New markup structure for tabs
The current markup structure required by the tabs widget is not very friendly for the purposes of progressive enhancement (nor for alternative styling in different media -- say, how do you style a tabbed area for print?) Would it be feasible to migrate the markup to the structure proposed on this blog post? (Disclaimer: that's my blog :-)
Dialog, negative offset not working
Hi guys, I'm using jquery 1.4.2 and UI 1.8.1, since I have a no-refresh application and on the dialog boxes I have some flash stuff, I can't close/hide the dialogs because that will scramble the flash, so I used the position option to hide them like so: $('#add_version_modal').dialog({ autoOpen: true,draggable: false,resizable: false,closeOnEscape: false, Height: 550,width: 650,position:[-10000,-10000],zIndex:-1, ......... hiding the dialog by placing them out of view that worked
Specifying only a secondary icon for the Button widget locates the icon on the left?
If I use the following: .button({ icons: { secondary: "ui-icon-close" } I would expect the secondary icon to be displayed to the right of the text. However, it is displayed on the left.
Questions for distance Tabs
If the number of tabs exceeds the width, they are transferred to another line ..... You can do the same as in Firefox?
jQuery Datepicker - Can it Display Only the 1st and 15th of Each Month?
Hi, again. I've sold my boss on the jQuery datepicker, but he's getting a little picky. He insists on me finding a way to have the pop-up calendar display only the 1st and 15th of each month. Please tell me: Is there any way to disable every day but the 1st and 15th? Thanks in advance for any help you will offer.
Vertical Content Scrolling
I am trying to create a content area which i need to have a styled scroll bar for on the right hand side. Its basically the jQuery UI Demo - Side Scroll demo but i need to scroll bar on the right hand side. Iv been playing around with the demo's that i downloaded but cant for the life of me to get the scroll bar to be vertical. Any ideas or resources would be much appreciated. Thanks and regards.
Datepicker showOn Double Click?
I've successfully used the Datepicker in a simple application. I would like, however, to have it pop-up when the user Double Clicks the text field instead of when the user moves to the text field. Any tips on how this could be done? Lane
Dialog inside Accordion
Hello I have a page that have an accordion with lets say 8 sections. in each section i display data, in some of the section I also have a button which opens a dialog to display more data, but the dialog is showing inside that section of the accordion instead of the whole screen... Is there any way to tell the dialog to open that way and not inside accordion section ? TIA
To Extend Or Wrap?
I recently created a set of widgets that "use" some of the default jQuery UI widgets but the method I use is wrapping. I would like your feedback on this approach and it's pros and cons. My example - I have a page selector widget that uses sortable for ordering: Rather than extend the sortable widget I wrote my code so that sortable was invoked from within my widget. So in my _create I have something like like this: var self = this, o = this.options, e = this.element; e.sortable(o); And the sortable
Tooltip 1.9m1 position issue
Hi, I've noticed a problem with tooltips in ui 1.9m1. When I hover over an item with a tooltip is displays correctly, but if I scroll down the page slightly and then hover over it again, the tip appears out of position. The further I scroll, the more tooltips are out of position from the element they are applied to. It appears to be caused by a bug in jQuery 1.4.2 when setting an offset, which means that the jquery.ui.position plugin is affected and explains why tooltips are out of position. The
Help required to fix 5530
Would someone be able to help me fix this ticket please? Not sure if this ticket has been picked up and assigned yet. I've not done much by way of JQuery widget development before but either need to fix this or create my own widget. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks M
When are you going to release menu & tooltip widgets?
Menu & tooltip widgets are in "in development" status for about an YEAR as stated in the Wiki page. I recently checked the Wiki page & found some new widgets are added in "in development" section, but still the menu & tooltip are getting developed. When can we expect the release of menu & tooltip?
Some concern in widgets
jQuery UI have the great widgets but the the very basic UI, textbox is not consider as a widget. It could be a simple but it is good to have a textbox to make jquery UI widget rich. not only will add class ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all and ui-state-default but also ui-state-focus and ui-state-hover added in events also ui-state-disabled for disabled. Some basic form element to go: textbox <input type="text"> password <input type="password"> upload file <input type="file"> multiline textbox
I am not able to understand following JQuery code ?
Hi, I am working on Liferay 6.0.0 portal . It uses JQuery .I want make changes in its UI but I am not able to understand anything from those files. I have attached one of those files.Its extension is changed from .js to .txt Please help ... Thanks in advance....
Trigger Events from Flash to an UI-Widget
How can I trigger an event from an embeded flash to a jQuery-UI Widget?. I've written an uploader and now I ant to write a UI-Plugin / Wiget. (function($) { $.widget('ui.uploader', { // Options options: { }, _create: function() { var obj = this.element, self = this; var opts = self.options, lang = self.locale, idx = $.ui.uploader.getId(obj), idUpload = (self.idUpload = idx + 'SWF'),
_trigger converts event name to lower case
The base trigger method does a toLowerCase on the event name which is not apparent from any of the documentation or other resources I've scrounged together on the internet. On some of my widgets I provide a custom event prefix usually in camel case; is there a reason the event name is lower cased? If not I think it should be left alone or at least it should be explicitly noted in documentation.
jQuery UI Button w/ Icons Not Working in Google Chrome 5.0.396.0 dev
Today I noticed that the demo showing the jQuery UI button w/ icons ( is not working correctly with Google Chrome 5.0.396.0 dev Here is a screenshot... I have reproduced the error in jsFiddle Here is a screenshot in Chrome... Here is a screenshot in FF...
bgiframe applied for java applet
Shouldn't a bgiframe be applied to popup jquery ui dialogs (dialog, datepicker) all the time instead of just for ie6? Java applets, for example, do the same thing in all versions of IE as selects do in IE6. See the attachment. It shows a jquery.ui.dialog (on the left) being covered by a java applet (on the right). If you apply a bgiframe - which I did using a modified version of jquery.ui.bgiframe.js - the entire dialog is displayed correctly.
Minified jQuery UI 1.8 and using Rails asset cache plugin
We recently upgraded the jQuery UI from 1.7 to 1.8 and ran into an issue with it and our Rails asset cacheing plugin called Smurf. When the assets were combined into one file after running through the plugin (which strips comments, unnecessary line breaks, etc) all jQuery would break in Firefox while running just fine in Safari and IE. Come to find out, the issue was with the Date picker plugin. After a good deal of combing through the code of the library and to see what was different from the cached
autocomplete demo JSON does not validate - breaks demo
When playing with the autocomplete-demo on the site I entered the letters "fa", which had the little loader spin even though the JSON was loaded. JsonLint shows that the JSON contains \' which is not valid. syntax error, unexpected TINVALID at line 9 Parsing failed { "id": "Falco eleonorae", "label": "Eleonora\'s Falcon", "value": "Eleonora\'s Falcon" }, Where the label-row is line 9.
New Combobox Widget
Hi jQuery UI team, I am trying to extend the Autocomplete widget to be use as Combobox with additional button next to the textbox. I found no Combobox development and I think this widget would be useful event just a little bit modification from Autocomplete. I am jQuery UI lover and freely to contribute to design this plus some more widget that not in your development right now. This Combobox not only modified from html select option as shown in the Autocomplete example but also can be used by html
Solved problem for McAfee Anti-Phishing filter plugin IE7 in combination with jQuery datepicker
Hey, My colleague and I solved a problem for our datepicker which we want to share. And hopefully can be included in the next release. The problem was that when you clicked on a <a href> in the datepicker pop-up, the browser located us to the value of the 'href' in stead of fireing the onClick-event. We found the source of the problem in the IE7 plugin of MacAfee with the name "McAfee Phishing Filter" of McAfee, Inc. We solved the problem by changing the '#' in the href in: 'javascript:void(0)' on
Losing modality in layered modal dialogs
When I open a modal dialog A from my page, and then open and close a modal dialog B from dialog A twice, after closing B the second time, dialog A is no longer modal. In the close-function of both dialogs I use the following code: dialogB.dialog("destroy"); dialogB.remove();Destroying en removing seems to be the safest route. Is there an alternative? I really like JQuery UI and their Dialog, but when dialogs are no longer modal, they mess up my entire application.
datepicker: highlighting selected date ranges
It's been discussed elsewhere, ...and it's been done elsewhere, but it would be nice if the datepicker highlighted the days you selected (as well as allowing you to select two dates like Filament's plugin).
Trying to determine if bug in UI position
I found a bug in my application and I am trying to figure out if it is considered a bug in jQuery UI position or if I should stick with my workaround. The bug occurs when the parent element has overflow:hidden and the element you are positioning on overflows the parent. The position code sees the entire height of the element as if it is visible when in reality it is only a partial bit of that size. I know my explanation is bad, so I have made some sample code showing the problem:
bgiframe problem IE
Saludos, por favor perdonen que escriba en español, pero es más facil para mi expresarme asi. Bueno estoy haciendo un sistema con las UI de jquery que me han salvado la vida, pero como usuario casi exclusivo de Mozilla, no me habia dado cuenta de un problema hasta ayer cuando fui a entregar el Sistema, jajaja, bueno error mio.... bueno a lo que vinimos. Todo funcionaba extremadamente lento en IE 8, utilizando la herramienta de desarrollo de este me acuso un problema antes de la Linea 1 !!??? decia
jquery.ui.tooltip: flexible width when using ajax
Hello, I know the tooltip plugin is still under development, but it's unclear to me where I should log suggestions/questions such as this one. If you go to, you'll notice a list of extensions we support at the right of the page. Hover any of the price tags you see, and we are asking the server to return the exact tax calculations from the server to display them in a nicely put tooltip. The issue we have with this is that the tooltip
Button demo not working properly in Firefox 2
I was going over the button demos at in IE6, IE8, FF2, FF3 and Chrome 4 and discovered that the anchors, radios and checkboxes are broken in FF2. I had assumed it was the theme and/or the page itself but the issue is still present when I change themes and tested it on my own page. The full FF version number used is
Hello, I had to change this line: $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(self, arguments); to this one: $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments); after this commit: due to error: TypeError: Result of expression 'this.options' [undefined] is not an object. reported when calling stuff like: $('#items').sortable('option',{cursor:'crosshair'}); demo error This and other UI effects on these demos do not work because of a javascript error Error: missing ) after argument list Source File: Line: 18, Column: 3 Source Code: }catch(e){}});
[dialog] Dialog height > viewport height => position at bottom of dialog
Hi, I have a dialog set as position:'top' It works great except if the dialog's height is greater than the viewport's height. In that case, I cannot see the top of the dialog and the bottom of the dialog is at the bottom of the viewport (most of the times, note that sometimes by luck it is correctly positionned). Thus I have to scroll up to view the top of the dialog each time. The expected behaviour would be to see the top of the dialog on the top of the screen of course. Can anyone help with this
Sortable receive: how do I get new item?
Hey everyone, Heres the situation: I have a draggable that I am plopping into a sortable list (its clone, anyway). I need to copy some (but not all) of its data() into the new item in the sortable. However, for some strange reason, ui.sender and ui.item both point to the same, original object. Which doesn't seem to make much sense, especially since the in the beforeStop stop event, which is fired BEFORE the receive event, ui.item points to our newly created item in the sortable. There are of course
Image missing for .ui-autocomplete-loading
Hello! When you download the themes for jqueryUI the .ui-autocomplete-loading class requires 'ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif' that is not created into the images folder.
Hi Man, when I use ui.draggable and use connectToSortable ui.droppable will trigger drop twice why?
Hi Man, when I use ui.draggable and use connectToSortable ui.droppable will trigger drop twice why?
checkbutton or radiobutton jquery ui widget
hi, are there any codes for checkbutton or radiobutton widget in the projet ? if yes, where ? Thanks,
Possible bug in draggable() in Opera
I've been testing some draggable code in a number of different browsers and stumbled across what looks to be a bug in it when viewed in Opera (10.51) Using the code below, if you drag the cyan coloured element down to attempt to move it to the row below, the row resizes and is pushed down. This seems to be caused by the float on the nested header and removal of this gives the desired result. Can you confirm that this is a bug and if so is it a known one? I'm a little new to the jQuery community so
Corruption in jquery-ui-i18n.js
I believe there's something wrong in jquery-ui-i18n.js (current version). On lines 410-429, the Swiss French localization is garbled. It should be very similar to the French localization which is immediately below (only the date format is different) The individual file, jquery.ui.datepicker-fr-CH.js, seems correct.
Alternate to select element
The select element is very useful but very boring and hard to style cross-browser. One that would go with my ui color scheme would be really nice. It would have the same functionality but more colorful. This is what it looks like in the project I'm working on Not awesome right! It should look like my other buttons!
Problem selecting the date with keyboard shorcuts
Open the datepicker. Then using crtl+arrow select the date and then press enter, the first time the date is selected, but if you repeat this process 3 or 4 times, the date selection fails and it keeps the old value. This always works using the mouse. you can test it here I am using firefox and iexplorer 7,8 thanks
IE8 open dialog focus problem
I want to focus on $("#test") after dialog('open'), example HTML as: <div id="dialog"> <input type='text' id=''test"/> </div> $("#test") can't get focus on my IE8. I have tried firefox, opera, chrome, and all of them work well as expected. But only on IE8, I need to add a extra hidden input to focus the first input... <div id="dialog"> <input type='text' id=''test"/> <input type='hidden'/> </div> Both 1.7.2 and 1.8rc1 have the same problem
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