a possible bug in version 1.4.3 of listview?

a possible bug in version 1.4.3 of listview?

Just want to mention a strange thing that happened to me.

i have multiple listviews in my app and one of them seems to have some problem.

in my js code, after getting data from ajax, i add li items to the ul
and in the end, i add a li which contains a button and on click the data will be refreshed through ajax.

then i did

this is the same piece of javascript i use for all my listviews and all my listviews call this piece of javascript function.

and it works for all except one. on that one, after $(ulEl).enhanceWithin(); things still look fine,
but after $(ulEl).listview("refresh"); some classes such as ui-screen-hidden, li-static etc. gt added
to the the last li which contains the button. so the button will not display.

the strange thing is that same piece of code works on all other listviews.

now this is when i use jqm 1.4.3. which i recently started to use.
but if i revert to version 1.4.2, everything works fine.
so if anyone has encountered such a problem, please let me know. if nothing else, just might make
me feel better.

if not, could this be a bug in version 1.4.3? perhaps some of the developers can look into it.

thanks all.