How to solve/fix JSON.parse problem dealing with duplicates
Hi all I seem to be facing this problem : JSON syntax duplicates This is the source xls file format: This is the JSON : [{"Registrant ID":"22722608","Registrant Date":"09/18/2018","Last Name":"Armstrong","First Name":"Conor","Email":"","Username":"","Company":"TEST CO","Department":"","Title":"","Attendee":"No","Status":"Enrolled","Section":"","Location":"place online"},{"Registrant ID":"22722608","Registrant Date":"09/18/2018","Last Name":"jenkins","First
Problem getting the value of an element
Hi, I'm new as you can tell by my question. What is wrong with this code? function bt(ans){ $(document).ready(function(){ if (ans==1) { if ($(".hidn1").val()=="") { alert(ans); $(".msg").text("\n\nWhachu gonna have?"); }); } } Here is the call: <button id="bt1" style="background-color:green; color:yellow; height:20px; width:20px;" type="button" onclick="bt(1)"></button> And here is where the elements are defined: <textarea id="hidn1" cols="1" rows="1" style="display:none;"></textarea>
The value of the property '$' is null or undefined, not a Function object
Hi all I am pretty new to using J query. I keep getting this error in IE but my code works just fine in code. How do i remedy it? <head> <!-- Remember to include jQuery :) --> <script type='text/javascript' src=""></script> <!-- jQuery Modal --> <script type='text/javascript' src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""
diagonally slider
I am facing same issue please anybody help..I dont know where to start...
Need help)
Hi. Whats up? I an mewbie and just cant understand how to finish my work. I need to create input by touble clicking on td and after "enter" save a changed. So all is ok, but after pressing enter, all tds being chaged. so how can i change only one? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .ta{border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;} tr td {border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 100px; height: 20px;} </style> </head> <body>
May I create my class which inherits from jQuery's
I want to inherit the base class of jQuery and create my own tag, such as var mytag=$('<mytag/>') to return my own tag element. Mytag does not necessarily correspond to a single tag. It can be replaced by a brand new tag group, similar to: $('<InputGroup/>') returns not <InputGroup></InputGroup> but <div class='input-group'> <label> </label> </div>. I have looked up the $. extend and $. fn. extend methods, but none of them can satisfy my expectations, so what are the good ways to implement them for
stopping video play for multiple popups
Hi everyone, I am really stuck with my piece of code. I have a page full of links to popups, and each popup has a youtube video inside. If you play the video, when you close the popup, the video doesn't stop playing automatically. I can stop the video playing with only one video, but the rest don't stop. I am also using a Wordpress ACF loop, so each video url is being generated dynamically in the loop, which I think is causing the issue. The test site I am working on is here:
New to JS/jQuery
I'm attempting to write what may be my first jQuery/javascript code (rather than copy/paste/tweaking) and have run into an issue I'm not quite how to resolve. I have a title input field (in this case in a Drupal site) that I want to auto-populate the content into based on the choices made on three other input elements... a radio input element, then two select elements. It's all working at this point, but the input values for the month options are numerical verse text, and I need to feed the name
return true or false for main function from sub function
Dear All I am, using following function to validate captcha calling checkcaptchafill.php to check whether entered value and session value No issue in getting the valuse / result of this ajax correctly..this part is running well the value of ajax call is stored in $('#captcharesultdiv') I want to check text stored in of this DIV after (after comparing or validating the CAPTCHA entered following ajax call does it well function formCheck(formobj){ $('#captcharesultdiv').text(''); var captcha= $("input[name=captcha]").val();;
Looping with a couple of ajax calls
Hi, I've got an issue trying to get two ajax calls to loop and work together. the first ajax call gets the title from a group of items and the second ajax call gets an array of tests. so I want the web page to show the title and the first set of tests together then the second title and the second set of tests and so on. Title1 a-test1 b-test2 c-test3 Title2 d-test1 e-test2 f-test3 I just can't seen to get it right. Thanks Code below for (var i = 0; i < listReleasesid.length; i++) { console.log('list releases id ' + listReleasesid[i]);
trying to get the values out of this
I'm using an ajax call and this is what I get in return. I just cannot seem to put the right line in to get out the data I want. There are two objects in the "resultsForGroup" I want to get the id, name, state, incomplete tests and also the "resultsCountByOutcome", "passed" count and the failed count from both objects. Thanks to anyone that helps :) { "groupByField": "TestRun", "resultsForGroup": [{ "groupByValue": { "id": 1190124, "name": "Afresh Networks Tests", "isAutomated": false, "completedDate":
how do I eport json to variables and access the values
Please see the JSON below. This is what I get in a ajax response. I am new to javascript and need some help. How do I set, for example the Fields(third line down) to it's own variable and then query the variable to show the subfield. for example fields.System.WorkItemType. As the System.WorkItemType has a dot in the middle of it does this make a different of how to get the value? "id": 45, "rev": 1, "fields": { "System.AreaPath": "H3P", "System.TeamProject": "H3P",
how to save checkbox state wehn page is reload
Hi, I have a checkbox, I've defined two state for it, and when I reload page, this checkbox back to the default state (or unchecked). I got in trouble at the forum, but I did not get my answer. This is my code. :$(document).ready(function () { $('#mycheckbox').change(function () { var returnVal = ("Are " + "you sure?"); if (returnVal) { postToServer($(this).prop("checked")); } else { $(this).prop("checked", !$(this).is(":checked")); }
rest api azure devops
Hi, I'm really struggling to get the authenication header to work, to access my azure devops. I've tested the path and the Personal Access Token (PAT) with powershell. Everything works. I just cannot get the same to work in javascript/jquery. Please see my code below. I've put down two different ways I've tried and commented it them out. would really appreciate the help. // var username = "username"; // var password = "54--PAT-TOKEN--xq"; var vstsAuthHeader = { "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa("" + ":" + "54--PAT-TOKEN----xq") }
JQuery Image Carousel Animated Roundabout Stopped Functioning
Hi guys, I have a JQuery roundabout on the home page of my site. It stopped functioning recently, and I'm attempting to fix it. I would greatly appreciate any help trying to resolve this issue! Here is the web page where it's malfunctioning: And here's the code for the page: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US"> <head profile="">
load div after div after div ...
Hi, I have a galery of n photos (could be 1000, 2500 or 5000). I would like to load all the images names in one page with a loader image for each name. I can have 2500 names for example, with 2500 times the same loader. And after, I would like to replace the first loader with the jpg of the first image. As soon as the first jpg is loaded, the script replace the second loader with the image of the second images, and so on. The goal is to load all the images names in one time and after, to load all
How can I correctly add the lib with jqueryUI
Good day, I spend a lot time to make my jquery mobile web site, and I particularely spent time to understand with the jquery UI, change my layout. I need to add a datepicker, this is the reason why I added (only because the datapicker layout) <script src="js/jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jqueri-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.css">--> But since I uncomment the jquetyui CSS file, the content of my web site change. Then I wonder how can I use it. Is there a way
Making Fields Required in this Google Forms Submitter Script
Hi, I came across the following script - and it's been awhile since I looked at and don't remember where I came up on it. GitHub I believe. At any rate, I was revisiting it and I need some help. The form submissions work. When someone fills out the form results go to the Google Form as anticipated. However, none of the fields are currently required. That's what I need help with. Where in the following script would I check if certain fields were filled out and report back to the user on submit? And
On load and on resize?
How to make it work like it should be working on load and on resize???
Animate (on click) - menu with sub-menu
Hi, I want to change position of one menu element by clicking on another menu element. When I click again element back to start position. Can someone help?!?
Estou aprendendo agora, incluindo a linguagem em RPA. Tenho um check box onde o codigo abaixo funcionava perfeitamente, derrepente já não funciona mais. Preciso de uma ajuda, Só pode preencher oitem que estiver na variavel. eu fui mexendo e fuçando, consegui fazer clicar em todas as opções. Mas eu precisava MUITO QUE SELECIONASSE APENAS O CORRETO. Sabem me dizer onde posso estar errando?
Refreshing an image after running JS function
Hello, I have a small app with one form. It has three pages/tabs. Page 1 and 2 have input fields. Tab 3 has an image control. I call a JS function to manually change the src attribute of the image to be displayed. The following is the code in the function: $("#obvImage").attr("src", "/uploads/"+$("#CC__Coin_Image_Name_Obv").val()); On page 2 is a field where I enter the file name of an image I want to display. When I Insert a new record, and go to page three, the image does display.
Problem with simple function (onscroll Event)
Hello, can someone help. Should animate to top on scroll but it doesn't.
Pop-up box containing text taken from another file
I am a (relatively inexperienced and unsophisticated) webmaster of a website to which some time ago was added a mouse-over function whereby a footnote appeared in a box when the curser was held over the footnote number in the text. To add this function, I uploaded jquery.js (date: 2009-02-19 17:34:21 -0500 - Thu, 19 Feb 2009 - revision: 6246), footnote-voodoo.css and footnote-voodoo.css and each file with a footnote includes an appropriate link to these files. I now wish to add an additional function
Api + MD5
Hello anyone I'm very new at The API tell: Client -> Server Server -> Client <?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Configuration> <ResCode>0</ResCode> <RetMsg></RetMsg> <ChallengeCode>5c0e1f55b54be2d0c56004ba349fb726</ChallengeCode> <IDCode>UM1NWDJYC19LOEYQRWNA</IDCode> </Configuration> Client -> Server<authcodes tring>&idcode=<idcodestring>&type=opt_type authcodestring = md5(ChallengeString:remote_pin:password);
Show total of data attributes based on different data attribute name
The title probably doesn't explained what I'm trying do very well . I have the code below output and what I'd like to do is total all the data-distance arrtibutes where the data-team name is the same. So using the code below I'd have 3 totals, one for admin, one for stores and one for sales. <div class="team"> <div class="hours" data-team="admin" data-distance="1.77"></div> <div class="hours" data-team="admin" data-distance="9.375"></div> <div class="hours" data-team="admin" data-distance="6.3"></div>
set value of 2nd Select based on 1st select when both select are in same column : When rows are added dynamically
Dear Sir I have 2 "select" or dropdown in a column based on change of 1st select , I want to set value of 2nd Select or Dropdown refer : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in Jquery following staement $(document).on("change","select",function() helps me to get id of 1st " select" statement But I do not know how to set value for the second select -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Need to modify jQuery file?
Hello My Web page uses jQuery to show the following lightbox pop-ups: It uses the following scripts: <script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/jquery.flashy.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../src/jquery.flashy.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/js/main.js"></script>How would I begin
Returning page in initial state
I have a button "show form" and hidden form, when i click on a button form appears, after i filled the form i send info in alert. How can i return page at initial state(like just having only one button). Also would be great to hear some tips what can i do better script looks like this $(document).ready(function () { $("#form").hide(); $("#showForm").click(function () { $("#form").show(); $("#showForm").hide(); }); $("#alertButton").click(function () { var name = $("#name").val(); var bday = $("#bday").val();
I add elements in div with value of input on keypress enter and I want to delete that value by click and here is the problem
here is my code: Thanks
Show only custom dates for DatePicker
I have a datepicker and trying to configure setDate to take in custom dates that i have set. The dates are coming from a database and only these dates should be displayed with the rest disabled. How could i disable all dates except for the ones i have set?
datepicker not working for dynamically created row/column
Dear Sir Pls refer data picker is working only for 1st row and NOT WORKING for row created by "AddRow" pls help
Small help : total cost (column total) for dynamically added row
Dear All pls refer I want to sum cost 1+cost2 and and display in field Total cost Test Group Test Name Ref.Val Unit Qty Rate Cost Qty x Rate Please SelectTestGroup 1TestGroup 2 TestGroup 3 Please SelectBPSugarUrine routine ref 001 unit 001 Please SelectTestGroup 1TestGroup 2 TestGroup 3 Please SelectBPSugarUrine routine ref 001 unit 001 Add Row when i add row i need to know number of rows
changing saturation
Hi there, I have a page where the viewer can change the background of the window--(actually a div, #bigbg, above the html background)--by removing and adding a class, eg, .gradblk {background: linear-gradient(#000000, #36393C, #909396); background-attachment:fixed; } with function showBg(grad) { $('#bigbg').removeClass().addClass(grad); } There's a choice of six colour gradients. The viewer also has the option of varying the opacity of the new background with a choice of five levels: function opBg(n)
Toggle Beginner question
Hey, I have a toggle beginner question: I ve already found toggle examples like these: $('.opener').click(function() { $('.sub-menu').slideToggle('fast'); return false; }); but these only work with fake links (#) like: <ul> <li><a href="#" class="opener">Open </a></li> <ul class="submenu"> <li>hidden item 1</li> <li>hidden item 2</li> <li>hidden item 3</li> </ul> </ul> if I insert a real link like "https://mydomain/example.html" this stops working <ul> <li><a href="https://mydomain/example.html"
Make edit icon stay after clicking it to edit
I want to be able to edit a table cell using an edit icon and when I click on it, I want the icon to stay and the focus to be on the textbox. I can't seem to get it with the following code: // The two columns with edit icon tbl +='<td ><div class="row_data" edit_type="click" col_name="datamapname"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>'+val['datamapname']+'</div></td>'; tbl +='<td ><div class="row_data" edit_type="click" col_name="description"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>'+val['description']+'</div></td>';
JQuery method not firing?
Hello all: In my JQuery method on a Modal dialog form, the first thing I am trying to do is check to see if required fields are filled out before an AJAX call is made: if ($('#FirstName').val() !== "") { $("#FirstNameHelp").text(""); } else { theError = 1; alert('First Name Blank'); $("#FirstName").text("Please enter your first name."); return; } if ($('#LastName').val() !== "") { $("#LastNameHelp").text(""); } else { $("#LastNameHelp").text("Please
Hi all, This is my site nav HTML code --------------- which is included in header.php <section class="main-menu" id="menu"> <nav class="desktop-menu"> <ul> <li class="font-icon"><a href="index.php" class="home">Home</a></li> <li class="font-icon"><a href="blog.php"class="blog blog-mr">Blog</a></li> <li class="font-icon"><a href="contact.php"class="contact">Contact</a></li> </ul> </nav>
Jquery with Owl Carousel
I am trying to rotate images so added Owl Carousel (i believe the latest version), 2 files after downloading found under the assets folder owl.carousel.js owl.carousel.min.js Opening the first file i see /** * Owl Carousel v2.3.4 * Copyright 2013-2018 David Deutsch * Licensed under: SEE LICENSE IN */ /** * Owl carousel * @version 2.3.4 * @author Bartosz Wojciechowski * @author David Deutsch * @license The MIT License (MIT)
I initialize the values of the contents of new row
Dear Sir/madam pls refer Add row allow me to add new row with cloning how can I initialize the values of the new row Dropdown td Cell value Inputs so that In new row we will have blank row i.e. no value selected in dropdown or nothing is selected and blank values in input and <td> </td> values will be blank ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more question Once User select a value from dropdown of newly
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