JQMIGRATE ALERT: jQuery.expr.filters is now jQuery.expr.pseudos
JQMIGRATE ALERT: jQuery.expr.filters is now jQuery.expr.pseudos jquery-ui.js:2223 if ( $.expr && $.expr.filters && $.expr.filters.animated ) {
Dropify insert image dinamically
I , sorry for english i have a materialize modal with a form in this form i have input and an image. With ajax and json i populate the input field but the image (get by db) isn't show . This is my code : $('.button_edit').click(function() { var csrfName = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>'; var csrfHash = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>'; $id_cellar = $(this).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: "POST",
Datepicker how to change text colour
Can anyone help in the Datepicker Widget can you change the code that would make all the days and dates show in black and not red on Sat & Sun if so what is the code please. Rusty
delay keyup using ajax call
hi i need some help with delaying keyup on an ajax call. i have 4 input boxes within the html which generates a price - it's all working as it should be i cannot enter 10 for example as ajax is triggered to update the price as soon as i enter 1. this is my code. $("#ajaxform").bind('rightnow change keyup', function(e) { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "<?php echo ROOT; ?>ajax.php", data: $('#ajaxform').serialize(), success: function(html) { $("#ajaxresults").html(html).show();
Fixed nav-bar dissapearing after scroll up
Hi!I am having a problem which I don't know how to fix anymore.I have a nav-bar which i would like to make it fixed on scroll.I have the following code: <div class="nav-placeholder"></div> <nav class="nav-bar" role="navigation" > <div class="wrapper"> <div class="medium-down--hide"> {% comment %} List out your main-menu linklist (default) More info on linklists: - http://docs.shopify.com/themes/liquid-variables/linklists
Uncaught TypeError: $(..id is not a function - Cannot change the ID of an element
I am trying to change the id of a div at runtime, but getting the error. Its a aspnet core program, so the @1 value is a dynamic value that translates to an integer value e.g. 1 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).parent(...).closest(...).id is not a function My code is $("#hi").attr('id', @i); in my added scripts I have <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha384-xBuQakNTNrHIW2I5f" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.validation/1.16.0/jquery.validate.min.js"></script>
Stop YouTube video playing when overlay is closed
I have a simple overlay which works fine but I've just added a YouTube embed to it and when you close the overlay, the video continues to play in the background. I'm hoping someone has an idea to stop this happen! The video pausing would be ideal but jumping back to the start is ok if that's too complicated. The (inherited) code looks like this: $('#size-guide a').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); $('.sizeguide-popup-container').addClass('reveal'); $('html,body').addClass('noscroll');
Problem with while loop
Hello friends, im a noob with a problem mabe a hero can help. i have tried something and now i found a problem which i cant solve. in the code are a var number of buttons which should show different divs (which was hide at the beginning) depend on the class. The problem is the first while is working but the second one not. It execute just the last loop. Why? and how can i solve this? This is my code: <script type="application/javascript"> $(document).ready(function (){ var i = 0; while (i < 10){
JQUERY didn't load the file
hi, everybody i'm new in jquery. <div id="show"></div> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?= base_url('assets/'); ?>js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // $(document).ready(function() { // setInterval(function() { // $('#show').load('data.php') // }, 1000); // }); </script> i've been working on my final project and i'm trying to get data from database in real time using jquery but it didn't work. here is the code: i'v tried open the data.php
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined when I export my subscribers list
Hi there, I have upgraded jQuery from 1.12 to version 3.3.1 and I`m getting the following error when I export my subscribers list. Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined at ?page=export&tk=80aa620528864c2037ffc50ba119b2c2:516 The line where redirects the error is the following: echo '<script type="text/javascript">$("#exportdates").hide();</script>'; Could you please help me on that? Any light wold be very appreciated. Thanks!
jquery autocomplete make If focus on last item, down again, focus not move to first item
I need help how to autocomplete if the focus on last of the list item and me arrow keyboard down, and autocomplete have to not back to the first list item of autocomplete this my autocomplete on last item and i down again list focus back to first item i need help how to make this focus stop on top and bottom
a problem in jquery for select list
here's my html: ---------------------------------------------------------------- <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>M3</title> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function listChange(selectObj) { var type = "1"; $("select[name = 'f04']").parent().parent().find("select[name='f05']
how to add select2 , datepicker, timepicker in interactive pages
I have made an index page interactive using php & ajax but select2, datepicker, & timepicker only works on index page but not the content included on that page. Suppose i have 3 page. 1. Index Page - home page to be shown with modal in it and select2, datepicker & timepicker in working only in this page written model. 2. index Content- to be interactive (using ajax) whenever data is added or deleted. 3. modals - modals is being included in index content page but select2,
Select elements inside of a form
I'm trying to select a div inside of a form. Quickly I can select the form using this first console line, left out wrapping elements for simplicity: console.log($(mythis).find('input.img1').next('form')); <input class="img1"> <form method="POST" id="custom_12_img1"> <div class="drop-field"> <img class="preview" src="#" alt="Preview Image"> </div> </form> ... other forms And when I try to select inside of the form, it says 0: $(mythis).find('.ffproedit').find('input.img1').next('form').find('drop-field'));
organigramme drag and drop jquery
hello I am looking for a plugin simlair to that jsfiddle thx
Run each function multiple times (until condition is meet)
I'm trying to do this: while (getStakeAmount() <= maxAmount){ $('#tabs-' + active + ' .connectedSortable').each(function () { // For each UL $(this).children().each(function () { // For each LI // Do stuff });//End li });//End UL } I'm trying to repeat the each function for all the UL's, as long as condition is not meet, but nothing happens and the browser gets locked. What can be wrong? On the other hand this works, but is only repeated once for each UL. That
Problem Populating Drop-Down on Hover Event
Hi, I am *very* new to JavaScript and jQuery and programming in general. I have a drop-down that gets populated, on a hover event, from a list of jpg files in a directory on the server and adds them to the drop-down list. This works well but the page has to be refreshed when files are deleted or added to the directory, to view them in the drop-down. Someone has very kindly been helping me to try and make this dynamic, so hovering over the drop-down will update the list. But the script does not appear
code.jquery.com unavailable via IPv6
Hello jQuery users, developers, admins, it is 2019 and IPv6-enabled networks are common these days. Even networks without IPv4 (that is, only on IPv6) are starting to emerge. Still, code.jquery.com is IPv4-only, although the StackPath CDN should be able to enable the site with IPv6. For end-users on IPv6-only networks, code.jquery.com is unavailable, which results in broken user experience. What would it take to enable code.jquery.com (and possibly even other *.jquery.com domains) with IPv6? Will
Returning ajax results in the same order they are called
I have some elements I am looping through to get variables for ajax requests, but when I append the data to the page the results are in the order returned by the server not in the order I've requested them. This is my code: $('.playlist').each(function(videoPlaylistUrl) { var playListArtist = ($(videoPlaylistUrl).find('.rageArtist').html()); var playListTrack = ($(videoPlaylistUrl).find('.rageTrack').text()); var lastFmUrl = ( 'https://www.last.fm/music/' + playListArtist + '/_/'
Copy to Clipboard
HI, I've came across a topic where @jakecigar have responded with an answer (https://jsfiddle.net/jakecigar/dbzm58tn/11/). I'm currently using the code he gave but I can't seem to figure out having it to my liking. Here's the code that I've changed so far. <html> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> </head> <script> $(document).on('click', '.copy', function(e) { var serialized = $(this.form).serializeArray() var text = serialized.map(function(field)
Show dialog
I have href with id . I want to bring up a dialog box by first performing a series of procedures with the received id and creating my <div></div>. <a class="coupon_link" id = ''$my_test" href="#">Click here to get coupon</a> 1. Need to get id and have id perfom procedures. HOW get id ? PDO ... 3. The resulting PDO procedures result is passed to the my div. <div> <?echo "input type= 'number' class='tests_' id ='name_row' name ='name_row' value = '$my_ result'?> </div> 4. Transfer complited div
Load div in AJAX
Guys, I have page index.php where: $result = '999'; <button class ="btn_y" value="<?=$result?>">EDIT</button> I add AJAX query: <script> $(document).ready (function(){ $('.btn_y').click (function (){ var result= $(this).val(); $('#dialog-edit').dialog({ modal: false, open:function () { $.ajax(function(){ url:"edit_php", data:{ 'result' : result}, type:"post", sucess:function(msg){ $('#dialog-edit').html(msg)
jquery - load latest entry from database without page refresh
Hi, I have a shopping site which has orders table in the db. Orders are shown in admin. May I know how we can load any latest order from the database without refreshing the page? Thanks, Prem
if else
Hello, we have a click event, we need a class to be added after clicking and hover events change. Explain why if I click on event click I set the condition if else the verification does not work for me https://jsfiddle.net/wp2tLnfy/1/ , but the code works only https://jsfiddle.net/wp2tLnfy/
Issue Adding Buttons With jQuery DataTables
Hi - I am using this extension https://datatables.net and I think...I have added all the needed js statements and all the code to add buttons. However, when I render my page the buttons are not there. Can someone take a look at this and tell me what I am missing? [code] <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.js" integrity="sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" script src="https://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"</script>
mouse x position over canvas element toggles event
I can't figure out how to get the x coordinates of mouse position over a canvas element to fire en event example $("#div").fadeIn(); a simple example of how I'd like to use this function is if the mouse position is on the left of the canvas it fades a separate div in and then if the mouse is moved to the right side of the canvas element the div fades out. The canvas element is responsive and will resize with the browser I need the event to occur without any click event but rather on mouseOver
Get value inside a string
I can take from within an array a string that refers to a table row that has some columns, and assigned it to a variable. How do I access this variable and get the value of a column cell defined by a class? Example: // Access var $ ws_cell_in and get column value ? $ws_cell_in = $ws_array_row [ $ws_index_in ];
how to do a despedency dropdown with add rows
the data taken from the automatic condition dropdown appears based on the selected activity, such as in the activity selecting the hose then a condition that appears based on activity hose, well the problem is if I want to add the form to fill in the data above. help me: my code: $(document).ready(function() { $('select[name="activity[]"]').on('change', function() { var kode_detail_activity = $(this).val(); if(kode_detail_activity) { $.ajax({ url: '{{ url("penjualan_apar/get_kondisi") }}/'+kode_detail_activity,
Document.Ready seems to contradict my scripts
hi guys I am trying to make my web page friendly, but it appears it seems to be contradicting itself. Here is my code below ( full webpage can be seen here https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgd7tkds5kq73v8/ehi.html?dl=0 ) It seems line 4 and 5 are disallowing lines 26 and 27 As I want to show a loading gif when the users records are being updated, but it fails $(document).ready(function () { $('#Main').show(); $('#Wait').hide(); $('#Add_Submit').on("click",
Problem: Array Dinamic
My goal is to insert data into an html table list according to the number of events on the button, so far so good. The problem is when the event happens for the second time and too many times it duplicates the row getting a total of 3 in the table and if the event happens a third time it prints 3 more times totaling 6? Click to view interaction... $(document).ready(function() { // var $ws_row_zero = 0; // atribui array vazia a uma variavel : $ws_array_row = []; // $(".btn_row_add").click(function()
Is there a way to expand a content inside a div but at the same time the div to move upwards?
Hello everyone, I only have basic html and css knowledge. I am wondering if you can help me with a code? I think it requires jquery and javascript? I saw on this website https://www.autodesk.com/ three black color divs that are expanding but in the same time they are doing a translation movement? What I could get from inspecting the code source is function() { if (parseInt($($(this).find(".wp-expanded-content")).css("height")) > 1) {closeCollection(this); } else { expandCollection(this); }} And there
using Jquery to download a forum page
I notice that when I access a forum full of posts from several years, the forum page downloads in an intelligent way. I can view the most recent posts, but if I keep hitting the PAGE-DOWN key, then the browser sends a message to the server to download more. This is probably done somehow with Ajax. It appears seamless to the user, there is just a small delay and a group of older posts are added to the bottom of the existing page visible in the browser. The main clue that something is happening
Option to prevent encoding by $.ajax and $.param?
This is essentially a proposal for an enhancement to the two named functions: I ran into an issue today when sending parameters with the ajax function. If the data option is set, $.param is used to encode and format the keys and values into a query string. But some of the values in my data were already encoded and hence got double encoded. It was not easy to determine which params had been pre-encoded and which hadn't. And there's no way to tell $.ajax not to encode the data because it's already
Simple form validation error - Returns error . $(...).valid is not a function
hi guys I am trying to get a simple form validation and added my jquery scripts to my asp.net core razor pages. But getting an error what is wrong here <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Personals - Xaxx</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/lib/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" /> <link href="/lib/xxxx/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"
Can not call methods
I have a select box with a choice of object. When you select an object, a table appears with a certain set of data. Below the table is the add button, which opens the dialog box. When you first select from the select box, everything is OK, the dialog box opens normally. buttons disappear, title, given window size. I use jquery-ui. I attach the code: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $("#testdlg").dialog({ modal: true, autoOpen: false,
DateTime in a format that I can upload to MS Sql Server
function getSQLDate() { var dt = new Date(); var dtstring = dt.getFullYear() + '-' + pad(dt.getMonth() + 1, 2) + '-' + pad(dt.getDate(), 2); return dtstring; } The above function provides me Date in a format that I can upload to MS Sql Server. But this succeeds only for the date part. If I extend the function (as below) to include "time", the data is not saved. function getSQLDate() { var dt = new Date(); var dtstring = dt.getFullYear()
jquery mobile custom select lose focus on select option
when I click on a long list custom select a new window with possible options is displayed, at this point I have two possible actions: close the window in which case it works fine returning to the previous window without losing focus but when I select a option this returns to the previous window losing focus. In previous versions 1.0.1 works fine. but in 1.4.5 it does not. On the official website of jquery mobile are the examples: 1.4.5 do not Working https://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.5/selectmenu-custom/
Cannot get input val() when inside element with css display:none
I am submitting a form with ajax and have a one input field inside div with css display:none for catching spambots but for some reason I can't get the value of the input inside an container with display:none ??? $("#submit_btn").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); //get input field values var dummy_field = $('input[name=dummy]').val(); var user_name = $('input[name=name]').val(); var user_email = $('input[name=email]').val(); var user_phone = $('input[name=phone]').val();
Changing hidden field based on select box selection
We have the following: Select field called "favePet" Hidden field called "petRefCode" Because we have no control over the server, we have to do this on the front end. We need to send a certain "petRefCode" based on the favorite pet selection: favePet is Dog, then petRefCode is 'domestic01' favePet is Cat, then petRefCode is 'domestic01' favePet is Hamster, then petRefCode is 'domestic02' favePet is Parrot, then petRefCode is 'domestic02' favePet is Spider, then petRefCode is 'domestic03' favePet
Multiple datepickers on page but require only one to have a vlaue
I have three datepickers on a form which work fine. But I want only one of them to require a date to be selected. When the non-required ones are left blank and the form is submitted they return a default date of 30-11-0001. Is it possible to return a null date (blank)?
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