A few questions (DOM rerendering, form transitions)

A few questions (DOM rerendering, form transitions)

This is a simple question... and perhaps I'm missing it but I can't seem to find it since there seems to be limited resources on jqueryMobile...

If I have a page that contains a form and I manipulate that form and its elements using jQuery in a document.ready function, how do I tell jQueryMobile to re-render the form? Basically I have some dynamic code that is provided by the server and I'd like to experiment by allowing a "mobile theme"... I figured if I could use jQuery to change the DOM and re-render it could mobilze it... Specifically, I'm looking to change my DOM to something similar to this and have jQueryMobile render it to its UI: 
  1. <div data-role="fieldcontain">
    <fieldset data-role="controlgroup">
    <legend>Choose a pet:</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-choice-1" id="radio-choice-1" value="choice-1" checked="checked" />
    <label for="radio-choice-1">Cat</label>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-choice-1" id="radio-choice-2" value="choice-2" />
    <label for="radio-choice-2">Dog</label>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-choice-1" id="radio-choice-3" value="choice-3" />
    <label for="radio-choice-3">Hampster</label>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-choice-1" id="radio-choice-4" value="choice-4" />
    <label for="radio-choice-4">Lizard</label>
Is there a specific jqm function to call to re-render the fieldcontain div?

My other question is... can I use page transitions/animations for form submits?

Third question.. is there an API or other area that documents what is available BESIDES the tutorial/example page?

Thanks for your help.