1.4 Custom transitions not working

1.4 Custom transitions not working

Hey there, 

Up until 1.4 I've been defining custom transitions as explained in this stack overflow post: 

I upgraded to 1.4 recently and now my projects transitions have gone tits up. Being an intermediately skilled programmer at best, considering the answer I got on stack overflow this is what I've gotten so far in trying to rebuild my custom transitions: 

  1.       $.mobile.myTransition = function() {
  2.         this.init.apply(this, arguments);
  3.       };

  4.       $.extend($.mobile.myTransition.prototype, $.mobile.Transition.prototype, {
  5.         sequential: true,

  6.         beforeDoneOut: function() {
  7.           console.log('My transition is finally happening')
  8.           if ( this.$from ) {
  9.             this.cleanFrom();
  10.           }
  11.         },

  12.         beforeStartOut: function( screenHeight, reverseClass, none ) {
  13.           this.$from.animationComplete($.proxy(function() {
  14.             this.doneOut( screenHeight, reverseClass, none );
  15.           }, this ));
  16.         }
  17.       });

  18.       $.mobile.transitionHandlers["myTransition"] = $.mobile.myTransition;

  19.       console.log($.mobile.transitionHandlers)

Unfortunately it's not working. How would I go about building custom transitions for the new version of JQM? Any help would be really, really appreciated!!