Line breaks and right position and width of ui-tooltip
Is it or will it be possible to enforce manual line breaks with ui-tooltip? I've been experimenting with it and see this requirement especially when I have a tooltipped element on the right of the page which is too long. Right now it then moves all the way to the left of my parent div which is not what I want. I'd rather like to have more line breaks instead. Another way to do it would be the max-width CSS style which works fine; however I would need two different sizes for left and right positioned
Tooltip - onclick
Maybe I've not seen a simple solution, but is it possible to change the default behaviour of the tooltip to work with click instead of mouse over? If not this would be on the top of my wishlist for the tooltip. Cheers
Feedback Request - Autocomplete extension
I recently had a need for an autocomplete implemenation and I ended up making a custom extension of autocomplete that works around a couple of pieces of functionality causing me grief and adds in additional flexibility. I didn't want to modify the actualy autocomplete plugin, so this is a more defensive approach. I am interested in feedback on the overall approach of this implementation. Am I breaking any "best practices"? Is there a better way to accomplish any given piece of this? An example
"AutoCompose" - my first UI plugin
[url=] - jQuery UI AutoCompose[/url] It's an extension to jQuery UI Autocomplete that creates an Email-client-style multi-autocomplete control. It also has a single-select option. Cheers!
datepicker - reverse year range order
Hello, I needed to reverse year range order when changeYear option was true. I've implemented an easy solution. In jquery.ui.datepicker.js's _generateMonthYearHeader method, just change: for (; year <= endYear; year++) { html += '<option value="' + year + '"' + (year == drawYear ? ' selected="selected"' : '') + '>' + year + '</option>'; } for var reverseYearRange = this._get(inst, 'reverseYearRange');
UI entirely broken under Win7 Pro 64bit IE8
Hi, I'm running Win7 Pro 64bit. I was using the accordion control and everything was looking great (in FF & Chrome) until I decided to check it out under IE8 and found that it doesn't render at all, the elements are just displayed as regular HTML. Before I started ripping out code, I decided to check out site in IE, and none of the UI controls work at all! I've tried adjusting IE security settings but still no love. I have all the latest MS updates. Has anyone encountered
Autocomplete : Extract search logic
Hello, Since search could be used in a lot of cases : *Autocomplete *In developement : MultiCheckBoxPicker *Planed : Grid *As a search utility...Shouldn't we extract the search logic from the autocomplete library ? Pros : *Could be use as an utility *Easier to maintain and develop *Library would be more light weightCons : *Migth impact a little bit performance *Need time to be developed (like each evolution...) Well what do you think about this ? I can develop it, if needed :)
non Gregorian calendars with jquery fullcalendar
Hi all, Does anyone know how can one add a non Gregorian calendar support to jquery fullcalendar i don't know where to start the customization and what exact classes and scripts are affected by such a feature... i have implemented conversion script in js. I think that there isn't any built-in support. I'm looking for solution so that I myself can implement it myself. jalali calendar (persian): 12 month, 6 firsts month are 31 days 6 others are 30 days the year starts on first day of spring today date
jquery UI 1.9 M2 - Menu Bug?
I just try out the new Menu Feature that comes with latest milestone. But when I use it, it does not render the background of menu. The same happens in the jQuery UI Docs Demo of Menu. When I use <li><span>menu 1</span></li> instead of <li><a href="#"><span>menu 1</span></a></li> It renders successfully the menu background. Is this a Bug? Best Regards Johannes Geppert My Blog:
Regression 1.8.4 compared to 1.8.2 in manipulating disabled option of a button on a dialog ?
Hi, In 1.8.2, I have 2 functions that permits to : disable or enable a button of a dialog (ButtonDialogState). hide or show a button of a dialog (showButtonDialog) Working functions in 1.8.2 : function ButtonDialogState(sIDDialog,sLabel,bEnable){ $("#"+sIDDialog+" ~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane").children("button:contains('"+sLabel+"')").button((bEnable==true) ? "enable" : "disable" ); } function showButtonDialog(sIDDialog,sLabel,bvisible){ if(bvisible==true){ $("#"+sIDDialog+" ~ .ui-dialog-buttonpane").children("button:contains('"+sLabel+"')").show();
Disabling an open dialog
There's a ticket requesting dialog buttons to be disabled when the dialog is disabled. The request make sense, but I'm wondering what a disabling an open dialog should actually do. Should it just disable everything it controls or should it also try to disable use of any controls inside the dialog's content?
Memory Leaks In jQuery UI Should I be Worried?
I have spent the better part of 3 days trying to resolve an IE only memory leak in a custom ui widget. It involves cloning an image and removing the original. When researching this I went back to the jquery ui website to look at modals to see if they had a similar problem. On the modals example page... if I open one modal then switch to another modal... then repeat.... I see the memory usage in task manager steadily increasing. So a couple questions: 1) Am i seeing a memory leak in the modal or is
autocomplete behaviour
I am struggling a little bit with the intended behaviour of the autocomplete widget. Currently possible items have a value (which the plugin calls the 'result' currently) and a label. The label is shown in the suggestions menu. Once you select an item its value is shown in the input field. This approach is problematic for systems where you want to use an internal value such as a database id. Currently in those situations you will end up with a UI like this: +----------------------+ Select your city:
jqUI 1.8.4 is released?
Hi, I just noticed this on the download page, that you can download v1.8.4. Where can we find the announcement, or the Release Notes, or the Changelog? (This is also asked in the "Using jQ UI forum") Thanks
Using JQuery UI’s sortable(‘serialize’) after .load();
I have a page (page1.php) where I am using a select box to load in another page (page2.php) into a DIV. Inside page2.php there is a UL that loads data from a database (via PHP) into LIs and the are sortable. My problem is, when I load page2.php by itself, it serializes fine. However, when page2.php is loaded via .load() into page1.php, it doesn't serialize at all and I get undefined
Best Practice For Storing Arbitrary Data In Widget . . .Data or Var?
When developing jQuery UI widgets how should one store arbritray data? I'm unclear on when I should use data or when I should just use a var declared in my _create. So if I am just storing values to use later which should I use? For example what is the difference between using these in a _create function: 1 this.myVar = "foo" 2 e = this.element"myVar", "foo"); As I understand it 1 stores the data within the widget, and 2 is on the DOM element. But is there any actual difference in usage,
Adding "Clear" button back to the datepicker
I'd like to get the "Clear" button patch I made merged as soon as possible. Is there something else I need to do besides the steps on "Developing jQuery-UI the Easy Way"? I have made a fork, updated the ticket ( with a reference to the relevant commit. I sent a merge request. Thanks, Keir
Extending Dialog Buttons Option
Has there been any thought to developing Dialog Buttons - Primary, Secondary, Disabled? I did not find a use for setting the priority of a button, the proposed implementation below was created to apply additional styles. Thoughts? Current buttons : { "publish" : function() { }, "preview" : function() { } "cancel" : function() { } } Proposed buttons : { "publish" : function() { //support current functionality }, "preview" : { click : function() { }
high performance ui widgets
Hello all :) I have following usecase, where all widgets are not working on optimal way. For example a button widget. If I have a dynamic list of entries and every entry should has a button, there are 2 things to consider: 1. Event delegation. There should be an optional way to do an event delegation over container where all buttons are rendered in. The best way is to do it within widget factory, to enable this auomatically for all widgets. Target is instead of f.e. 100 event bindings for 100 buttons
enhanced autocomplete - interest in getting this into jQueryUI?
Hi, I have developed some autosuggest service here at CERN, the idea is that the suggestions are coming from a thesaurus and therefore some multilevel lookup may be needed. The service is using jQueryUI autocomplete, but we had to enhance the Menu component. This video shows the resulting behaviour: Could some of the developers tell me if there might be interest in committing the code/enhancements into jQueryUI Menu? Or get in touch
SmoothDivScroll 1.0 - now stateful using jQuery widget factory
Hi! During the summer I've rewritten the plugin jQuery SmoothDivScroll. It's now a stateful plugin based on the jQuery widget factory. Since this architecture is all new to me, I'd really like some feedback on the code. You'll find a fully working demo with download and documentation here: Before I release it officially I would really appreciate if some of you could take a look at the code. Regards! /Thomas Kahn
Add { padding: 0.5em 1em; } to .ui-widget-header CSS
Please add something like { padding: 0.5em 1em; } to "ui-widget-header" CSS class to make widget headers look consistent with other headers and buttons.
Disable Autocomplete
Hi, i'm using jquery ui-autocomplete and I think that disable method doesn't work. When I called $('#input').autocomplete("disable"); autocomplete box has 0.35 opacity, but still work. Best regards. marrra
Tooltip 1.9m2 positioning
Using the Tooltip plugin as of jQueryUI 1.9m2, large tooltips are not positioned properly, at the top or bottom of the browser window. A test example demonstrates the issue: If the tooltip content is large enough, the tooltip scrolls off the browser screen, when the generating link is placed near the top or bottom of the window. Ideally the tooltip should be positioned so that the entire tooltip can be seen, instead of halfway off the screen. The clueTip plugin does a good job of positioning these
What version of jquery is required for a particular version of jquery ui?
I've spent the last day tracking down a problem with a jquery ui dialog and finally tracked the problem down to the version of jquery I was using. If I use jquery v1.4.1 with jquery ui v1.7.2, my dialog open with effect slide opens but then immediately disappears. If I use jquery v1.3.2 the dialog works just fine. I've been unable to find any stated requirement for which jquery version is supposed to be used with jquery ui. Is there a requirements list somewhere? I did notice that it appears that
Order UI Dialog buttons (enhancement request)
Problem: UI Dialog buttons order depends on CSS theme settings, and when button style sets "float:right" buttons line up in reverse order. Solution: Wrap all buttons in a <div style="float:right"> (or whatever float type is defined for buttons) and set "float:left" for the buttons themselves. Unfortunately, this may require changing not only UI Dialog code, but UI CSS framework as well. Until it is done, here is a patch which can be applied on the fly to any existing dialog. /** * Make dialog buttons
Autocomplete: when user enter all the letters of an item, select it
Hi everyone! suppose you have these items: - Hello - Hello world - Hello Everybody and the user start entering in the autocomplete "hello" and click elsewhere on the page, the autocomplete loses his focus and theres no item selected. In fact, the user have entered all the letters corresponding to an item in the list. is it possible to detect that the user input refer to an item and select it even if the user didnt click the item? take for examples these two implementation of an Autocomplete -
override html()
Is it possible to "override"/"hook"/"replace" the html() method on particular elements, and if so, how? Or, are there any events raised when the html is changed by a call to html()? The reason I am asking is that I would like to detect when html() is called on an element in order to do some pre-processing before the html is changed and some post-processing after the html has changed. Further background: I am creating a ui widget myDialog, extending ui.dialog. var myDialog = $('<div></div>').myDialog({...});
UI AutoComplete Multiple Demo - Caret Position in IE
While attempting to implement an autocomplete widget similar to the " Multiple values " and " Multiple, remote " demos on the jQuery UI website, I discovered a minor issue when using the autocomplete field in Internet Explorer (tested in IE7 and IE8). Once the user selects an item from the autocomplete dropdown, the caret (cursor) position in the text field resets to the beginning of the text field, rather than moving to the end of the value. Because of this, if the user is not savvy enough to realize
Autocomplete Combobox from Documentation Bugs
The autocomplete combobox has the following bugs: submits forms when you select an item does not take into account the initially selected option you cannot set the value of the combobox programaticallyI solved these issues and the code I added will work for jQuery ui 1.8. Note: I also have a 'set_empty' call that will only set the combobx if it is empty. I was using this for starting with a value if one had not been previously set. Feel free to rip it out if you don't want/need it.
What does jquery ui destroy() need to destroy?
What exactly gets destroyed by calling $.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply( this, arguments ) ? Or, equivalently, what needs to be destroyed in the code for a widget's destroy method? And I have an app that uses several pages that have jQuery ui widgets, DOM elements, classes, etc. As the user goes from one page to another I am expecting to have to destroy the widgets along the way to navigating to navigating among the pages. Is that correct?
tabs: allow negative indexes
while looking at the tabs code, I noticed that it is currently using the numeric value -1 to identify that no tab is selected. a few points in the code special-case -1 in the index. But, arrays can work with negative indexes. With very little effort the code can be made to accept negative arrays. This would cause the code: $('#tabs').tabs('select',-1); To select the last tab. I propose to stop special-casing -1, otherwise negative indexes aren't possible. My primary candidate to special-case
jquery UI dialog and html checkbox imput
Hi to all. I want to use jquery UI dialog and i have placed a checkbox on div that should be displayed as a dialog. <input type="checkbox" id="cb_auto_save" name="cb_auto_save" onclick="set_state(this)" > set state function looks like this for the moment function set_state(obj) { if($('#cb_auto_save').val()== "n") { $('#cb_auto_save').val("y") ;} else { $('#cb_auto_save').val("n");} } when i try to check the checkbox everything works fine , except the fact that after the function
Tabs placed at bottom?
This question may have been posted before, and I've tried to search for this info but couldn't find any tips. With the current UI 1.7 version, is there a way to place the Tab (labels) at the bottom of the tab pane instead of the default position which is at top? Thanks in advance.
inheritance with $.widget and options of type array
I'm trying to use inheritance with the widget factory but my options aren't what i'm expecting. I'm not sure if my understanding is off or if there is an issue. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what i should be expecting and why. I've created a jsfiddle link which uses 'console.dir', you'll need firebug to output the strangeness. You'll notice that type is correct but validation[] has that of the last declared subclass. $.widget("list.operandBase", { options:
UI 1.8.2 and 1.8.1 datepicker bug
This bug occurs when you have a list element with more than one datepicker element within it. The code example can explain far better than I can. Basically, clicking on the second datepicker opens the first, even though the input element have different names and ids. Tested on Mac Firefox 3.6.6, Mac Safari 4.0.4 (6531.21.10), Mac Chrome 5.0.375.99 jQuery UI 1.8.2 and 1.8.1 Example Code:
multiselect integration
hey folks, just got this usefull addition today, maybe the ui team should talk to the author... would be usefull to integrate...
Tooltip m1 in ui window
Hi ;) Got a little "issue" while testing the new tooltip class for usage in our project: if you're using it in a window and there's not enough space above to show the full tooltip, its "cut" a bit.. should be moved a bit down, the TT should not start out of the page :) (see Screenshot) Any ideas how to solve it? Regards Simon
Tooltips m1 & fadeTo speed
Hi :) Me again, another small "issue", not sure if others might need it, too. Would be nice to let the developer choose the speed of animation as an option.... by default, it is "normal", would be cool to select it by myself (need fast in some cases) thx. Simon
tabs: add functionality to operate with href
The tabs plugin is provided with the option to operate with a numerical index to identify the tabs. This numerical index identifies which tab is going to be subject to an array of methods: enable, disable, elect, and so on. Developing a web application, I noticed that this system was not fit for the specific needs: I needed to define runtime-generated IDs for the tabs, which would be dynamically generated, and could be in any order. Also, deleting a tab in the middle of the group would reindex all
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