How to select id's of multiple products using VQL?
Apologies for the slightly irrelevant question but ... I currently have the following query to select the id of a single product, like so: id FROM product__v WHERE name__v = '${VOLT_CREDENTIALS.get('cred').productName }'` , args , function( data , res) { //console.log( 'PRODUCT ID IS ' +[0].id); productID =[0].id; resolve("Product ID Retrived ..."); }); But what if i have
Show <DIV> that contain <LI>: visible
Bonjour, je souhaite mettre en place une carte des réalisations d'un constructeur classées par Ville. Chaque ville s'inscrit dans une DIV contenant une LISTE affichant les programmes réalisés dans cette ville, avec deux états possibles : "LIVRÉS / EN COURS" Hello, I want to set up a map of the achievements of a manufacturer classified by City. Each city is registered in a DIV containing a LIST showing the programs realized in this city, with two possible states: "DELIVERED / IN PROGRESS" <div class="filter-commune">City
Replace in jqery
Hello, i have to replace "Material Design (Lite)" to "YAML" in jquery but i have no clue how to do it cant find any advice on google.. so i try to ask here If someone can help i would be really happy thanks..
Have I accidentally disabled JQuery?
Strictly speaking, I'm not really new to JQuery but it's been several years since I first used it so I certainly *feel* like a noob because I'm very rusty. I wrote some forms with JQuery validation several years back and then basically never looked at it again; I've forgotten a lot. I'm back to these forms adding a new feature and find myself wondering why none of my JQuery validations seem to be executing at all. When I try pressing submit on an otherwise untouched form, I get my PHP validation
JQuery Noob needs help
Hi everyone, I'm using the following JQuery to move a CSS element from one position on the website to another. // Execute after the page was fully loaded
if (jQuery('#jsonPayload').length) {
}, 1); When I refresh the page completely or load it for the first time it works fine, but when I perform an action on the page that only reloads a
Table to array , array back to table
Hi all I'm a jquery newbie, loving the power of I have made a table , and I would like to take the date to an array and into CSV format into a variable/array. i would like to be able to take that data from the variable/arry and read it back into the table (append) imagine the table is blank to start. Here's the fiddle: My bird logger table I have gotten to a point and now I'm stuck at formatting the output: ,Eagle,Front,2018-09-25 12:00,1537876800,2018-09-26 12:00,1537963200,Normal,1234,12,,Hawk,Front2,2018-09-25
Where to begin with for creating a jquery php data live filter.
Hello guys, i'm kinda newbie in jquery - ajax and what i want is to build a "live filtering" function with get parameters using jquery (and ajax i guess). I'm aware of some basics as for the ajax functionality but what i really want is to end up building a function with get parameters in url based on dropdowns, inputs, checkboxes etc.. , sth like " etc.. etc..".. Can anyone tell me where shall i start in order to learn to build something like that?
If X = Y then Y else Q in an ajax query
Hi all! I'm completely new to all of this but am trying to add some logic into an ajax query from a JSON file to write this to HTML. I'm reading two variable from a nested JSON file, "departure time" and "expected departure time". I want to write the "expected departure time" into the HTML if the two times differ. But if they are equal instead of the time I want to write "On Time". For this I need to have some logic inside my query. But I don't know how to do this. Below is the code where I have
increase/decrease image size
Can anyone recommend a plugin that toggles increase/decrease image size? cheers...
Jquery Datepicker with online template
I'm using a template found at I'm trying to add in a a jquery DatePicker ( ) to this template. The template contains the following scripts declared <script src="../scripts/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="../scripts/js/browser.min.js"></script> <script src="../scripts/js/breakpoints.min.js"></script> <script src="../scripts/js/util.js"></script> <script src="../scripts/js/main.js"></script>If i copy and paste the code for
here document.write function is not working can anybody help me to fix this plz......
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <table> <tbody> </tbody> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var arr = [ [2,3,4,5,6], [3,2,3,4,5] ]; $.each( arr, function(index,value) { document.write("<tr>"); $.each(value, function(key,value){ $( "tbody").append("<td>" + value + "</td>"); }); document.write("</tr>"); }); }); </script> </table> </body> </html>
Help/Review how to write modular Jquery code
I tried to write a modular Jquery code as this said. Can anyone review my code and give me advises to improve it? Is there a better way to do the fetch operations than I am doing? Can I expose only the `init` methods as a public API? class SearchVenues { constructor() { this.categoriesSelector = $('#catgories'); this.distanceSelector = $('#venue-distance'); this.state = { category_ids: [], distance: null
grab selected table row data (skip first td element) before deleting
Hi all I am following some tutorials and working on this one right now : I would like to grab selected table row data (skip first td element) before deleting the selected row. $(".delete-row").click(function(){ $("table tbody").find('input[name="record"]').each(function(){ if($(this).is(":checked")){ $(this).parents("tr").remove();
Doubts about ajax
Hello everyone ! My name is Taniguchi am im new at jquery. im developing a jquery code to get latitude and longitude from bing map rest service, i already have the code but i have trouble to understand part of it. function getcordinate(executionContext){ var attribute = executionContext.getEventSource(); var Rua = atribute.getvalue; var proxy = ''; var bingURL = "'" + Rua + "'&key=AlBxRwA5l41uHKOuC8_cNHwnAe8trlfDFqr5h-O7iz_jCPGaIuW4RhZZhMjOCj8C";
JSON file content assignment to global variable
Hi jQuery Forum Users, I encountered a problem, when trying to assign a json file content to a global variable. A short explanation - There is a file called test.json with some json content, which shall be assigned to a global variable using jQuery. For this purpose, I am using XMLHttpRequest. A defined function loadJSON calls XMLHttpRequest, with a callback function handling the json file content after a successful request. But the json file content is only available within the callback function
How can I turn off two videos via an external button html 5
I tried to place this code, but the buttons only play one video <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <button onclick="playVid()" type="button">Play Video</button> <button onclick="pauseVid()" type="button">Pause Video</button><br> <video id="09876" width="320" height="176"> <source src="mov_bbb.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video. </video> <script> var vid = document.getElementById("09876"); function playVid() {; } function pauseVid() { vid.pause();
combine 2 files
can anyone help me to make my registation form work with 2 different js files, 1-- register.js (the file responsible of animation and validation) 2--hashform.js (the file responsible of hashing the email, username and specially the password).--->this file is called when we click the submit button on the form. --> onclick="return regformhash(this.form, this.form.username,, this.form.password);"
Following code to check status and display hamburger menu is not working.
$(document).ready(function(){ var menustatus = 0; if(menustatus==0){ menustatus=1; $(".hamburgerMenuIcon").click(function(){ $(".menu").css("display", "block"); }); }; else{ menustatus=0; $(".hamburgerMenuIcon").click(function(){ $(".menu").css("display", "block"); }); } });
How Determine If jQuery Is Critical To First Paint?
How can I determine if jQuery is critical to the first paint of my web pages? I received a message in Google's Lighthouse to consider delivering critical js/css inline and deferring all non-critical js/styles. I'm wondering if jquery can be deferred. I'm using 3.3.1/jquery.min.js linked from Thanks!
JSON not working
Dear Sir JSON not working giving output {"0":"3","id":"3","1":"1","status":"1","2":"1","srno":"1","3":null,"image1":null,"4":null,"otp":null,"5":null,"pan":null,"6":null,"tan":null,"7":null,"gst":null,"8":null,"aadhar":null,"9":"0","stateid":"0","10":"0","vibhagid":"0","11":"3","districtid":"3","12":"3","talukaid":"3","13":"AAPATGAON","namee":"AAPATGAON","14":null,"namem":null,"15":null,"panchayatsamiti":null,"16":null,"villagename":null,"17":null,"namesmall":null,"18":null,"namecap":null,"19":"271606001","code":"271606001","20":"0","gp":"0","21":"","emailid":"","22":null,"password":null,"23":null,"recoveryemail":null,"24":null,"verificationnumber":null,"25":null,"detail":null,"26":null,"first_name":null,"27":null,"last_name":null,"28":null,"address_line1":null,"29":null,"address_line2":null,"30":null,"postal_code":null,"31":null,"ipaddress":null,"32":null,"person1":null,"33":null,"mobile1":null,"34":null,"person2":null,"35":null,"mobile2":null,"36":null,"regdt":null,"37":null,"tinyimage":null,"38":null,"smallimage":null,"39":null,"bigimage":null,"40":null,"smallwimage":null,"41":null,"bigwimage":null,"42":null,"actualimage":null,"43":"2018-06-19
Page Redicrect when clicking full calender. where date as argument?
well, i am trying to work with fullcalender in a portal. where when user clicks on date it redirect to a new page which list the appointments from mysql database table. where date clicked by user should act as the parameter. well i'm integrating following calendar in Laravel MVC pattern. well its should be purely Jquery no Ajax or JSON should be used. $(function() { // document ready $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { window.location.assign("http://localhost:8000/administrator/appointment/{{$date}}");
Dynamically tooltip into dropdown(select – Option)
i trying to add a tooltip on select option when it is selected from drop down Can any one help below is code <html> <head> <title>test</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> <script type="text/JavaScript"> $(function () { $("#sel option").each(function(i){ if(i>0){ var title="The select val=" +$(this).val(); $(this).attr("title",title); } }); } ); </script> </head> <body> <select id="sel"> <option Value="One">One</option>
JSON is undefined - Jquery results stops working
hi guys I have this ajax post which worked when I used test values However on changing it to real meaningful values (e.g I used my family names as return values) After changing it to (Output, SQuantity, Output and total) it stopped working. Here is my code below please advise function ehi(e) { var fd = new FormData($("#Shops")[0]); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/Shopping_Basket/Shop_AddToBasket", // contentType: false, processData: false, data:
How to sort a json array using jquery
{"10:35 AM":{"available_seats":52,"already_booked":2,"max_seat":"54","internal_only":{"10:35 AM":"0"},"stop_selling":{"10:35 AM":"0"}},"04:10 PM":{"available_seats":"54","already_booked":0,"max_seat":"54","internal_only":{"04:10 PM":"0"},"stop_selling":{"04:10 PM":"0"}},"12:05 PM":{"available_seats":45,"already_booked":9,"max_seat":"54","internal_only":{"02:10 PM":"0","12:05 PM":"0"},"stop_selling":{"02:10 PM":"0","12:05 PM":"0"}},"02:10 PM":{"available_seats":"54","already_booked":0,"max_seat":"54","internal_only":{"02:10
Highlighting works for some cells, but not others
I'm dealing with this script for a while now, I couldn't fix this. Some cells are highlighted some are not. When you make a selection from the select box, the matching value's supposed to be highlighted. it only works for some cells. Can I get some help, please? For example, if you select 1, it works. but it doesn't work for 2,3 This is my pen. . $("select").change(function () { var selectIndex = $(this).parent().index(); var value = $(this).val(); $('th',
understanding jquery versions
Hello guys I started using jquery feb this 2018 and have been using it with visual studio and Microsoft MVC .NetCore However I have a few questions, Visual studio by default puts version 1..x in all developed pages and I was reading the docs on the jquery website and it says version jQuery 3.3.1 is out and versions 1x and 2x will not be receiving patches anymore I take it that I must upgrade and the versions 3x are backward compatible to my projects ? many thanks Ehi
Get id's for a class after time interval
Dear Sir/Madam pls refer I want to upadate all id's '.followup' every 5 seconds. The Jquery is run every 5 seconds which is happening properly , the way we want and expected However when we want to derive the Id's for 1st Time I get the id's (displayed as Alert message) proper;y however when thsi Jquery is run again after 5 seconds, I am not getting the Id's proper;y what can be be reason and what corrections I need to make to avail correct Id's for the class '.followup'
Multible pages one file
so if i want one html file with a header that opens another page into same page instead of opening new link like maybe 5 or 6 pages in one file with a div for each how would i do that i host with a provider that charges more for more pages and want to have all pages in one html file so i dont have to pay sorta like the code in the image but this one seems to have bugs with multi page
display content relevant to link on same page
Ok, i am new to jQuery, beginner. Briefly, on page there is scientific article with cross references. And when you click on reference (example 1 ) on number 1, then the box opens and display some text relevant to that link. And that text is also on same page but in part where is literature. So, user instead to scroll all way down, he can just click on reference and see in box what it is about. I can post link to this site to see what i mean but i don't know if its in line with forum rules? I did
Don't work animate
Hi Using jQuery full version 3.3.0. My code: html: <div></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script> js: $( document ).ready(function(){ $(document).on("click", "div", function(){ $("div").animate({"background-color": "rgb(100,100,100)"}, 500); // don't work!!! $("div").animate({backgroundColor: "rgb(100,100,100)"}, 500); // don't work!!! $("div").animate({width: "+=200px"}, 500); //$("div").css({"background-color":"#f00"}); });
Not work method hide() of present element
Hi Using jQuery lib by version 3.3.0. Not work next sample. When click on img tag, his don't hide. Img element is present on the page. For run: click on the map and paste URI to prompt window, then click OK. Click on image, after it was added. Example,
Need help with Swipe and panel in one page
Hi I am trying to use both swipe and panel in one page. this works fine with panel: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <script src="jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div data-role="page" id="pageone"> <div data-role="panel" id="overlayPanel" data-display="overlay"> <h2>Overlay Panel</h2> <p>You can close
using a ES6 plugin , thats not been compiled to ES5 in the browser.
Hey Guys , Good day , have a question about a vanilla JS plugin written in ES6 . This one here. Can't i just import the index.js from the /src directory and work with it ?
How do i load jquery?
<html> <head> <title>My Now Amazing Webpage</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//"/> </head> <body> <div class="fade"> <div><img src="[ img 1 ]" /></div> <div><img src="[ img 1 ]" /></div> <div><img src="[ img 1 ]" /></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
Stop date from being selected after postback
I have a page which allows you to select a date from Multi date picker ( and add the selected date to another control. Heres some of the code $(document).ready(function () { Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(EndRequestHandler); function EndRequestHandler(sender, args) { $('#mdp-demo').multiDatesPicker({ dateFormat: "y-m-d" });
scroll to Anchor - prevent animation on section
Hi all, Im new to the forum (and somewhat of a beginner to jQuery), and have stumbled onto a problem with a scroll to anchor function. At the moment, when the user clicks an element on the nav bar, the nav bar hides via a GSAP timeline, it scrolls down to the section, then the GSAP timeline reverses the nav animation so it re-appears. What I'm stuck on - is that I cant seem to prevent the navigation animation happening when the user is already at that particular part of the page. For example, if
Referencing the next div after the one clicked.
Hi, I have some html code to display summary log information inside a table inside a div. Each summary div is followed by a detailed information div that is hidden. The displayed result looks like hundreds of rows in a table. The idea is for someone to click on a div showing summary log data and to have the next hidden div to expand showing detailed log information. I have code that works to slideDown one hidden div if another is clicked but I have to use the id of both divs. What I would like is
Jquery Slide
Hello everboy, my name is Taniguchi and I'm new at jquery and I'm having trouble with the following piece of code. $('#day_slider').slider ( { range: "max", min: min_value, max: max_value, value: 1, step: 1, slide: function (event, ui) { if (ui.value == 1) { $("#slider_value").html('Follow Up in ' + ui.value + ' Day'); } else { $("#slider_value").html('Follow Up in
Help matching button tag and replace its onclick
I'd like to select and match the following button code by the buttonid and replace what's in the onclick with my own url. <button type="button" tabindex="0" title="" buttonid="CTRL53_11" onclick="return (PictureButton.OnClick(this, event));">My Button</button> Can you help me match the <button> tag where the buttonid is CTRL53_11 and replace the onclick to something like window.location.href="custom.html"? I can use something this right? $('button[buttonid="CTRL53_11"]') I'm not sure how to replace
Uncaught Missing instance data for this datepicker
when i am changing date from input then first time it works but on second time it gives Uncaught Missing instance data for this datepicker.
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