[jQueryUI] [Tooltip] One more demo - Growl
Here is a proposal for a one more demo for Tooltip: simple growl. With the new jQueryUI Tooltip widget there is no need in a separate growl plugin anymore. http://jsfiddle.net/yarshevich/GrFDQ Please let me know if it sounds reasonable. I can add it to the demo site.
Autocomplete change event when this.previous is undefined
When I tab into an input text field that has data in it and that has an autocomplete handler attached to it, for some reason, the field does not receive focus, and so the autocomplete "this.previous" variable is not set. (This may be the real bug; the field does receive focus when clicked in.) In any event, when I then tab out of that field, autocomplete's blur handler calls its _change() function, which then compares "this.previous" to "this.element.val()." Because "this.previous" is undefined,
jQuery UI Datepicker initial display: none; fixup
Hi Guys! I found a very minor, but very annoying problem about the Datepicker widget. On the first instance's init, when a new div instantiates with a lot of classes, it's initially "visible" and have some padding (so, if there is a site, with a huge "wrapper" class with a background-image in it, and the page has a different body background, it might start to mess with the page design) Once you bring up the calendar, and after click away, on blur this "bug" will disappear by getting a "display: none;"
feedback on a dialog extender logic i'm developing (updated)
I would love some feedback on my code. I recently rewrote some code I had been using since year to that provided me with some functionality that i felt was missing. the code, allows for url support, title bar hiding and maximizing capabilities, im trying to maintain jquery ui's principles. http://jsbin.com/ifoke5/30 (updated) *** edited 3/24/2011 : *fixed demo: page worked when in edit mode but regular mode (fixed)
Add thumb up / thumb down icons to default theme
It would be cool to have a thumb up and a thumb down icon in the default theme. :-)
Possible Bug - 1.9 Spinner Fires on F5 Refresh
I have noticed that my spinner fires if it has focus when the user presses F5/Refresh. This happens even when the user has not made any changes to the spinner value in any way and the cursor is just sat in the field. I have code in the spin stop that updates a shopping cart with an AJAX call, which is firing when the user refreshes the page. It shouldn't, and I was wondering whether I'll have to make a workaround, or whether it is a proble, with the spinner itself. Is it a bug, or is it supposed
Suffix character for Spinner
It would be really useful if there could be a suffix option for the spinner component. I need it to use spinner as percentage. Thanks!
Stop dropable for a Particular div
Hi, I have a set of sortable portlets as shown in the diagram Here in this example the portlets move from places to places, but I need a functionality where the Portlet named Feeds should be immoveable and also when other portlets (other than Feeds) are kept over Feeds portlet then that portlet should be moved back to the original position. In other words to say Portlet shopping can be moved to positions of Links or Images or news... , portlets shopping, news, Images cannot be moved to Feeds Location
sortable: "apply" revert also to rest of list items
Hi, While using sortable() myself I stumbled across this issue: why not also use a smooth animation (like revert) for the whole rest of the list items? Imho it looks kinda bulky when the items that are not dragged are wildly jumping around while the one item then smoothly floats into its new position. Or am I missing something here? Cheers ~Harry
Unbinding events for 1.8 plugins in 1.9
In widget factory 1.8 i used to bind event like this: this.element.on("click." + this.widgetName, $.proxy(this._doStuff, this)); Which got automatically unbound when calling the destroy method. Now in widget factory 1.9 there is a eventNamespace variable which seems to be the widgetName + some number. this._on($element, { click: this._doStuff }); Is essentially the same as: this.element.on("click." + this.eventNamespace, $.proxy(this._doStuff, this)); In the destroy method jQuery UI1.9 event are
jQuery CaretSpinner & TimeSpinner
jQuery UI recently introduced the spinner control. The issue I had with it was that the up/down buttons could only step a specific interval. I wanted to be able to step up depending on the current position of the cursor. For example, the decimal example on their site can only increment by .01. In my improved version, the decimal will increment either by .01 or 1, depending on where the user's cursor is. Same for the time spinner.More information and demo available at http://microalps.com/modules/opensource/
ui dialog extension review
Looking for input on this dialog extension... this is one of my first attempts at extending jQuery UI and I am looking for feedback. Am I doing this right? Am I following best practice? Suggestions for improvement? Thanks in advance! http://jsfiddle.net/zachlankton/4UZc7/
Theme roller code
This question comes up from time to time and the response is always "please wait". It would be nice if the theme roller was open. Many want to replace a lot of the work that theme roller does with SASS and compass but theme roller itself is very opaque. It would be nice if the source code could be released so it could be understood directly rather than reverse engineered. I don't understand the response of "it is changing so we don't want to release it". So? Everything is always changing. jQuery
Prime-UI - Additional jQuery UI Widgets Released
I hope this is the right forum to post this. Prime-UI is an additional set of jQuery UI widgets, currently there are 6 widgets and we'll have more in the future as the project is actually a spin-off from popular PrimeFaces library so we'll port more widgets from PrimeFaces to Prime-UI like various menus, datatable, lightbox, growl, tree, tree table and more. Prime-UI is licensed under Apache License and we aim to contribute to jQuery Ecosystem by complementing jQuery UI widgets and utilities. So
jQuery UI Tabs show OWN effect?
Hi Everyone! jQuery UI 1.9 is amazing! I want to ask about this version of UI. There are updates for Tabs options and events, but im iterested about Show/Hide Option and its Effect suboption. UI Documentation: The panel will be shown using the specified effect. The value can either be the name of a built-in jQuery animateion method, such as "slideDown", or the name of a jQuery UI effect, such as "fold". Is it way to use own effect for show/hide option?
jquery ui should support deferred and promises
e.g. the tabs widget: When activating a tab (which might be a static one, or might be a ajax load), this should give access to a promise so you can use : .done( function () { .. } ) for writing code when activating of tab is done (again, ajax or static) .fail( ) for writing code when activating a tab failed, and .always for writing code to be executed in both cases.
Bug tracker
On the bug tracker page, the link "UI Developer Guidelines" doesn't exist. Considering all of the issues I've been having with documentation and the new jQuery UI API documentation, could we get the documentation added to bug tracker? Or should I be submitting these to the "ui.dev" meta tickets?
Don't hide other projects on website
On jQuery UI new website, there is a link in topbar to see other projects like sizzle and Qunit. But these projects are hidden by default. I think (IMHO), it's not a good idea. Because these projects are not well known by the public and hiding them behind a link don't encourage to discover them. Mathieu jQuery, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile and QUnit chronicler in French
Switching themes in only IE increases font.
For starters, I'm kinda new to using JQuery. But bear with me. I have several themes I've downloaded, as well as a theme switcher (http://bitly.com/RBot89) that I'm using to switch back and forth between themes. My problem is that only in IE, the fonts in the tab element increase, it also affects everything that is inside that tab element. I'm not having this issue in FF or Chrome. I re-downloaded the themes with 1em as the font size, as opposed to 1.1em, thinking this would alleviate the issue,
datepicker positioning
Why doesn't the jQuery UI datepicker use the build-in position utility? I searched the docs and couldn't find any instructions on how to change the position of the popup. There are lots of blog posts and answers on StackOverflow out there showing how to reposition it using the beforeShow callback, but really including the position utility would make it so much easier.
Examples for autocomplete (remote) appear broken
I could be wrong, but it appears the examples for jqueryui autocomplete remote and remote with caching are down. Would someone mind taking a look?
New Menu Widget : Api to close/collapse menu
Hi, I'm currently using the newly release widget and I have hard time to figure it out on how can I achieve my simple goal. I wan't to close the current active submenu after clicking it. <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="home">Home</a></li> <li><a href="entry">Entry</a> <ul class="subnav"> <li><a href="entry/product">Product</a></li> <li><a href="entry/other">Other</a></li> </ul> <li><a href="document">Document</a></li> </ul> var
menubar widget
The current stable version of jQ-UI doesn't include the menubar widget. Is there a dev version available with the menubar widget that is compatible with jQ 1.8.2?
New Widget
Hi, I started to develop a maskedit widget for jQuery. How can I apply this to be included in jQuery package and be tested. Thanks and more power.
datepicker date range returndate
Hello, After selecting the start date end date is automatically opened and closed demo : http://biletreyonu.com/dp/index.html $(function() { // $( "#from" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, numberOfMonths: 2, minDate : 0, onSelect: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#to" ).datepicker( "option", "minDate", selectedDate ); $('#to').datepicker("show"); } }); $( "#to" ).datepicker({ defaultDate: "+1w", changeMonth: true, numberOfMonths: 2, onSelect: function( selectedDate ) { $( "#from"
some problems with UI dialog
Rcently i am developing a small project with jquery, inside i used the existing UI dialog, but i found some problems during the development. 1. the dialog shows normal in firefox but abnormal in ie9, then debug it in ie9, found the global variable window got problem that attribute width and height is zero, i don't know the reason why occur such strange problem. 2. I used the tag iframe to display sub-screen, but inside the iframe the variable document & window is only available inside the iframe,
exposedProps again with only Effects Scale
[right so time, non-disclosure and excessive deep complexities keep me from simply demonstrating this with jsFiddle again, but I'll try to bring awareness since I've gotten a little closer to this problem I think.] with only a complex call to a scale effect completely isolated in a jq UI's custom, the line 322 in jQuery 1.8.2 src = target[ name ]; will result in an _exposedProps_ error in Firefox 15.0.1 stack inspection shows when I call to show scale with this... targ[fn](fx, ao, (tSpeed * 1000));
Accordian Load only First Row
I am dynamically creating an accordian, but I only want the data to be loaded on click to avoid performance issues if the whole list loads at once. I have tried quite a few different processes I found while researching, but none have worked so far. Is this possible and are there any examples? Thanks, Doug
Dialog auto-resize
Hello guys; I pop a dialog which contains two select (dropdownlist) controls. I use the first one to filter the second select. My challenge is, whenever the second select width increases as a result of the data it contains, an horizontal scrollbar appears on the dialog which I don't want because, it disorganizes my form's appearance. What do I need to do to auto-size the dialog's width as the width of the second select increases and shrinks as the case may be? Thanking you guys in advance for the
Improving ability to autocomplete substrings: preserving caret position
Hi, I've been wanting to use the Jquery UI autocomplete plugin to autocomplete substrings in a textarea. To control the carot position while scrolling through autocomplete options, I found I had to modify the autocomplete code to add an option to prevent autocomplete from directly calling self.element.val(...), which resets the caret position. A patch containing my mods (relative to 1.8.20) is below. Basically, I added another event hook to control how autocomplete resets the value of the text
Vertical slideshow
Hi all, Im a jquery newbie. Im using jquery plugins most of the time when needed in the websites that i am developing. I currently have a problem with the one i am working with. It's a slideshow with vertical tab. I looked at some plugins but won't fit the supposed requirement of what I am doing. This is how the template goes. The grayed part is the selected thumbnail and on the other bigger part with white background is where images are loaded once the thumbnail on the left are chosen. Then it should
Dynamic button click not working.
In simple terms, I have a hidden template that contains some text and a button. <div id="itemContainer" class="itemColumn"> <div class="itemDiv" id="items"> <ul /> </div> </div> <ul class="hiddenTemplate"> <li id="TemplateListItem" class="release"> <div class="releaseDetailDev"> <p class="title">Title: </p> <p class="itemTitle"></p> <div class="buttons"> <button type="button" class="editButton">Edit</button> </div>
datepicker not working on edit form
i have got 2 form add and edit form. datepicker working on my add form but not working edit form where is the problem (:. i cant find. this is my add form <?php /* NEW.PHP Allows user to create a new entry in the database */ // creates the new record form // since this form is used multiple times in this file, I have made it a function that is easily reusable function renderForm($adi, $turu, $cinsi, $cinsiyet, $rengi, $dogum, $sadi, $telefon, $adres, $error) { ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC
resizable - problem with alsoResizable and Handles
Hi all, there is a problem with alsoResizable options. If I set all the handles ( n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw ... ) the alsoResizable div does not preserve the correct position. This affects the 1.8 version as the brand new 1.9rc ... regards, Fabio ps: To try, just get the demo file "synchronous-resize.html" and add handles:'n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw' to settings... ------------ Fabio http://www.akweb.it
jQuery("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected") returning object object
<script> jQuery(window).load(function(){ jQuery("#tabs").tabs(); alert(jQuery("#tabs").tabs("option", "selected") + " is selected"); jQuery( ".tabselect" ).bind( "click", function(event) { jQuery("#tabs").tabs("select","#tab-4"); event.preventDefault(); }); }); </script> For some reason the above code is returning an object and not the ID of the
Pop-up window with form lower right corner of monitor
Hello to all, Somebody knows how can I do this: https://qualaroo.com/ I think it should be simple with jquery ... maybe there is a plugin that I do not know ... A widow pops-up in the lower right corner on the screen asking visitors stuff ... Visitors can open and close the window ... BTW, This is my first post in the forum!! Happy to meet you all ... Greetings, Eddie
Code Behind Not Seeing My Dropped Image URL
Hi, I have written some jquery which basically allows the end user to drag a div with an image in and drop it into another div with an image in and the image src is set. My problem is I have a save button and in the code behind I write to a database the image urls. For some reason even though on screen I can see the image in the image control the imageurl is the default load value and not the image url. Here is my code:- function pageLoad(){ $( '#divPreview').draggable({ helper: "clone", cursor:
Good Morning I need your help urgently. I implemented a jQuery autocomplete functionality. However, it only works for Chrome. I could help with this problem. My code is as follows: $(function() { var availableTags = [ "ActionScript", "AppleScript", "Asp", "BASIC", "C", "C++", "Clojure", "COBOL", "ColdFusion", "Erlang", "Fortran", "Groovy",
Stop Repeating my code, better solution for dragging?
Hi, I have 16 divs which contain 16 images, one in each. My code is below and my question is is there a better way to do this. My problem is each div has its own class to format it. Maybe in my css I use an element for each div and one class. $( '#divCleanTool1').draggable({ helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); $( '#divCleanTool2').draggable({ helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); $( '#divCleanTool3').draggable({ helper: "clone", cursor: "move" }); $( '#divCleanTool4').draggable({ helper: "clone",
What should be the proper value for "this" in a UI widget callback?
I have a widget that someone else wrote. They decided to use an option instead of an event. something like { onSuccess: function() { .... } ); As I am using this widget - I see that when I implement the "onSuccess", the value for "this" is the plugin instead of its element. for example : (onSuccess: function(){ console.log(this); });this will print a.widget.a.(anonymous function).(anonymous function) I think the value for "this" should always be the element, and not the widget. Am I wrong?Is
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