Extensions so apologies if it is not the best place to post this.
ThemeRoller and LESS framework
Greetings! Have you any plans to use the LESS framework in ThemeRoller engine? I think it's better to use an explicit variables (for colors, font face etc.) instead of magic and error prone regexp substitution.
jshint errors
I noticed jQuery UI's .jshintrc file, and decided to run JSHint to check for potential bugs: $ jshint . demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 5, col 31, Strings must use doublequote. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 5, col 26, ['ar'] is better written in dot notation. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 6, col 27, Strings must use doublequote. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js: line 7, col 33, Strings must use doublequote. demos\datepicker\jquery.ui.datepicker-ar.js:
[autocomplete] add option to allow HTML in label
I spend the last two days changing all 4 different types of fancy list controls and autocomplete functions we use to jQuery UI's autocomplete! I love that there is 1 out of the box solution for so many different situations! The main thing I've been missing is an option that allows me to format the label used by the widget. I have read that I can override the renderitem method, but this seems like a very very complicated solution to a very simple problem. The render item function currently is:
How to get keydown and keyup events on Kindle Fire HD with jQuery
I can only get the keydown event to fire on a new Kindle Fire HD tablet for the delete and enter keys. I am using the built-in Silk browser. I can see that on Google, the keydown event is being fired. How did they get it to work? If I go to a keyboard testing website like http://unixpapa.com/js/testkey.html in the Silk browser, then it does not fire either. Anybody have a workaround for this? $("#simpleSearch_input").keydown(function(evt) { alert("keydown"); });
Cannot enter a space into an input field.
The situation:There is a Dialog with tabs inside. There is an input field in one of the tabs. That input field has a tooltip attached to it. The problem: When clicking on the input field, the tab itself gains focus. The user is able to type in the input field, but any keys that the tab uses (space, left/right arrows) apply to the tab instead of the input field. This results in the user not being able to enter a space in an input field or navigate the characters in the field using the left/right
Working on accordion: Why does this change break a unit test?
So I was fiddling with accordion (I'm getting ready to suggest a feature, but would like to try and make it myself so it's easier to see the suggestion) and I noticed that in the _eventHandler method and the eventData property has an unused value 'newHeader' that doesn't appear anywhere else in jquery.ui.accordion.js so I tried deleting that line and the accordion still appears to function all the same. I ran a unit test, however and it produces some errors. · accordion: events: beforeActivate (2,
[Tabs] Separate panels from tabs in markup
Due to my limitation to the current markup (unless I restructure the entire web app), I have separated the tabs from the panels: <div id="wrap-header"> <div id="tab-panel"> <ul> <li><a href="#Page-1">Page 1</a></li> <li><a href="#Page-2">Page 2</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> [...] <div id="canvas"> <div class="canvas-tabs" id="Page-1">Page 1 content</div> <div class="canvas-tabs" id="Page-2">Page 2 content</div> </div> Currently $.widget( "ui.tabs" ) is looking for the panel
Datepicker: changeMonth + changeYear + yearRange causes flash
I'm using jquery 1.9.1 and ui 1.10.2, and Chrome on win8. I found this bug, http://bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/5493 it's similar, except it's not a full page redraw, only the select list redraws, and you are unable to pick your selection. You are only able to pick if you pick it before the redraw goes. Here's my code, nothing fancy. <label for="dbayPicker">Birthday</label> <div><input type="text" id="dbayPicker" name="dbayPicker" /></div> $("#dbayPicker").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear:
Extending widgets
I'm trying to combine the Selectable and Draggable widgets to allow elements to be selected and then all of the selected elements to be dragged somewhere. I've created a widget which applies Selectable to a container, and then applies Draggable to the elements of that container. The result is: An individual element can be dragged. Elements can be selected by dragging a lasso around them. So to extend this, I need to add some functionality: Elements should still be selected on mousedown. Dragging
Touch IE10
Hello All I just wanted to share how to add touch support for draggable in ie10 desktop and mobile. Currently draggable will work with a pen or mouse in IE but not touch. To add touch -ms-touch-action needs to be added to the css like below: body{ -ms-touch-action: none; } #draggable { width: 150px; height: 150px; padding: 0.5em; -ms-touch-action: manipulation; } I added a link to the demo below http://helixten.com/jqueryui.html
Themeroller Less-Support
Hello, I would like to have LESS-Support in Themeroller. I think that would be a great idea. Maybe it would also be easiert to build the themes. Might you could use the Bootstrap-Server-Sources. Thomas131
Themeroller website has broken and missing styling options
Heya, The Themeroller website has two new problems: 1) Under "Font Settings" on the left menu, the "Weight" dropdown shows no choices (and the dropdown arrow is truncated). 2) The "Error" category, normally under the "Highlight" category on the left menu, is completely missing. This is true across the latest stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, and IE. It was working properly under jQuery UI 1.10.1. Regards, TakBaseTech
Themeroller 502 Bad Gateway
Help! I need to create a theme using Themeroller but the site is completely not working. If you go to the main Themeroller page you get the following 502 error: "NetworkError: 502 Bad Gateway - http://download.jqueryui.com/themeroller/parsetheme.css?ffDefault=Lucida%20Grande%2CLucida%20Sans%2CArial%2Csans-serif&fwDefault=bold&fsDefault=1.1em&cornerRadius=6px&bgColorHeader=deedf7&bgTextureHeader=highlight_soft&bgImgOpacityHeader=100&borderColorHeader=aed0ea&fcHeader=222222&iconColorHeader=72a7cf&bgColorContent=f2f5f7&bgTextureContent=highlight_hard&bgImgOpacityContent=100&borderColorContent=dddddd&fcContent=362b36&iconColorContent=72a7cf&bgColorDefault=d7ebf9&bgTextureDefault=glass&bgImgOpacityDefault=80&borderColorDefault=aed0ea&fcDefault=2779aa&iconColorDefault=3d80b3&bgColorHover=e4f1fb&bgTextureHover=glass&bgImgOpacityHover=100&borderColorHover=74b2e2&fcHover=0070a3&iconColorHover=2694e8&bgColorActive=3baae3&bgTextureActive=glass&bgImgOpacityActive=50&borderColorActive=2694e8&fcActive=ffffff&iconColorActive=ffffff&bgColorHighlight=ffef8f&bgTextureHighlight=highlight_soft&bgImgOpacityHighlight=25&borderColorHighlight=f9dd34&fcHighlight=363636&iconColorHighlight=2e83ff&bgColorError=cd0a0a&bgTextureError=flat&bgImgOpacityError=15&borderColorError=cd0a0a&fcError=ffffff&iconColorError=ffffff&bgColorOverlay=eeeeee&bgTextureOverlay=diagonals_thick&bgImgOpacityOverlay=90&opacityOverlay=80&bgColorShadow=000000&bgTextureShadow=highlight_hard&bgImgOpacityShadow=70&opacityShadow=30&thicknessShadow=7px&offsetTopShadow=-7px&offsetLeftShadow=-7px&cornerRadiusShadow=8px"None
Autocomplete with Ajax and Autofocus should select even after a blur
I know this is probably by design, but if you have an autocomplete with autofocus set, and the user tabs out or blurs before the list appears and an item is selected, the list never appears and no item is selected. I realize that this may be good from a theoretical programming browser perspective, but from a usability perspective, this is bad. Once a user gets comfortable using a form, the user will want to move faster. He will know and expect that when he types in "Rio" for example in a city field,
Autocomplete bug in handling Korean characters
When Korean characters are copy/pasted into the input box, Autocomplete works. When Korean characters are typed in and the down arrow key is used for selection, Autocomplete does not work, as reported by forum user idevsk, who I have been trying to help via the UI Forum. He says, this action used to work in jQueryUI 1.8.1, but the action does not work in any UI release after that. idevsk built a test script with Korean selections, and I implemented it in jsfiddle.net. I am not set up to type Korean
Where is the headers object as used in accordion declared?
Greetings all, Simply put, I'm trying to roll some new accordion functionality involving things such as a headerless accordion (maybe even extensible to an accordion grid), and a horrizontal accordion. I'm new to developing for jquery ui so I'm modifying the existing accordion for the headerless kind, even though much of the mutually exclusive design and functionality make it a separate widget. Since I won't have headers in a headerless accordion, either removing or renaming the headers object seems
"Old" themeroller URL is broken
The new Themeroller only supports 1.9+ for theming. But there are still many instances where themes compatible with versions older than 1.9 are needed. Up to a few days ago we were able to go to http://old.jqueryui.com/themeroller/ to continue to use it. But now suddenly the link is dead. Help?
ui-dialog with chrome 25
Hi all, First, sorry for my english ... Since chrome 25 ( 25.0.1364.152 m ) , when you put option width : "auto", dialog component takes all browser width. it wasn't the case under chrome 24, FF or IE. chrome bug ? or jquery-ui is using something special for chrome that doesn't work with this update ? is there a workaround ? Thanks in advance for replies !
Multi-column Autocomplete?
I've been working a tabular data option into the 1.8 Autocomplete code, and am curious if this could be something to add officially. I'm sure that I'm not the best JavaScript coder out there, but this seems like a pretty big feature that I would love to contribute. So far, I have extended the options to include "columns" to define an array of your headings and "dataColumns" as an array of expected JSON fields in the result set. I will be wrapping up with this soon, and was just curious if this would
timepicker problem
Hi, I've rolled my own theme, I've made a custom jQuery UI pack (date picker and time picker) and installed it all. I've made also 2 script, 1 for my date picker and 1 for my time picker. I disable all Mondays en Sundays and what specific dates, this part of the code is still working: $(document).ready(function() { var disabledDays = ["3-31-2013", "4-1-2013", "5-1-2013", "5-9-2013", "5-19-2013", "5-20-2013", "7-11-2013", "7-21-2013", "8-15-2013", "9-27-2013", "11-1-2013", "11-2-2013", "11-11-2013",
tabs() not working if there is a base href in the templates header
Dear JQuery team, just found an issue with tabs(). I wondered why my tabs content was shown on top of each other in every tab. Reason was a <base href="http://....."> in the templates header. As soon as I removed it the tabs worked well. Maybe this is an issue to have an eye on it for the future. Greetings Bernhard
dragging a group of items, alsoDrag (like alsoResize)
I hacked together this functionality (meemoo.org/iframework) to drag multiple items together. It would be nicer if this were built-in, and worked like alsoResize. Then you just could do: $(selector).draggable( alsoDrag: "ui-selected" ) to drag a group of selected selectables. Has anybody implemented something like alsoDrag?
Extend datepicker to fill calendar with pre-existing dates and highlight them....
Hi, what I would want to have is a functionality, where I can define certain groups, assigning them a specific colour, then, in a second step, assign certain dates and names into those groups. If the calendar shows such a date, it should be marked by the colour provided for it's group and show the name as a tool tip on mouse hover. If a date appears multiple times, each name should appear in the tool tip in a new line. And maybe there should be a hardcoded background-colour implying "multiple", if
Slider with user-selected enhanced precision
There are times when you're moving a slider across a big range but with lots of small steps and it's difficult, if possible, to select a precise value. Imagine two values are only 1px apart, or even sharing the same pixel position. Here's an idea. We could enable the user to hold down the Ctrl-key (Option-key on a Mac) while dragging a slider handle and the effect of the same movement of the mouse would be slowed down 5-10 times. So you could really dial in between a couple numbers that are really
TimePickers should conform to ISO8601 5.3.2 on midnight representations, accepting 24:00 as a valid value
ISO 8601 5.3.2 distinguishes between combined date-time representations and time-only (aka time-of-day) representations. The uncombined Time-only type is mapped to the 24-hours of an indeterminate day not on the calendar, which runs from 00:00 to 24:00. With time-only values, 24:00 is an accepted value in order to distinguish the start of the day from the end of the day. [A number of databases are IS08601 5.3.2 compliant in regard to time-only types, with separate datatypes for date-time, time,
DatePicker altField isn't an INPUT
Hello, Currently, datePicker() is designed to populate only INPUT form fields (main field and altField). I want to send the date in an ISO format through a form field and display it in a human readable format (but not send it in this format). So I want to use another markup pair as altField. I think I can do it : In the function _updateAlternate: function(inst) {I shoud replace $(altField).each(function() { $(this).val(dateStr); });by $(altField).each(function() { if($(this).prop('nodeName')=='INPUT')
Infinite scrolling!
Hey everyone, since it's on the roadmap in the UI wiki and needed for the grid component, I went ahead and created a infinite scrolling widget, which I believe will become incredibly popular (since no other library has such a widget in line apparently [disclaimer: probably Dojo, they have always stuff I don't know :D]). While the spec isn't written yet, the script's usage is a simple as possible as possible, yet flexible. First, you start with a markup like the following: <div id='myTable'> <table>
Mechanism to avoid selection of other elements while holding slider
Here a fiddle describing the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/T2tYH/ Both <p> paragraph texts can be selected. But when I hold the slider to slide it, the <p> elements do *not* get selected. How is this achieved? I even can move *outside* the browser viewport area and the slider is still is sliding and no elements selected. How is this achieved as well? Currently I am writing a software and want to use the same feature or mechanism.
Close Button Without Title Bar
I've a link on my page. When user clicks on it it opens a light box with a specific video. Now I've to hide the title bar and only have to show close image (means close button without title bar). Can I do so.? For that I'm using this example http://lab.abhinayrathore.com/jquery_youtube/ and using - http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1/themes/redmond/jquery-ui.css I tried many things but I'm not able to show close Button only
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