1.3.x no longer passes URL Parameters

1.3.x no longer passes URL Parameters

I'm not sure what has changed, but in version 1.1.x you could pass a simple link such as #divname?id=foo and retrieve the parameter value of id.

In 1.3.x it seems the jQuery is stripping anything other than the page bookmark, so I had to revert back to 1.1.x rather than rewriting a bunch of code.

What happened??  Is this going to be fixed?  The following function is an example of what's going on.  the data-url string no longer contains any parameters.

$.extend({getUrlVars:function(){var a=[],b;var c=$(".ui-page-active").attr("data-url").slice($(".ui-page-active").attr("data-url").indexOf("?")+1).split("&");for(var d=0;d<c.length;d++){b=c[d].split("=");a.push(b[0]);a[b[0]]=b[1]}return a},getUrlVar:function(a){return $.getUrlVars()[a]}})

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    • scott