Handling videos in jquery
Hi The purpose of the program is to describe videos with one video. I am also trying to watermark the video being described. The problem is that I cannot load the video from the select tag. Can anybody help? Thanks.
"click" not working
hey i am working on a simple site with 3 buttons and 1 test button. curently only the test button(the x) is coded but it does not work and i do not know why. here is my html code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="nl"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="description" content="controler"> <meta name="author" content="jk"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css?v=1.0"> <meta charset="ISO-8859-1"> <title>title</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <h1 id="first">toggle vizer</h1> <h1 id="second">toggle
I want to know number of "DIV"'s are displayed
Dear Sir/Madam Pls refer http://jsfiddle.net/yap3ujz9/ This is a simple jquery program that allows user to update email Id's I want to know , after each update or click on Save Email Id button I want to know number of DIV with class ='supplierblock' are displayed
Looking for good tutorials on building a website with jQuery
Hello everyone, I am new to jQuery. I currently know the basics of HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and jQuery. I am looking to dive into Angular and React further down the track. Ideally I would like to find somewhere that teaches jQuery throughout building a website. Question:- Should I dive into basics of angular, react or AJAX before I start?? Any tips would be great thanks!
Unable to read value from hidden field post JQuery 3.3.1 upgrade
Dear team, We have used Knockout library along with JQuery in one of the page. We are binding hidden field with a value from model in cshtml page: <input id="OrderId" type="hidden" value="@Json.Encode(Model.OrderList.Select(it => new { it.ItemDescription, it.ItemId}))" /> and then reading the value in js and assigning to observable like: self.OrderList(JSON.parse($("#OrderId").val())); Post jquery upgrade, $("#OrderId").val() does not returns anything 'undefined' Can you please help me what needs
I can't get my jquery accordion css menu to drop down.
Here is my code code pen My php add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ho_nav_js'); function ho_nav_js() { wp_enqueue_style('ho-nav-main-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/style.css'); wp_enqueue_script('ho-nav-main', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/ho-nav-main.js'); } class HO_nav_Walker extends Walker { var $db_fields = array( 'parent' => 'menu_item_parent', 'id' => 'db_id' ); function start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = array()) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth); $output.= "\n$indent<ul>\n";
Got stuck with this mouse tilt effect
Hey everyone, I'm very new to jquery and I tried to code a tilt effect on a card with the help of some plugins and snippets. So, you see the actual status of my work in the iframe above. The cards are moving if the mouse is moved. My problem is that every card is moving. My aim is that only the card which is hovered with the mouse should move and the rest should do nothing. Can someone help me with my problem? Thanks, Chris
click function on Bottstrap toggle button
Hi, I´m generating two toggle buttons in my site: function addDataLayerToggleItems(layerName, layer) { $("#LayerControl-List-DataLayer-Items").append( $("<div>", { class: "checkbox" }).append( $('<input>', { type: "checkbox", id: layerName, 'data-toggle': "toggle", 'data-on': "Ein", 'data-off': "Aus", 'data-on': "Ein", 'data-off': "Aus", 'data-onstyle': "success", 'data-offstyle': "danger", class: "toggle" }) ).append( $('<label>').text(layerName) ) ) } how do I generate a click event to do something
I am dynamically creating a table to add employees. After adding more than one row, i have deleted the first row. Again adding the same not working..any help will be appreciated. my code is as follows function() { $(document).on("click","#btnAdd",function(){ var empid_name = $("#selEng").val(); empid_name = empid_name.split("_"); var empid = empid_name[0]; var empname = empid_name[1]; var hour = $("#txtIHour").val(); if(empid_name=='none') { alert('Please select an Engineer'); return false; }
JQuery Links
Hello everybody, I have a problem with rendering links. No matter what I do in the CSS, the links are never presented as intended. in CSS the links for the menu look like this: header { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; padding: 0 100px; background:#262626; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; text-shadow:0 0 0; } header .logo { color: #fff; height: 50px; line-height: 50px; font-size: 24px; float: left; font-weight: bold; } header nav { float: right; } header nav ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; display:
Click Event Not Firing When Radio Buttons Wrapped In A DIV Are Selected
I have a bunch of bootstrap panels on my web page and each panel contains three radio buttons. The panels which contains the radio buttons and the index, name, and value of the radio buttons are dynamically generated so I don't know ahead of time what the values of the mentioned attributes will be. Below is a sample of my radio button code after it is generated. <div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="radio" id="Xc2RT" name="Canine_1" value="Wolf"> Wolf </div>
Help getting a jQuery Example to work
Hello, I am a complete noob with jQuery and web development in general. I am trying to get some of the example widgets (in this case a slider bar) given on the jQuery site to work using the provided source code but they fail for seemingly no reason. I can copy and paste the source code listed under the widget into an HTML file and when I open it I will see a blank page. Why does this happen?
Trying to create a notification popup... The notification overlaps the divs underneath it even after fadeTo()?
I’m trying to create a notification popup (similar to YouTube’s when you add a video to your watch-later or something). This is my attempt: (jsfiddle here) $('#notification-box').hide(); $('body').on("click", "#enableSuspension", function(){ $('#notification-box').append('<p>Client suspension enabled.</p>').fadeTo(1000, 1, function(){ $('#notification-box, #notification-box p').fadeTo(1000, 0); }); }); However, it doesn’t function well at all. I want each individual notification to
Create a function which enables and disables the submit button depending on a checkbox input
Okay, so I am having a hard time trying to understand how a "toggle" effect like this should be written. So I have a form, with a main checkbox-input field, some dynamically added checkbox-input fields, and a submit button. What I am trying to achieve is, when the main checkbox (labelled as "Select All") is checked, to enable the submit button, and when it is unchecked, to disable the submit button. I also want the button to be disabled if NO checkboxes are selected, and I found a nice piece of code
Match A JSON Value to A Key Or Keys
Suppose I have a json object as seen below: { "testTypeA":"A", "testTypeB":"B", "testTypeC":"C", "assortedTest":["X","D","C"] } I have seen many jQuery tutorials on getting json values by using the key but I have not seen any tutorials on getting the key if the value is known. In the above json object, if I would like to get all the keys that have a value of C, what method could I use?
Cant seem to download jquery
I tried to download the jquery latest version. However, instead it gives me this (see below a substract). I'm taking a course and wanted to install the programme on my disk and what I'm getting is not in dowloaded format. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for help! /*! jQuery v3.3.1 | (c) JS Foundation and other contributors | jquery.org/license */
!function(e,t){"use strict";"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e.document?t(e,!0):function(e){if(!e.document)throw
get a value(text) from a span element to a input element ?
how to get an span element text to a input element and then grab the input element value and display it as a list below? From the code below, when I click the btnGET I would like to put the 8:00 pm into the <input id="txtTime" type="time" /> and then again get the new value of txtTime and display it as a list below when btnSET is clicked ..I am doing this to check how the type time will change the type of user input...Same is the case with EMAIL span as well.. Thank you in advance.. Ex: <div>
Multiple Date Picker, getting dates
I am using this example to select multiple dates http://jsfiddle.net/7613s2hu/2/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=embed&utm_campaign=7613s2hu So far so good but i need to get the values selected on the calendar. I added a label with the below code <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById('DatesLabel').value = $('#mdp-demo').multiDatesPicker('getDates'); </script> but each time i click a date on control the label shows as empty. My guess is to target
grab data-* value from DOm and print unordered list
I want to loop through all label elements of my page and grab their id and data-myvalue values and show them as an un-ordered list below the div... How can i achieve this Example <div> <span> <label id="SA.MC.AMC.Breakfast" data-myvalue ="2"></label> <label id="SA.MC.AMC.Breakfast.Output" data-myvalue ="4"></label> </span> </div> The un-odered list should be like this <ul> <li>SA.MC.AMC.Breakfast :2 </li> <li>SA.MC.AMC.Breakfast.Output :4 </li> <ul> Thank you in advance
How come the other answer won't display upon alert? The only thing that displays is "not quite try again". PLEASE HELP
<p>What was the name of the book featured in the firsrt episode of the first season?</p> <form><p><input type="text" id="guess"> </p></form> <p><button id="checkGuess">Guess!</button></p> <script> $("#checkGuess").click(function() { var AnswerEntered = $("#checkGuess").val(); var guess = "The Last Man Alive"; if ($(AnswerEntered) == guess) { alert("You got it, your a fan!"); } else { alert("Not Quite, try again"); } }); </script>
Getting error while creating InputTextArea on button click using jQuery in jsf
Hi All, I want to create InputTextArea dynamically on button click. While doing so, getting the following error. Code: <h:head> <f:facet name="first"> <meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv="Content-Type"/> <title>TxtArea Dynamic</title> </f:facet> <h:outputScript library="primefaces" name="jquery/jquery.js"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">
can jquery support a menu sending files to 3 different DIVs on the same page
I am trying to update from frames to flexbox. Now i am trying to use jquery. I have succesfully been able to load the menu from the first div into the second. But sending files from the second div to load into the third nothing I try works. The first div holds a master menu. the second holds a submenu. The thrid div is for viewing files. Id like to actually have a fourth DIV for viewing files as well. This is a large educational tool I build in frames. With the target command I have no problem
Add google tag manager with jquery on the head of html document
First of all thanks for letting me be a part of this forum. I need to place google tag manager with jquery on a webpage, but I'm new to jquery world and after several trials without success I decided to come here to may get some help. Sorry about my English, I'm still learning.
Diff between jquery.js and core.j
Hi, I have recently downloaded jquery using npm. I got dist folder with core.js and jquery.js (plus ui and maps). I initially want to use just basic - which one do I need core.js or jquery.js or both? Regards, Janusz
Can i download a local version from the past release?
Hi, can i download and use on my commercial website the past version of jQuery/jQuery UI form https://code.jquery.com? Or i must use it just as CDN? Thanks
How can I translate the page horizontally left using translate3d and jQuery?
Sideways scrolling seems to be the in thing now, but I do not see much advice on translating the page using translate3d. Ideally, I'd love to be able to translate the page left, on 'Scroll', but I am having trouble with my maths. A few articles said I can use pageXOffset for compatibility, but as I say, I am unsure on how to calculate my maths. Do I have to calculate the width of all items first '#feature--items'? Then translate '-' + x + 'px' based on that? So far (along with CSS) I have this:
UI Demo "Droppable"
Hi I am new here and I have absolutly no experiance with coding or java. But I use "Hype" from Tumult without coding. Now I want to iport the UI Demo "Droppable". But I don't need the squares, I need different pictures. How can I change the code to replace the squares with jpgs? Thanks a lot for helping!
How to get code to stop in hover function when .mole reaches top (0%) and go to game_over()
<html> <head> <style> body{ background-color: #facb56; height:100%; width:100%; overflow:hidden; } .mole{ background-color:rgb(128,64,0); border-radius:100px 100px 0px 0px; height:100%; width:10%; position:absolute; top:100%; background-image: url('mole.png');
Dynamically create button and then remove button when clicked
Hi, I am a newbie and new to this forum so I hope I dont contravene or breach any protocols. I have divs in html and when I click the div I am adding a button. eg attached: <div class="week"> <div class="day wk1" id="day1"> <label for="day1">Test</label> </div> <div class="day wk1" id="day2"> <label for="day2">Test</label> </div> When I add a button by clicking on the div, no problem. $(".day").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var check = $("#day7").width() - 2; var insert = $(this).prop("id");
how I pass a variable to selector
I'm using <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> and I wani to pass a variable at selector $('.cell'+i).each(function(){ var get_val = $(this).val() sum1 += parseFloat(get_val);
JQuery context menu in HTML/js code
Hi, I have an application with some HTML/js code. I am using jquery to show a contextmenu (Version: 1.6.6) in the $document element when I rightclick in a div of this document. With 'autohide' it closes when mouse leaves the HTML document, but I would like to close the context menu in some other situations. This is my first problem, how to close the menu programatically... My code: $(document).contextMenu({ selector: '#' + panelId, autoHide: true, items: ...
Post to admins
Hi learners and admins. There's a big problem jquery's with css. I'll share code and I want to run the code yourself. you'll see the problem. CSS .box .bio { position: absolute; top: 400px; left: 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; padding: 10px 15px; border:1px solid #fff; background-color: rgba(250,250,250, 0.3); box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0,0,0, 0.5); border-radius: 5px; transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; display: none; } .box .bio:hover { background-color: transparent; } HTML <div
Input Associated with Radio button
I am trying to get the associated input box value of the radio button. But it always returns the value associated with the first radio button irrespective of the radio selection. How to get the write one. Here my sample code <script> $(function (){ $('#viewMyAsyncRequest input').on('change', function() { var obj1 = $("#viewMyAsyncRequest input[name=radioInput]:checked").parents(); alert("content : " + obj1.html() + " value is :" + obj1.find("#inputId").val()); }); });
How does this website animate its beautiful homepage?
Would someone please be so kind as to tell me how this website animates its entire homepage? It has to be more than CSS3 transitions and transforms? Speaking honestly it is hard to find out what they are using as they bundle and minify their Javascript perfectly. I do understand that WebGL is used on this site, but isn't that more graphics properties, rather than animating as such? Their HTML structure is strange too, looks like angular? <x-application ws-root> and <template> are seen here, but,
code doesnt work
Pls help... I have HTML <div id="somegroup"> <div id="step1">Step 1</div> <div id="step2">Step 2</div> </div> I have code (add div): $('#somegroup').append('<div class=\"choosen\" id=\"step3\">Step 3</div>'); and it works correctly. But this: $( "#somegroup div" ).click(function() { $('#somegroup div').removeClass('choosen'); $(this).addClass('choosen'); }); works for step1, step2 but not for step3. I need change class "choosen" Thank you very much for help.
jQuery for Hiding SharePoint Columns
Hi all I'm new to jQuery, but I've added one to a SharePoint List so hide and show specific columns based on criteria. For example, I have a Choice drop down where users can select either 'US Dollars' or 'Pounds Sterling'. If they choose US Dollars, then a text box (which was hidden) now appears so they can enter in a currency in Dollars.. and vice versa if they select Pounds Sterling. The query works great when a new item is created in the list, however if you then go back into the item later to
problem using draggable()
Hi, I have a series of pages which are ajax-loaded into a column. Behind the column is a div of identical width which provides a semi-transparent background. I prefer to get rid of scrollbars, and give the viewer the means to scroll: using draggable-y. Now: if i use on the imported pages either margins or padding on the left or right, there's a non-scrollable area: and a mousedown in this area overlays the whole column with a blue colour. You can see the effect here Short of recoding all the pages
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
<body> <table id="tbl" style="width:100%"> <tr> <th>id</th> <th colspan="2">email</th> <th>phonenum</th> <th>username</th> <th>name</th> <th>isActive</th> <th>address</th> <th>lastlogin</th> </tremail <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var rows=[{ id:"0001", email:"wahajzafar06@gmail.com", phonenum:"03314845914",
strange error in my code, because everything looks alright at least when it comes to colons
Hey, I experienced a strange error in my code, because everything looks alright at least when it comes to colons: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>My fruit list:</h1> Fruit Name: <input type="text" id="fruitnameinput" value="" placeholder="Fruit Name"/><br> Fruit Color: <input type="text" id="fruitnamecolor" value="" placeholder="Fruit Color"/><br>
loop through json object
Hi all, i have the folowing JSON object: var jsObject = { "name": "Student1", "members": { "data-content-type": "saAfterFullStud", "data-key": 1, "data-value": 007 } , "name": "Student2", "members": { "data-content-type": "saAfterRedStud", "data-key": 1, "data-value": 222
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