development on github
hi all, i have made a small contribution to jquery ui on github but it is being ignored. i get the feeling ive done something wrong and perhaps the github guys cant see my pull request. here it is. if you have anything to tell me, please do.
Widget Factory question re binding Instance in .data()
I'm asking this question here because this functionality is standard to all UI widgets, and is handled by the widget factory... I have a jQuery plugin - which I will convert to a UI widget in the next version - but in the current, non-widget version I want to bind an Instance object/pointer to the widget-element(s) using .data(). In other words, I want to replicate what all UI widgets do, for example: var Instance = $("#myDraggableElem").data("draggable"); Internally, my plug-in maintains static object
Bug with Accordion and Tabs on same page in container divx
I have discovered an apparent bug when using both Accordon and Tabs on the same page. It took some hours, but here's what I tracked down ... My page was laid out in a two column table. Accordion in the left (narrow) <td>, tabs in the right <td>. It worked fine. I converted the page to all divs. Float left div for the left column, float right for the other. When the accordion div (within the primary left column div) and the tab div (in the primary right side div) are on the same horizontal plane,
Blind Screen when select in DatePicker
Description: I use version newest of DatePicker in UI, I want to extend value of range MinYear and MaxYear, (default -10 , +10 ). Then I deliberated to reset their value to -20, +20, after that I succeed, but control have something wrong that is blind screen every choose Date. Please try it. Any suggestion is my appreciate! John Pham
accordion: validation stop flow - move changestart from_toggle to _clickHandler
Hello Jquery/UI developers and users. I'd like to thank you for all the great work as both the core and UI widgets are a pleasure to work with. While I'm new to using the UI aspects and widgets I encountered an item which many people elsewhere have discussed but I didn't think the work-arounds were appropriate. Many times when using an accordion, the user wants to validate data before the _toggle performs. I've found by moving the changestart to _clickHandler it's easy to control the state of
Relative animation with multiplication
I posted this idea in the jQuery Core forums; but now that I think about it, it might be better to propose the idea here since the UI adds more animation features/effects. I'm not sure how the UI core would make these changes to jQuery (I haven't looked at the UI core yet), but here is my idea. I was trying to use the core animation to reduce a set of elements in size and I think it would be nice to have a token that does multiplication. For example: $(selector).animate({ width : '*=0.8',
Drag and Drop table columns using JQUERY
Hi, Is there a way to drag and drop the table columns, i.e to reorder the table columns using JQuery. A sample code would be very helpful Thanks.
1.8rc1: Autocomplete - Search Options
Hi, had a look at the new Autocomplete Widget in jQueryUI 1.8rc1 and compared it to Joern's Autocomplete jQuery plug-in which I'm currently using. Are there any plans to support some of the more advanced options like matchCase matchContains multiple (and multipleSeparator) mustMatch autoFill selectFirst Or is there another way to change the search behavior for example to case sensitive and strict? Or do I have to implement my own source implementation? multiple would be really cool for fields which
Sortable <ol> elements don't display numbers properly.
I have an <ol> that I've made sortable, and when I drag elements around, the numbers go all out of whack. So initially I have a list appropriately numbered 1, 2, 3. When I start dragging an element, it shows 1, 3, 4. Then when I drop it, I get 1, 3, 3. This problem is in Firefox 3. In Chrome, I get the wrong numbers when moving elements, but it seems to always be correct after I drop them. If anyone would like some example code, I could probably make something fairly quickly. Thanks!
Resizable Textarea within Dialog
I've tried this in multiple browsers and it seems that when using Resizable Textareas within Dialogs the textareas are "hidden" not sure how they're hidden, but they are.
Refactoring dialog.overlay in preparation for Modal & better keyboard accessibility
Hi, we - that is, I and my team - need to improve the keyboard accessibility & modality of the Dialog widget in order to use it. I was originally thinking of binding the "focus" event as it bubbles up to the document - which would remove a lot of the expense of trying to get all "focusables" in the page or any technique like that. Weirdly, this seems to only work for focus() events triggered by jQuery, rather than native ones. That aside, would you be able to accept a patch that kept (or improved)
Button with icon not displayed correctly in Firefox when button has css height.
Hi, Got a couple of html buttons that I'm applying the jQuery UI button widget to, with icons on the buttons. These buttons have a css style to set the width & height. In IE the icons are fine, to the left of the button in the middle aligned with the text. However, in Firefox 3.6 the icon is at the bottom left corner of the button. If I take the height style off the button then the icon is aligned correctly. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Several Improvements and Changes to JQueryUI Autocomplete
Several weeks ago I made several changes to the jqueryui autocomplete control that we need for using it in a collaboration platform (it's call "Tricia", see I expected I would want to change so many things that I have to maintain a separate fork independent of the official release anyway. However, now I saw that the new release contains one bugfix I already made (and several more I'd like to have in my version) and I'm wondering if my changes are general enough to be worth
new jQuery 1.4.3rc1 breaks my UI accordion (but rc2 is fine!)
Hi, Just to let you know (and to ask confirmation) that I have a problem with the new jQuery. I dropped 1.4.3rc1 in an application with lots of UI stuff, and this is the only UI thing that doesn't work anymore. It simple doesn't display the accordion, looks like it's not build at all. Looks like, because the strange thing is, that an UL I have inside one of my content panes, has the extra markup added (like class="ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-state-active ui-corner-top"
Sortable UI problem
I am attempting to modify the sortable.js UI file and have run into a problem, that might be a possible bug or more likely me misinterpreting the code. I was playing around with the _intersectsWithSides function and at the end of the function there is an if statement with this conditional: this.floating && horizontalDirection. I noticed that the function never enters this if statement even though my elements inside the sortable element and my draggables that are connected with the sortable are both
Channel4 website menu
Does anyone know how to create the menu as seen from the channel 4 website ( On the left hand side you have 4 words that enlarge when hovered over. I am pretty sure this is jquery. Any ideas? Thanks
[jquery ui css]61 errors
Hi, i'm doing the process of validate various aspect of a site that makes large use of jquery, jquery-ui and so on. I was quite surprised to see a lot of errors during the validation of jquery-ui css. I compared it to a standard theme roller theme and i found that w3c css validator reports 61 errors on jquery-ui base theme. jquery-ui base theme validation I really think that this should be solved...
modify accordion css styles via options
by default when you create an accordion, you have all those classes applied to the header"ui-accordion-header ui-helper-reset ui-state-default ui-state-active ui-corner-top" in some accordions on my site I do not want rounded corners, and I would love to disable them by simply doing something like $( ".selector" ) .accordion({ styles: { 'header': 'ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-state-active'} }); So that if I do not apply some default classes I simply override the default on the accordion()
Any plan to make autocomplete work for Japanese?
Hi! Autocomplete (UI1.8.4) does not work with Japanese. Is there any plan in the works to make it internationalized? The problem is the way keypresses are handled. Japanese is entered using an IME, so it takes more than one keypress to enter a character. Thanks! =David
Failing dialog unit tests in IE6
Hi, I'm finding that 4 of the unit tests for dialog are failing in IE6 (in the master branch as of 2010-10-05). Do you still support IE 6 as a grade 1 browser? 40: dialog: options: position, right bottom on window (1, 1, 2) undefined, expected: 953 undefined, expected: 989 result: 974, diff: 989 974 41: dialog: options: position, right bottom on window w/array (1, 1, 2) undefined, expected: 953 undefined, expected: 1004 result: 989, diff: 1004 989 43: dialog: options: position, right bottom at right
How to write my own Widget?
Hi I want to know how to write my own widget so I can create customized jQuery UI component. For example on Safari Online, they have made an excellent feature where the table of content for a book appears aside the main content. When the user clicks < button, the TOC window shrinks. I particular liked that and would like to know how to do something like that in JQuery UI. I tried to read how to develop a widget tutorial and tried reading source code but it contains so many strange things that I haven't
jQuery UI: Show transition on Safari bug
Hey, I'm using jQuery UI to make transitions between pages on my website. I use AJAX to load a portion of the page. In this case, a DIV element. I use .hide() to hide the actual DIV, then its contents are replaced and I use .show() effect to bring the DIV back to its place. It works great on Firefox, but on Safari this function slides the div to the extreme right, then it goes back to the center of the screen. Note that it's not like a bounce effect. Does anyone know a good solution for that? Thanks!
IE 8(IE7) Bug with themeroller farbtastic
Hey All, I was implementing a popup farbtastic color picker much like there is in themeroller. I had a bug in my IE where clicking on the color wheel or in the center square would cause the thing to disappear(from my or colorpicker.blur event). I figured id see how themeroller does it, and notice you had the same problem. Instead of (ala themeroller): $('body').click(function (e) { // //ie7 thinks were clicking on nothing when we click on the color picker... $('div.picker-on').removeClass('picker-on');
Stopping rotate when a tab is clicked
Hi, I am using the following : $("#roottexts").tabs().tabs("rotate",12500, true); to let the tabs be displayed one after the other. However , I would like the rotation to stop as soon as the user clicks one tab. Anyone code to do this ? Thx in advance,
Datepicker: only certain days are selectable
To make only certain days of the datepicker selectable, I have to the file jquery.ui.datepicker.js made some minor changes. Using a function, it is possible to provide some days with the tag "ui-state-disabled". Example usage: $('input[name="_date"]').datepicker({ disable_date: function(date, month, year) { return day % 2 == 0; } });In the Annex you will find the modified file and the modifications listed individually.
Are meta-character protections against triggering autocomplete still in place?
I noticed my alt key triggering autocomplete after I upgraded to 1.8.4, and looking at the code from 1.8.4 and 1.8.5, it looks like the older fix that kept metacharacters from triggering the search disappeared when the code was refactored. Could we get those back in, or get an extension to fix this?
d(this).data("draggable") is null
Hi, This error occurs in firefox at the very end of a drop operation and happens 1000+ times before finishing, with everything appearing to be normal. Looking on the web, I can find two other posts reporting an identical problem with identical situation to mine - Looking through the jQuery UI code, I believe that the problem is in one of the methods below from
Auto complete id hidden field
?php //connection information $host = "*"; $user = "*"; $password = "*"; $database = "*"; $param = $_GET["term"]; //make connection $server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password); $connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server); //query the database $query = mysql_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM myMembers WHERE firstname LIKE '$param%'"); //build array of results for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $friends[$x] =
Fix to bug #4088 didn't work for IE
Hi, A couple of weeks ago I discovered that the fix in #4088 didn't work for IE (and I found a forum post where someone else had hit the same problem). I think I tracked down the reason and reopened the ticket and added some information to it about what I think would be the way to fix it. Because it has the original milestone and isn't assigned to anyone it's possible it may not pop up on any of the lists to review, so I thought I'd make this forum post just to draw attention to it! Regards, Matt
what does .tabs("disable") do?
<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; white-space: pre; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px; ">What does .tabs("disable") do?</span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; white-space: pre; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 2px; -webkit-border-vertical-spacing: 2px;"><a href=""></a></span></div> <div><span class="Apple-style-span"
Events on Sortable drag and drop items - question
Hi I'm trying to get drag item details on receive event but couldnt understand from documentation how its being done. My code loks like this: // Supply a callback function to handle the receive event as an init option. $("#sortable1" ).sortable({ receive: function(event, ui) { var items = $( "#sortable1" ).sortable( "option", "ui.item" ); alert(items); } }); //Bind to the receive event by type:
jquery menu in 19m2, possible to use like original example?
I have need of a menu pretty much exactly like the "flat menu" example at: It is unclear to me if the menu component in 19m2 supports that behavior. The "overlay context menu" example for 19m2 menu is similar, but puts the menu over to the side, instead of underneath. Is there any way to use the 19m2 menu widget to get behavior where the menu expands underneath, instead of to the side? [In general, I'm also curious if the various
Problem with Jquery UI Autocomplete, using the Delete-Key
Hi folks, i just implemented the Jquery-ui Autocomplete with the parameter "minLength: 2". But I ran into trouble whenever I use the "Delete"-Key: - I type two letters into the autocomplete field (for example "as") -> The autocomplete-list opens - Then I delete the "s" and type it again -> The autocomplete list doesnt open I found this problem in the official demos, too: ( - Remote with caching (
Auto-initializing widgets
I've created a base widget class for my own widgets to extend which allows them to auto-initialize and I thought it might be of interest to others. The concept is each widget registers a selector which it auto-initializes against, and options can be declared in the HTML. Example: ============================ $.widget("", { register: "div.ui-foo", // elements matching this selector will initialize with the foo widget options: { bar: false // because bar is
How far in development is the datepicker 2.0?
I read the wiki page about the datepicker for 2.0. How far is it in development as of Sept 6, 2010 and is there a list of the current datepicker 1.8.x bugs that would be fixed (beside the wiki page)? Or is it a completely new development? Thanks Fred
Create an abstract UI
Hi, i'm trying to develop my own UI components to do a little framework. In this way, I'm trying to develop an "abstract" plugin that I'll use later in order to add some specific stuff on each sub-plugin. Abstract : (function($) { $.widget("ui.myAbstract", { _create: function() {"status", "C") } }); }) (jQuery); Now, a sub-plugin : (function($) { $.widget("ui.building", $.ui.myAbstract, { _create() {
Load() and php URL variable
I'm having problem using a variable passed through in the URL of my php files. I want to use this variable to have only a specific div of content loaded. I have had no problem loading the entire page in, but cannot seem to find any good solution for this.
UI tabs from fieldsets
Hey guys, In my understanding the semantics of <fieldset>s in forms are in fact what tabs are trying to express visually: sets of logically related fields with their associated content like help texts and media. Then when I try to visually organize a complex form as tabs, it's pretty frustrating that, instead just being able to use the so natural and semantical <fieldset>s right away, you need to write some additional markup that doesn't entirely express the original semantics/intent of field-sets.
sortable bug and fix (1.8.4): Dragging and item of an ul that has position absolute causes wrong alignment with the mouse
The default example of the demos can be used to see this effect: Just save the file and edit (or use firebug directly) the line <ul id="sortable"> to <ul id="sortable" style="position: absolute: bottom: 0; right: 0;"> HOW TO FIX IT in the function _mouseStart of the sortable widget, look for the lines that says: // Only after we got the offset, we can change the helper's position to absolute // TODO: Still need to figure out a way to make relative
Slider moves wrong way?
I tried the vertical slider example, with slight modification, the test file is: . I find in FF that when clicking on the slide, the button moves in the opposite direction. And I also can't click and the slider. I must have made a fundamental error, but I can't spot what it is. Can anyone help please?
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