a simple input textbox filtering plugin

a simple input textbox filtering plugin

Hi everyone.
i've developed a simple textbox filter plugin. because creatin accounts is forbidden i'm unable to add it to plugins section. so i'm addin it here the forum section.
  1. /*
    * TextFilter - jQuery plugin for key filtering input boxes
    * it's either works with regular expression or character list
    * you pass filter expression as parameter or add an attribute named "textfilter" in your input type=text
    * for prohibiting matched characters start with minus(-) or allowing matched ones start with plus(+)
    * Example 1: jQuery("input[type=text]").textfilter('-[A-Za-z]') -- which prohibits letters
    * Example 2: jQuery("input[type=text]").textfilter('+0123456789') -- which allows only numeric characters
    * Example 3: <input type="text" id="textToBeFiltered" textfilter="+[0-9]">
    *            jQuery("#textToBeFiltered").textfilter();
    * PS : if you want to put double quote in input attribute user two single quote like this  textfilter="-''!'^+%&/()=?"
    * $Version: 2010.11.26
    * Copyright (c) 2010 Osman KOÇ
    * osman.nuri.koc@gmail.com