Select list Size value not working iOS
I’d like my Select list to be shown open via the Size value. Such as Size=8. So I can see 8 items in the list. However, this Size value is ignored in iOS because the Select is always shown closed up. Is there any way I can get the list to display open, and if not, is there another way I can achieve a similar ‘look’ using another kind of element? Thank you...
Why wont this simple piece of code work on mobile browsers on a Wordpress website
<code> topicHighlight(); function topicHighlight() { jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $(".series-item-text [href]").each(function () { if (this.href.split("?")[0] == window.location.href.split("?")[0]) { $(this).addClass("active"); } }); }); jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $(".series-item-link [href]").each(function () { if (this.href.split("?")[0] == window.location.href.split("?")[0]) { $(this).addClass("hide");
Modal: Confirmation, jQuery and PHP
Hello guys, I have a table of posts. Each post has "DATA-ID" and "DATA-TITLE" tags.By clicking the "Generate/Gerar" button I need to open and display in the Modal window the DATA-ID and DATA-TITLE. By choosing the "Generate Art/Gerar arte" button a script is executed. The PHP script will just change an ENUN field from "0" to "1" in the chosen record. How do I get the "DATA-ID" and "DATA-TITLE" from the registry and make them appear in the Modal window? How do I use the "DATA-ID" of the Modal window
how to select the li element with specific link text
Using the following navigation I display an image gallery of products that start with the selected letter. <ul class="pagination pagination-lg" id="letterNavMenu"> <li class="page-item active"><a class="page-link" onclick="">A</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" onclick="reloadData('B')">B</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link" onclick="reloadData('C')">C</a></li> <li class="page-item"><a class="page-link"
jQuery Cycle plugin, can I make Crossfade Backgrounds in a div ?
I'm trying to use the jQuery plugin called "Cycle". Their site is here: . What I need to do is an Crossfade of images for a Background in a div. I undertand that one cannot use Crossfades of background images tho there is some way to achieve this using a z-index. My Background image exists in a div so it's not the entire page. I tried to get it to work as shown on my codepen CodePen Background fade, Forked But it doesn't work. The Background image doesn't just stay
How can i keep a popup div always open, even on page refresh/reload until a user close it using session storage and jQuery?
I use the following code to show/hide a div using jquery toggle. I try to find a way so browser can remember the last status of the popup div. What i want is to keep this div always open even on page refresh/reload until a user close it. I think that i have to use html5 web storage and jQuery but i don't know how can i apply it on my code. Could you please help me as cant find anything similar by googling it? :( HERE IS MY FIDDLE CODE Thanks in advance
ContextMenu2 how to change the font?
I've searched and searched for an example of how to change the font for the contextMenu2? All I find are topics on Awsomefont icons. I'd like to change the popup menu font to Courier New. Thank you for any help. $(function() { $.contextMenu({ selector: '#idqset', trigger: 'left', font-family: 'Courier New',//<--- does not work callback: function(key, options) { }, items: { "100": {name: "\\ Show current weight to max weight line"}, "200": {name: "+ Show CG crosshairs"}, "300": {name: "Show maximum
Getting src from clicked image using owl-carousel
Hi, I need your help to get src from clicked image using owl-carousel. I get src when onchange event, but not on click. Here my fiddle: Thanks in advances Tegatti
Jquery, Pass values from id to another js function
I want to pass the values from one Jquery Function to another. Running this function $(function() { $('#ProjectWHDate').change(function(){ $('#TaskFechHours').load('disabledtimes.asp?RobotID='?RobotID=1&ProjectWHDate=10/10/2020); }); }); im getting from disabledtimes.asp this result: 'timeFormat': 'H:i', 'minTime': '9:00pm', 'maxTime': '17:00mm', 'showDuration': true, 'step': 15, 'disableTimeRanges':[['10:00', '13:00']] So Far So Good... But i want to pass this result to another script. This one...
Issue on Skip Adding Class to an Element Which Has a Specific Class
Can you please take a look at This Demo and let me know how I can prevent adding active class to the divs that have d-none class already? as you can see from my code I am adding the active class by index to all .tab-pane divs but I want to skip adding the active to the div with d-none class and add it to next available element $("button").on("click", function(){ var index = $("#content-tabs").index(); index = index+1; $(".tab-pane").removeClass('active'); $(".tab-pane").eq(index).addClass('active');
Can jquery fill a polygon with a color?
I have some code (below) that builds a polygon shape (using an array). It's a simple 5 sided polygon. I'd like to fill it with a color. Does jQuery have a way to fill a polygon with color? Thank you... function buildPolygonEnvelope() {
var cgEnvelope = document.getElementById("idEnvelope").value;
polygon = [];
var str1 = cgEnvelope.split("@");
for (i = 0; i < str1.length; i++) {
var str = str1[i].split(',').map(parseFloat);
polygon.push( [ str[0] , str[1] ] );
polygon.push( [ str[2] , str[3]
Como faço para alimentar 2 combobox dropdwon com jquery e duas listas json
O código em JS abaixo alimenta o combobox "programas" (html <select id="programas">) com uma lista em Json (lista-regiao-programas.json) de acordo com a escolha no combo "regioes" (html <select id="regioes">). Mas como eu faço para alimentar o combobox "municípios" (html <select id="municipios">) baseado no combo em "regiões" com a lista Json "combox-municipios.json" ? esolhe 1 programa -> alimenta regiões -> escolhe 1 região -> alimenta "município" (3 combos aninhados)... HTML -> <div class="form-group">
Themeroller page not working, downloading give 502 Bad Gateway
The themeroller page isn't working. I used the link given in the CSS I downloaded from a previous download and it doesn't render the elements correctly. Changing the attributes, such as color, font, etc. has no effect on the rendering either. Starting from a new blank themeroller also doesn't work. Clicking on "Download Theme" take you to the page to select the specifics about the theme, but clicking "Download" at the bottom give a 502 Bad Gateway error reported from Cloudflare (Seattle). This has
Jumping to anchor within modal with a fixed header
Hi all, I am having a bit of a problem. I have a script that is for nested modals, that when a link is clicked it jumps straight to an anchor. It works fine. However when styling, I would like to have a fixed header as the ".content" div scrolls to the anchor. When ".content" has a height of 80vh it looks fine, but the script doesn't scroll to the anchor. When ".content" has a height of 80% the script works, but the fixed header doesn't stay fixed and scrolls with the ".content". How can I have the
Popup modal and jump to anchor inside
Hi all, I am trying to create a link that when clicked, a modal pops up, and also jumps to an anchor in it. At the moment you will see i have some code for the pop up (which is configured for a set of nested modals) hence it is not your standard setup. When you click on the links twice, they work. How can I get it to work as is, with one click only. Thanks HTML <a href="#contributors" class="element-item item1">item1</a> <a href="#contributors" class="element-item item2">item2</a> <!--
how to use encrypt and decrypt
how to encrypt and decrypt with jquery, then send to the controller laravel
Navigate away from tab warn about unsaved changes
Hi guys, I have a page with multiple tabs using the tabs from the JQueryUI. On each tab i have a form with multiple elements and a save button. What i need is to fire a warning whenever the user clicks on a different tab and the contents of the tab where the user was have changed. The structure is something like this: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li id="t1"><a id="aTabMain" href="#tabs-1">Main</a></li> <li id="t2"><a id="aTabAreas" href="#tabs-2">Areas</a></li> <li id="t3"><a id="aTabImages"
How do i get multiple sortable list data to php in wordpress?
I have 2 lists, i am populating the first list with an array, and then dragging and dropping between the lists. i need to get the data from those lists, after someone moves something between them. I think im on the right track, i have plugin.php, admin.js, and my-ajax.php i need to somehow post data from admin.js to my-ajax.php I have this CSS <style> #sortable3, #sortable4 { border: 1px solid #eee; width: 142px; min-height: 20px; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding:
selected accordion
hello i have probleme with my accordion for exemple if cliked in englich she tackes show and the others become hidden this my code
Custom download does not work? ...
Custom download does not work? ... tells me that it is down
jQuery Colpicker help
I'm trying to use the jQuery Colpicker but am having trouble setting it to a color. I have a button click event (which is firing upon clicking) as shown below, but it doesn't change the color of the Colpicker. I'm probably over looking something simple. Thank you for any help. $("#buttonUpdate").click(function(){ $("#idcolors").val("#990000"); }); <input id="idcolors" type="text" value="#ff0000">
Nested Modals Zoom/Blurring. Issue with Closing Modals.
Hi all, I am trying to add some functionality to this setup. As you will see, it is an attempt to make a nested modal setup, that on every click on a modal link, it recedes and blurs everything behind the modal. I have managed to make it work, but I am trying to do two things: 1. make everything fade in and fade out. As of now, the background blurs and recedes slowly, but I would like to control the speed of the modal opening/closing. 2. make the ESC key close the modals. This is proven difficult,
Problem with jQuery Plugin For Handling Double Tap Event
Hi, I'm quite new in jquery and I'm building my website. I use an action on double click to toggle between images. In order to be able to do the same on mobile, I use the plugin : jQuery Plugin For Handling Double Tap Event, there : The double tap is well detected (I've test it with some window.alert message). But if I use the same code than in my dblclick function, it's not working. It's working like a
jquery conflict issue on my website
Hi friends I'm having a jquery plugin conflict problem I use on my website and can help codes not working?
Need asssitance on resolving Security Scan Vulnerbilities
We recently can AppScan Source on our product and a number of issues have been identified as exposures. they seem to be false positives based on teh context of usage, AppScan Source seems to be flagging text. I need guidance if there are any alternatives to perform the tasks in jQuery. 1. CWE 288 JQuery Calls to Ajax Endpoints Can Be Made Out of Sequence source line flagged $.ajax(( type" "POST", contentType:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded: charset=utf-8", url:+/IPreports/...." 2. CWE 311
ThemeRoller does not work
for several days ThemeRoller does not work because urls such as https: // ffDefault = Luci .... returns a 502 error. Is this normal?
jQuery looping through class
I'm trying to loop through a class called payload and get all of their weights. When I run my code all I see in the console.log() is one line with a total of 9 (there are 9 TR rows. . I need to loop through each one of the rows and see their weight values. Thank you for any help... $('.payload').each(function() {
}); <td><INPUT TYPE="text" class="payload" value="<?php echo $php_row->Weight?>"></td>
Toggle class on menu but also remove class
hi guys - i need some help with something relatively simple. i have a bunch of menu items item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4 when i click any of the items i need to toggle a class 'open' indivually for each item but if i click on another item example item 3 i need to remove the class open. this is how my code looks so far - i am able to toggle the class but it doesn't get removed when click on the different items. $('#Menu1 .DropDownInner').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault();
Adding Search function to Isotope's "hideReveal" plugin
Hi all, I've adapted some code from Desandro's "hideReveal" plugin for Isotope: But I am trying to add a search functionality to it, and I am having some trouble. Could someone help me out? Here's what I have! Thanks HTML: <script src=""></script> <div id="filters" class="button-group"> <button class="button is-checked" data-filter="*">show all</button> <button class="button"
.load failed in Firefox > 68
Hi there, have a problem with jquery .load function. Have an index.html file and try to insert a xyz,html file from subfolder at a certain div position: <script>$("divpos").load("subfolder/xyz.html");</script> Worked until Firefox 67, but now get in console this: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at file:///C:/Users/name/Documents/00%20MyData/005%20xyz.html. (Reason: CORS request not http) And: File xyz.html is not loaded! Changing Firefox
How do I check and update an array of JSON objects
hi guys I am trying to create a shopping basket in a JSON array and an array to be stored in the localStorage. I want to 1. Check if exists 2. Update the array based on ProductID 3. If it does not exist then add new values to the array 4. Then update the localstorage. Currently my code does not update e.g. 1 + 1 is 11 instead of 2. What am i doing wrong SEcondly the array appears to be sub arrays instead of updating it var Basket = { ProductID: product, Quantity: quantity }; // create shopping
how filter by date
hello i have select for exemple more recent ,older,precise period if I select more recent i display the most recent dates I managed to display by video or picture this my code
Calculate the number of days between dates and then multiply by a number
Hello, as usual I think I am way over-thinking this, so any help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Ultimately I am trying to calculate the number of days between two dates and then multiply that number times another number (cost of a permit). I am using the aria datepicker and have two date fields; start date and end date. Here is where my jquery skills need serious improvement. Each time a start and or end date field is clicked or entered, is when I need the
[SOLVED] Empty errorThrown on fail?
Original post below. Solution: I discovered that the Chrome browser was negotiating with the HostGator server to use HTTP/2 in the case that I got a blank errorThrown. Apparently in HTTP/2 there is no provision for passing a text message with the status code! Consequently for jQuery there is no value with which to populate errorThrown. The solution for a RESTful interface is to ensure that the response MIME type is application/json and the body contains a JSON object as the body of the error response.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable Tournament Brackets - Bracket
Hi All, Request you to kindly help me with making an ajax call to load data on change of combobox. I am using the plugin downloaded from "" I am able to see the data loaded using the below code. var singleElimination = {
"teams": [ // Matchups
["Team 1", "Team 2"], // First match
["Team 3", "Team 4"] // Second match
"results": [ // List of brackets (single
nested calls,second done not firing
hi all, I've written this piece of code: if ($('#smartcards').val()) { let customer_id = $('#customer').val(); let customer_name = $('#customer option:selected').text(); if ($('.shipment-edit').length) { customer_id = $('#hcustomer').val(); customer_name = $('#customer').val(); } $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: '/manufacturers/checksmartflag',
full calendar update : not getting id of inserted event
Dear Sir/Madam Pls refer in this program when i insert a new event by double clicking the calendar cell I am not getting its id (new id) of the inserted event as a result i cannot edit / delete this newly inserted event ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.ajax({ url: 'add-event.php', data:
Sort a list based on class as well as values
I need to do a sort of nested sorting. <ul class="nested"> <li class="a-group">4</li> <li class="a-group">2</li> <li class="a-group">1</li> <li class="a-group">3</li> <li class="b-group">4</li> <li class="b-group">2</li> <li class="b-group">1</li> <li class="b-group">3</li> <li class="c-group">4</li> <li class="c-group">2</li> <li class="c-group">1</li> <li class="c-group">3</li> </ul> So is there a way I could sort each value within each group, so that I end up with
White spaces on top and bottom when tap on main role...
On my jquermobile page I have header, footer and main roles. When I tap on main role, then on the top and bottom white space shows...when I tap again then dissapears. If I tap on top and bottom roles it is OK. How can I prevent that? It is possible that these two lines can be set to different color? It looks very "ugly", but I don't know fix that.
Download Builder on JqueryUI website returns "Error 502" after clicking on Download button.
Hi! Download Builder on JqueryUI website returns "Error 502" after clicking on Download button.
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