1.3.2 unit test related question

1.3.2 unit test related question

Hi all,
We've got envjs passing about 1350 tests with jquery 1.3.2 and in many cases the tests that are failing make sense because,  for example we haven't implemented external stylesheet support, or an ajax get to a local php file doesnt make sense.  So really there are just a handful of meaningful error left.
Below are a couple comment/questions:
1. I can't figure out this test...
test("add(String|Element|Array|undefined)", function() {
    ok( jQuery([]).add( document.getElementById('form') ).length >= 13, "Add a form (adds the elements)" );<br clear="all">
I'm not able to grep why a form element is treated specially with add, or where in the source the single element returned from document.getElementById becomes more than a dozen.  Its probably something im overlooking but I don't see mention of it in the docs, so it's probably a dom property specific to forms thats checked for?
(2 & 3 are comments)
2. I've noticed that the qunit function equals(a,b,c) is not used very consistently to communicate which of a or b is the 'expected' value and which is the 'actual' value.  this starts to hurt my brain eventually as I try to track down issues.  I know it's not a big deal.
3.We are still working on integrating an html compliant parser and/or providing a html to xml tidy filter, in the mean time the only error we get from the jquery unit tests in that realm is from qunit itself when it does the following:
$('<input type="checkbox" id="filter-missing">')
though just a few lines above it does close the input tag with
$('<input type="checkbox" id="filter-pass" />')
so i was thinking this might have been a minor over sight.
Christopher Thatcher