Change to ThemeRoller generated index.html
I recently discovered the URL imbedded in jquery-ui.xx-xx.css that can be used to edit the custom theme. Very Nice! However, I stumbled upon it at the very bottom of Getting_Started by accident. I wish I had known about it sooner. I manually added it to index.html for easy access in the future: I think it would be very useful to make this link part of the generated index.html .
Modal Dialog opening in the same place
Currently, if you have a click even top open a modal modal dialog, and then you move that modal dialog, and then fire of the event to open the original modal dialog, it will reopen in the position it was moved to. This was not the behavior I was looking for, so I had to implement an addition function to my click event to reset the position. It would be nice if there was an option to have the position be the same every time you open it, and not the position it was moved to. After a lot of looking
droppable kicks in only after hovering the upper div-side
I have a div which start with width:0 & height: 45px. when a droppable accepted object is 'picked up' (being dragged) a jQuery animation expends the div to width:135px, then the div should accept objects as it was defined as when the page finished loading. strangly enough the droppable is not enabled until the object crosses the top side of the div, after it does though, it works normal. Any ideas? css: #shareArea { background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); position: absolute; top:
Calendar Live Update notification plugin
Hello, i would like to make a plugin that listens for events triggered by the underlying php application and notify me of the changes. Lets take the following example to clarify: Imagine person a manages its events calendar which is contributable by more members than this person a. While he manages his events, the calendar is managed by person b too. Both want to add an event for the same date at the same time. While person a was faster, person b should be notified immediately like for example the
Speedo meter Jquery graph
Hi, I want to prepare the Speedometer Graph plot, please suggest the plugins and share the sample code. Thanks
WebOS alike cards metaphor based interface
Hello, i am looking to implement a WebOS style 'cards' ( ) based interface for managing views in my jQuery bassed app. Does anyone know of a UI plugin or porject which would achieve something like this (possibly trough a carousel or something like the html5rocks slides UI) or will i have to develop my own from scratch? Any help would be greatly appreciated on this, All the best!
this._focusable is not a function
I am getting an "this._focusable is not a function" error on line 47 of jquery.ui.menubar.js this._focusable( this.items ); The HTML is: <ul id="bar1"> <li> <a href="">Other Issues</a> <ul> <li><a href="">First</a></li> <li><a href="">Second</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> // $.getScript("").done(function(script, textStatus) { $.getScript("").done(function(script,
jQuery UI dialog bugging after page reload
Hello, i'm currently working on a small project and i found a issue with the jQuery UI Dialogs after the page gets reloaded. I'm loading the pages dynamical with the $("id").load("url"); function in JQuery. If the user double clicks on a row in a table the dialog will show and will contain the data the rows currently holds. But after the reload of the page the labels inside the dialog are not changing. This occured in IE8 i dont know what will happen in the other browsers not yet tested. Code: $("#mEdit").dialog({
How to make jquery autocomplete to work for a contenteditable DIV instead of just INPUT, TEXTAREA fields.
I have a use-case to make a DIV element act as a TEXTAREA by setting its attribute to contenteditable="true". Can I use the DIV's DOM handle for the autocompleter to behave as a textarea autocompleter. Currently the plugin 'as is' is not working over the DIV handle. What changes should I do for the plugin to work for all the above elements? Thanks in advance!
Remove Sortable Tabs
While creating a sortable tab, i've tried to remove one of the tabs and encounter a problem. The remove method refers to the panel and list array by index. While changing order of tabs the reference is not pointing to the right tab. i think it would be better to remove by idPrefix, same as selecting tabs.
jQuery UI and touch devices
I've been trying to track down information on jQuery UI and touch devices, like iPod Touch & iPad (I have both) and Android devices. This patch: is interesting, but incomplete as it only works for iPhones. Easy fix, but I'd really rather not maintain my own branch. I'm really not that up on jQuery and don't have the time right now to learn it's internals - even enough to maybe make that patch into a plugin or something. I see many comments, including on the patch
Adding an autofill option and anchored filters to the autocomplete plugin
I propose a couple of new features for the autocomplete plugin. First, add the option to do the text filtering based on the first characters in the source instead of the character string contained in the source. Secondly, add an autoFill option so that the first selection will auto-populate into the input box, with the portion of that option not already typed created as a selection. When the user types in the next character, the selected portion will immediately disappear as part of the keyDown event.
Setting width on an accordion using autoHeight:true and active:false results in jumping
Setting width on an accordion using autoHeight:true and active:false results in jumpy animation on the first slideDown Can anyone take a look at this ticket? I've attached a testcase.
Accrodion flicker when you change section if there's scrollbars in sections!
Hello, You can see this problem in the example given here : Go to section 3. Drag the scrollbar down. Now, each time you select another section or come back to section 3, you have a very ugly flicker. If you reset the position of the slidebar on section 3 then the flicher disappears! Is there a way to get rid of this annoying blinking? Thank you edit : I have this problem only with firefox!! I use firefox 3.6.3
Dialog will move its div-tag to body
Hello, If a dialog is opened and destroyed the div used as dialogcontent will be removed from its original position and will be appended to the body. This becomes a problem when using partial page updates, because the div will move out of the scope of the update. If the update creates the div again it will exist twice now, including all the problems like not unique IDs. I have got two ideas to fix this. Alternative 1: Memorize the parent element Add following line to the _create function this.parentElement
UI dialog: open :tabbable selector slow in internet explore when ui-dialog-content is complex
Hello, I've come across what appears to be an issue in the open function of the ui-dialog that mainly affects IE, tested with IE 8 and FF 3.6. If the contents of the ui-dialog-content div is complex, has hundreds or thousands of html elements, such as with a complex <table> structure, the following selector performs very poorly, ... $.widget("ui.dialog", { ... open: function() { ... $(self.element.find(':tabbable').get().concat( uiDialog.find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane :tabbable').get().concat(
Accordion API Redesign
jQuery UI is undergoing an API redesign which will slim down the size of the API in order to provide a more stable codebase that is easier to learn and use. We'll be posting the proposed changes over the next few weeks in order to gather feedback from the community. Our goal is to support the old (current) and new (proposed) APIs simultaneously in 1.9 and then remove support for the old APIs in 2.0. This post lists out the details of the proposed changes for the Accordion widget along with the reasoning
Multilevel sortable problem in IE
Hello, I've got a question about using sortable in a multilevel list. In a CMS I'm using jQuery UI sortable to order my menu items. The system works in all browsers, but in IE it won't work. I've made a standalone version where you can see the problem: When you try to order a sub menu you get the problem, the parent item will follow your mouse. In Firefox I can just drag the sub item, but in Internet Explorer the parent will follow. I've posted my source code on pastebin:
What is needed to build a jquery table from scratch? with the following features
What is needed to build a jquery table from scratch? with the following features column resizing up and down arrow keys right and left arrow keys to page up and down using the page up and down keys row highlighting
WE SEEK: Model Code for In-Browser Flowchart Drawing/Editing ------------------- This request is directed only to respondents who are active users of existing code for drawing and editing in a browser flowcharts like the simple one below (not includable in this submission), with the graphics linked to a database of element attributes and positional data that could scale to many more nodes than could be displayed in any one window. We seek as deliverables: 1. a library of object-oriented code representing
Tabs widget bugs or change in behaviour between UI 1.7.3 and 1.8.x?
Hi everyone I upgraded an intranet project to jQuery UI 1.8.8 a couple of months back, from 1.7.3 I've since further upgraded it with each new UI release and am currently running 1.8.11 There are a couple of niggles I've noticed that have appeared in UI tabs widget between 1.7.3 and 1.8.1 I've asked about these in the Using jQueryUI forum and on IRC but not got any response to I fear these might be bugs. I have a test page setup which will illustrate the changes in behaviour I'm alluding to...
small datepicker problem
I have a datepicker it works like a charm. Bu i have a question. I want to reedirect page when clicking datepicker for example if user clikcked 2011-04-25 i want to redirect page foo.asp?date=2011-04-25 How can i do? I know i can input a hidden text bar with onchange but this is a dirty solution Thanks all
Button planning
Please take a look at these two: The approach so far was to keep each task seperate: push button, toggle button (based on checkbox), toggle-set (based on radio). So far toggleButton is applied to a checkbox, while radioButton is applied to some element, and its child-radio-inputs will then be converted to a button set. Its certainly possible to
Implemented Contextual Autoescaping for JQuery Templates
I put together a playground so you can play around with the implementation. Briefly, it's a preprocessor that can be applied either at runtime in the browser or at compile time to jQuery templates to add calls to encoder functions based on the context in which ${...}s appear. Are jQuery templates in the process of being speced? What's the best way to make this available to users of jQuery templates?
Help on Window Widget
Hi everyone, listen up. in advance, sorry my english is not the best! i'm writing a window for a window manager with jquery, one problem tough, i can launch as many windows as i want, also have a routine to minimize the windows(which can be dragged in the virtual desktop), but when i try to restore the minimized windows, the only keep the left position, the top is the same for all of them. what am i missing? i attached the script. Help please
is this a bug.????
Hi, I have asked below mentioned question but no answers. Also tried to analyse it further. I looks like the behavior when i use AutoComplete in a Dialog Model Form is different. My Observation: a) when i focusout from normal auto complete blur/focusout handler is called. in jquery-1.4.1 and the code reaches line no. 2686. b) Though when i focus out from autocomplete in a dialog box form. the code first reaches line. 1887
Multilevel sortable problem in IE
Hello, I've got a question about using sortable in a multilevel list. In a CMS I'm using jQuery UI sortable to order my menu items. The system works in all browsers, but in IE it won't work. I've made a standalone version where you can see the problem: When you try to order a sub menu you get the problem, the parent item will follow your mouse. In Firefox I can just drag the sub item, but in Internet Explorer the parent will follow. I've posted my source code on pastebin:
DatePicker doesn't work in liferay portlet
hi im using jQuery 1.3.1 and jQuery UI 1.7.2 in my portlet.but i couldn't get a calendar using jQuery doesn't appear on the portlet. this is my code <link type="text/css" href="/WEB-INF/css/themename/jquery- ui-1.7.2.custom.css" rel="Stylesheet" /> Date: <input id="datepicker" type="text"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/WEB-INF/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></ script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/WEB-INF/js/jquery- ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
jQuery UI skeleton theme
This probably is not a new idea but anyways.. I'm a front-end developer and used jQuery UI components multiple times, I think they are easy to implement and usually they do the job just fine. But, there's always but, most of the time our graphic designers want make changes to colors, backgrounds, icons etc. and that gives me usually headache. I have to overwrite UI's othrewise fine CSS in my own css and it feels like a hack (one element, multiple css). So my proposal is jQuery UI skeleton theme css.
Getting started
Hi, I am a Java web developer. I have decent front-end and javascript skills but I have decided that I really enjoy that stuff and want to get better at it. So I thought getting involved in jqueryUI development might be a good way to sharpen my skills. Is there a good way to go about that? Are there any somewhat simple bugs to look at? I thank you in advance.
Ticket #4551 broke jquery.ui.sortable.js downstream
WordPress utilizes jQuery UI in its admin area, including jquery.ui.sortable.js to assist in moving metaboxes around on the screen. When the patch on ticket #4551 was committed, and WordPress updated jQuery UI from 1.7.3 to 1.8.5, it caused a flickering to occur when dragging these metaboxes on screen making it difficult to release the box in the desired position. Relevant WordPress ticket is that documents the issue and points out the code that was removed
resizeable not works
Hello! I'll crate some <div> elements dynamic. That's my function function newCreate(x) { switch(x) { case 'text': var newVal ="<div class=\"ui-widget-content draggable ui-draggable ui-resizable\" style=\" width:200px; height:50px\" id='"+Objects+"' ><label class=\"Normal\" >Dieser Text Ist Statisch ID:"+Objects+"</label></div>"; break; case 'image':
jquery dropdown menu not working ie6
jquery menu not working in my form drop down..for that ie6 .. This my menu.css file .. /** ********************************************* * Prototype of styles for horizontal CSS-menu * @data 25.01.2010 ********************************************* * (X)HTML-scheme: * <div id="menu"> * <ul class="menu"> * <li><a href="#" class="parent"><span>level 1</span></a> * <div><ul> * <li><a href="#" class="parent"><span>level 2</span></a> *
Themeswitcher is not working when accessed from primefaces
Hello, I have started using the PrimeFaces components and some of them are using the jQuery CDN. One of these is the Themeswitcher component. When I tried to use it it appears with the thumbnails broken. I have checked the Primefaces demo site and the same problem appears there too. I have posted the relevant post in the Primefaces forum (found here: ), but since the problem seems to be somewhere between the Primefaces
Multiple Dropdown <Select> & XML instance
Hi All, I'm currently trying to Pull data over from an XML feed, and display it Via ajax, Which is working and is fine, Apart from now, I'm trying to display the pulled data into dropdown boxes, which is fine, But I'm trying to make the second dropdown box only activate and display the relevant information when the top level Dropdown box has been selected, For example The XML Feed is as followed, <Course id="123"> <Name>Course1</Name> <instance> <location>London</location> <date>11/11/2011</date>
Allowing icons on Dialog buttons
Hi. I read a request on the track on having icons on dialog's buttons. You'll find in the last comment a way to achieve this. Best regards. Damien.
How far should tabs _sanitizeSelector go?
Currently the tabs _sanitizeSelector only escapes the colon. #4681 brings up the point that the period is also a valid character for and id attribute. With html5 just about anything other than a space character is a valid. Should we be extra protective and try to escape anything that would cause a problem? Something like: hash.replace(
How to create a background slideshow and fixed
I'm trying to create a background slideshow and these's backgrounds which have to fixed(background-attachment:fixed), but it's so difficult please help me.
Hello! Why has suddenly ceased to work http: // I integrated it into the project, and now I do not know how to solve this problem. Help, please. Thanks.
[Autocomplete] Add an option : match
Hi :) It would be great to be able to enclose matched result in autocompletion with tags we wants. Something like that : $("input").autocomplete({ source: "url.php", minLength: 2, delay: 750, appendTo: "#tag", match: function (matched) { return "<strong>" . matched . "</strong>" } }); Thanks :)
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