#4488 :focusable and :tabbable are broken with jQuery 1.3.2

#4488 :focusable and :tabbable are broken with jQuery 1.3.2

I've investigated that a bit: http://dev.jqueryui.com/ticket/4488#comment:1
I've looked at the code. The interesting part seems to be this check:
// the element and all of its ancestors must be visible
// the browser may report that the area is hidden
&& !$(element)['area' == nodeName ? 'parents' : 'closest'](':hidden').length;
Seems like we could just check the visibility of the element itself
instead of checking ancestors. So this should do the trick:
&& $(element).is(":visible");
Fixes 7 of 17 failing tests, thats something...
Area with href breaks, as few as some other tests that I can't intepret.